
Darkness began with her

The seven guardians of Ethen, wield the seven supernatural power, light, fire, storm, rain, wind, fertility, and darkness. They were to protect and guard the seven cities against dark magic and every other danger. But then was faced with a great danger when"Leia" the Guardian of darkness associated herself with dark magic and birth an immortal whose power was greater than the guardian. She would either destroy or build, the choice was in her hand.

Casey_Bae · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

The man suddenly froze at the spot as if every fiber in his body had been electrocuted, Ares then stare in awe as blood drip down from every hole on his face. What the hell was happening to him!? And suddenly Ares watched him slumped to the dirt floor, still in shock she heard the thunderous voice at the door screaming at her.

"Get dress, quick!! the boy at the door screamed at her as she scrambled up and braced herself to fight him off, she was ready to fight anyone just to be free..

But instead of throwing a fist too, he got in and shut the door behind him then rushed past her towards the hemp of cloths behind her.

"We need to leave and fast before anyone finds out about this" he paused hen looks toward the pale man on the floor before tossing a cloth to her.

"Get dressed! Fast! Ares grabbed the cloth and watched him away to the window to give her a little privacy but there was no need, there was nothing left again to hide.

But without a word she scrambled her petite body through the dress which looks nothing more than a thorn rag but that would do for now instead of being stake naked. Ares watched the boy as he kept searching for an unexpected figure outside the window, who was he and why was he here...with her.

"I'm done" she said with a cracked voice which was barely more than a whisper to get his attention. She watched him turn then grab her hurriedly and made for the door, she had wanted to resist...to fight him off! But if he was rapist or worst he wouldn't be here in this manner...did he heard her cry for help? Was he really helping her out of this boat.

But the boat was already moving, there were no way to run to! Had she made the biggest mistake of her life maybe she should have listen to Jesse! She shouldn't allow such thought in her head because it would destroy her progress so far despite that thing haven't gone the way she had planned.

Minutes ago, she had been fighting for her life...what if Greece had gotten his way? But she had bargain for this, she had been aware on how risky this was. She had known all these but the thought of freedom hadn't stopped her and it wouldn't stop her now!