
Dark Witch's Curse

In the mysterious and enigmatic world where shadows lurk and secrets abound, two destined souls, Adrian and Amelia, are fated to cross paths, bound by their haunting pasts and concealed darkness. Adrian, the wealthiest and coldest man in all of Asia, rules with an iron fist as the formidable king of the vampires. His heart knows no mercy, and traitors dare not cross his path. Deep within him lies a hatred towards women, a chilling secret etched in the shadows of his past. Amelia, on the other hand, starts as a sweet, caring, and loving girl, yet burdened by her timid nature, she shies away from the public eye. Unbeknownst to the world, time weaves a sinister tapestry around her, transforming her into a bearer of countless dark secrets. Their lives collide unexpectedly, shattering the barriers that separate their worlds. As fate intertwines their paths, they find themselves drawn to one another in a dance of darkness and intrigue. With each revelation, they uncover the haunting mysteries that have shaped their existence. As their encounters grow frequent, an undeniable connection forms between Adrian and Amelia, transcending their differences. Together, they embark on a journey of understanding, a quest to unveil the truths concealed within their souls. Amidst the ever-deepening shadows of their pasts, they must confront the demons that haunt them and find solace in each other's embrace. Will they overcome the weight of their hidden truths and embrace the light within? Or will their darkest secrets drive them apart, forever lost in the abyss of their own souls? Prepare to delve into a tale of passion, mystery, and redemption, where love and darkness entwine, and the resilience of the human spirit shines brightest in the face of the unknown. The saga of Adrian and Amelia will keep you spellbound until the very last page, as their destinies intertwine in ways neither of them could have ever foreseen.

EleanorXondox · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Cure of Aunt Anika and Attack

"SHE IS YOUR MATE" everyone shouted including Zarriah

"You may ask your Queen if she knows that or not," Adrian said, looking straight into the woman's eyes.

"Queen, is it true that the Vampire King Adrian is your mate?" Zarriah asked, sitting beside her.

She fiddled with her fingers and nodded.

"Then why hide it until now" Zarriah asked

"I was scared to hurt him and left in order to keep him protected" The woman said

"Hurt him, damn it do you even understand how badly you needed him and how much you were hurting him and yourself." Zarriah said, almost raising her voice.

"I could not get my cure and hurt him by my curse" The woman said

"Dark Queen, may I have the honor to know your name?" Gabriel asked, moving forward.

"Amelia Damien" She replied

"What, you're Amelia Damien?" Gabriel shouted

"Yes, I am" she replied

"You mean the Amelia Damien Mariano" Roland asked, to which both Amelia and Zarriah nodded, making it confirm that they both are the daughters of the brother of Adrian's mother and Aunt.

"Now you must hurry up and help us save our aunt because she knows where your mother is," Adrian said.

"What do you mean by that your aunt knows where our mother is? Our mother died when our brother was 5 months old" Zarriah said

"I don't think she's dead" A woman came in from the door and said

"Sister Zoya, what do you mean by that?" Amelia asked

"Mom was not dead that night, She disappeared because she used all her powers to save Dad" the woman replied

"That means Amelia has to go and save Adrian's Aunt if we want to find our mother" Zarriah said to which Zoya nodded.

"You all may go, I will come with my mate" Zoya said, making them all shocked.

"Your mate?" Amelia asked

"Yes, I met him in Manhattan, So I'll come to the palace after talking to him" Zoya replied to which both Zarriah and Amelia nodded .

"Okay, enough chatting, cursed poison won't be taken out by itself from your aunt's body so we need to go to the Vampire palace and Adrian you must keep in front if you want us to enter the palace because your guards might not allow us to enter the Vampire Palace" Amelia said and Adrian nodded.

Then she snapped her finger and smirked like something evil was going on in her mind. This evil smirk resembled the Character of the Dark Witch Queen everyone talks about.

And then suddenly everyone screamed in terror as they were instantly lifted up in air by Amelia's Dark powers.

And then appeared a portal that was created by Dark magic and all of them went through it. As so. as they reached out of the portal they were all standing in front of Vampire Palace. Seeing Adrian and others the guards bowed down and he took Amelia to his Aunt's room.

The Vampire Palace echoed with urgency as Amelia, the revered Queen of Dark Souls Valley, stepped into the dimly lit chambers where Adrian's aunt lay writhing in agony. The air crackled with tension as Amelia surveyed the woman's condition, her eyes narrowing with concern.

"Adrian," she commanded in a tone that brooked no argument, "stand back and keep everyone away. I must concentrate."

Adrian nodded, his eyes filled with desperation and hope as he stepped aside, allowing Amelia to approach the bed where his aunt lay, her skin pale and her breathing labored.

