
Darkest desire_devil reincarnation(r18)

[Warning: sexual content,dual cultivation(R-18) and MC prefers milfs] [Warning: cold MC who has the back of devil himself hence he don't give a second thought before things he like] [ Further warning : this story has frequently repeated incest relationship. avoid reading if it harms your thoughts.} [note - the story has quest and reward system.] __________________________ Sam suicide after the constant betrayal from his loved one. had an encounter with the yama and the devil (fallen god). sam made an agreement with the devil himself - born again but with a twist of having 2 souls (sam and devil both) sam reborn in the world of gods. join the journey as sam and devil clears there obstacle and and become the true god.

Rthe_alphabet · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter 2: Soul particles

Chapter 2: Soul Particles

Yama and the devil were standing there where just Sam had died, the devil was seeing Sam continuously as if he was thinking something.

Yama, the enigmatic guardian of souls, pondered the recent events.

A conversation with the Devil had piqued his interest in the fate of one particular soul—Sam's.

Intrigued by the Devil's insistence that there was potential for Sam's demise, Yama decided to delve deeper into the matter. he knew about the matters of the devil, so he decided to go deep into the devil's matters. And decided to have a conversation with the same.

With a solemn nod, he initiated the process of recalling Sam's spirit, setting into motion a chain of events that would forever alter the course of both their destinies.

As Yama manipulated the cosmic energies with practised precision, the particles of Sam's spirit flickered and danced in the void, gradually coalescing into a recognizable form—a soul.

Sam's consciousness stirred within this ethereal construct, a flicker of awareness amidst the infinite expanse of the afterlife. Confusion clouded his thoughts as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, the remnants of his mortal existence fading like a distant dream.

"Where... where am I?" Sam's voice echoed through the emptiness, the sound of his own words foreign and hollow to his ears. Turning to face Yama, the guardian of souls, he sought answers amidst the uncertainty that engulfed him. "Can I... can I be reborn?" "Is this the process of being reborn?" he ventured, his voice trembling with a mixture of hope and trepidation.

Yama regarded Sam with a solemn gaze, his features veiled in shadow as he began to elucidate the truth of Sam's current state. "You have died," he intoned gravely, his words carrying the weight of millennia of wisdom. "What you see before you are your soul particles, the remnants of your mortal existence bound together by the essence of your being."

Sam's heart quickened with anticipation as he dared to entertain the possibility of a second chance at life. Memories of his troubled past troubles flooded his mind—the wounds of rejection from his childhood, the pain of lost love, and the bitterness of betrayal. Each memory cut deep, leaving behind scars that pulsed with aching familiarity.

"So... I can be reborn?" Sam inquired, his voice tinged with a fragile hope that threatened to shatter at any moment.

Yet, even as he dared to dream of a future beyond the confines of the afterlife, a shadow of doubt lingered in the recesses of his mind, whispering tales of eternal oblivion and lost souls.

Yama's response cast a pall of despair over Sam's hopes, his words a sobering reminder of the harsh realities of existence beyond the mortal realm. "No mortal is ever reborn," he declared his tone as sombre as the depths of the abyss. "The souls of the departed are merely sustenance for the hounds of hell, their essence consumed to fuel the eternal hunt."

Sam's expression fell as the weight of Yama's words settled upon him like a shroud of despair. "So... no one ever gets another chance?" he murmured, his voice barely a whisper amidst the vast expanse of the afterlife.

The realization that his hopes of redemption were but a fleeting illusion sent a chill coursing through his ethereal form, a cold reminder of the finality of death.

With a heavy heart, Yama confirmed Sam's worst fears, his words a stark testament to the immutable laws of existence. "Without external intervention, souls remain scattered and dormant, unable to be reborn or find solace in the afterlife," he explained, his voice tinged with a sorrow born of aeons of witnessing the passage of countless souls into the void.

Yet, amidst the bleakness of his situation, Sam found himself unable to relinquish the flicker of hope that burned within him. "But... why am I here?" he pressed, his voice filled with a desperate longing for understanding amidst the vast expanse of the afterlife. And though the answers remained elusive, obscured by the mysteries of existence, Sam vowed to persevere, determined to unravel the enigma of his newfound existence.

Yama regarded Sam with a sombre intensity, his gaze piercing through the ethereal haze that surrounded them. "You have questions, Sam," he observed, his voice a low rumble that echoed through the vast expanse of the afterlife. "Questions that demand answers, questions that delve into the very essence of existence."

Sam nodded, his brow furrowed with uncertainty. "I don't understand," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration and confusion. "Why am I here? What is the purpose of all this?"

Yama's expression softened with understanding as he moved to stand before Sam, his presence towering yet strangely comforting. "The nature of existence is a mystery, Sam," he began, his tone grave yet reassuring. "It is a tapestry woven from the threads of life and death, light and darkness, creation and destruction."

Sam listened intently, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions and thoughts. "But what about rebirth?" he interjected, his voice laced with desperation. "Is there no hope for a second chance, a new beginning?"

Yama told Sam "The world you are born in can't channel enough necessary energy to create a body and collect soul fragments to reborn. Hence almost no soul can ever be reborn again on earth. But there is always an exception. With external influence, the dead soul can be reborn. Like now we have gathered your soul."

Yama's eyes held a profound sadness as he shook his head slowly. "The cycle of rebirth is a rare occurrence, Sam," he explained, his voice heavy with regret. "For most souls, the journey ends here, in the quiet embrace of oblivion."

A shiver ran down Sam's spine at the thought of eternal nothingness, of drifting endlessly through the void without purpose or meaning. "But what about redemption?" he pressed, his voice trembling with urgency. "What about those who seek to atone for their sins, to make amends for their mistakes?"

Yama's features softened with empathy as he placed a hand on Sam's shoulder, a gesture of comfort amidst the uncertainty that surrounded them. " What Redemption sam, redemption is there when there is a need for it. People need redemption to be reborn again in this world or another world but it is not possible for the people of Earth."

Yama further said " Redemption is like a tool where you fill the necessary energy to be reborn again. Doing good deeds, helping people, etc fill the tool of redemption, Sam. Redemption was needed to gather enough energy to travel to a higher world to be reborn in a better environment. But here it is not possible."

Sam said "If there is no redemption and reborn then how will people be rewarded for good deeds? How will the person who has committed all kinds of crimes be punished? Isn't there is a saying do a good deed and reborn in heaven."

Yama said "There is no heaven and hell Sam. There are just different worlds and the soul can travel to other worlds. But this things not apply to planets which are almost dead."

Sam said, "So people of earth can't be reborn."

Yama said "Yes and no both. Normal people can't be reborn sam but your world has some history and some ancient existence that can't be ignored. But let us not dwell on that."

Sam's heart swelled with a flicker of hope at Yama's words, a glimmer of light amidst the darkness that threatened to consume him. "But you have now collected my soul and summoned me So there is hope that I can be reborn right," he breathed, his voice filled with wonder and awe.

Yama nodded, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon where the boundaries of existence blurred and melded into one. "There is always hope, Sam," he affirmed, his voice carrying the weight of countless aeons of wisdom. "Even in the darkest of times, even in the face of insurmountable odds, there is always hope."

And with those words ringing in his ears, Sam felt a newfound sense of purpose stirring within him.

a determination to confront whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and resolve. For in the boundless expanse of the afterlife, amidst the mysteries and uncertainties that surrounded him, he knew that hope would be his guiding light, his beacon of salvation in the journey that lay ahead.


request to readers - hello readers, if you are reading this story and enjoying it or not please post a review regarding how you feel the story. it will get better and better i promise you that. do comment with suggestion so that i can improve. your comments can help a lot. so dont forget to share how you feel about.


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