Amelia's intense gaze focused on the pulsating veins of the afflicted woman, her powers pulsating beneath her skin. With a flick of her wrist, dark energy crackled around her fingers as she conjured a swirling orb of deep purple light above the wound.

The cursed poison laced within the aunt's veins recoiled against the power Amelia wielded, fighting back with malevolent resistance. Undeterred, Amelia's magic surged, entwining with the venomous curse as she sought to wrest control.

The chamber seemed to hum with an eerie energy as Amelia delved deeper into the woman's ailment. Her hands hovered over the afflicted area, weaving intricate patterns with her fingers, chanting ancient incantations under her breath.

In a burst of arcane brilliance, the cursed poison began to ebb, its malevolent hold weakening under Amelia's commanding presence. Beads of perspiration dotted her forehead as she channeled every ounce of her formidable abilities.

A surge of darkness and light clashed, swirling within the confines of the chamber. Time seemed suspended as Amelia navigated the delicate balance between the curse and her powerful magic, forcing the poison to submit to her will.

Finally, a moment of quiet triumph washed over Amelia's countenance. The swirling darkness dissipated, replaced by a serene glow enveloping the aunt's body.

"The curse is contained, for now," Amelia announced, her voice resonating with authority. "But she needs rest and continuous monitoring. The curse will need to be managed regularly to prevent its resurgence."

Adrian exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, his gratitude evident in his eyes as he witnessed Amelia's mastery over the dark forces that threatened his aunt's life.

Amidst the charged atmosphere, her phone buzzed insistently, disrupting the stillness of the room. Frowning, she retrieved the device and glanced at the caller ID—her younger brother, Ethan.

"Ethan?" Amelia answered, her voice a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Amelia! I need to see you. It's urgent," Ethan's voice crackled through the line, urgency evident in his tone.

"I'm in the middle of something important, Ethan," Amelia replied, her gaze flickering back to the open book of spells. "I promise, I'll be home soon."

A moment of silence followed, then Ethan relented. "Okay, but come home quickly. It's about... well, I'll explain when you're here."

"I will," Amelia assured him before ending the call, a hint of worry clouding her thoughts. As she turned, ready to refocus on the task at hand, a strange sensation prickled at the back of her neck. She sensed a shift in the air, an unsettling change.

Confusion knitted her brow as she scanned the room. To her bewilderment, the once-bustling chamber now stood eerily silent and empty. The open grimoires and flickering candles were the only remnants of the occult studies that had occupied the space moments ago.

"Where did everyone go?" Amelia muttered to herself, a shiver running down her spine.

Suddenly, a man materialized before her, his form emerging from the shadows like a specter made flesh. His presence exuded an uncanny familiarity, yet his ominous aura sent a chill through Amelia's veins.

"Did you forget me, little Amelia?" the man's voice echoed with a haunting resonance, sending a wave of apprehension coursing through her.

Amelia's eyes widened in shock and recognition. The figure before her wasn't a stranger—it was someone from her past, someone she had hoped never to encounter again. Her breath caught in her throat as she struggled to find her voice, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and disbelief.

"Who are you?" Amelia managed to utter, her voice tinged with a tremor of uncertainty, though deep down, she knew the answer.

"How can you forget me so easily Amelia, you've pushed me off from that high cliff on Vampire kingdom's borders in order to save your brother" the mysterious man replied

"Alexander, how the hell are you still alive and not even a single scratch to show you were hurt" Amelia said being curious.

"You thought I was dead and ran away like a little baby, but Little Amelia I killed your parents and you think I'll be dead just by falling off a cliff. That's really funny but it was really difficult to find you after you inherited the powers of Vampire Queen, now you must give me the precious Blue gem, or else I will not spare anyone this time " Alexander said smirking

"Such foolish behavior to think that I will be scared of your little warnings. But let me tell you I am not that little Amelia who was afraid of your threats, I have grown up, inherited the powers of Vampire Queen, ad controlled the cursed poison, I am not a little girl you can scare off, but I am the Dark Witch Queen of Dark Souls Valley everyone is scared of so you must be careful before you warn me to kill my family" Amelia said and the a Sword appeared in her hands.

Amelia's eyes blazed with determination as she faced Alexander, her grip tightening around the hilt of the sword. With a swift, fluid motion, she lunged forward, the blade slicing through the air as she aimed for her adversary.

Alexander, caught off guard by Amelia's sudden show of strength, barely had time to react. He attempted to conjure his own dark magic, but Amelia's powers surged forth, intertwining with her sword as a shield formed around her, deflecting his attack effortlessly.

Their battle intensified, each strike resonating with the clash of their powers. The room reverberated with their energy, the air crackling with a palpable tension. Amelia, channeling her immense dark powers, matched Alexander's every move, her determination unyielding.

As the duel raged on, it became apparent that Amelia held the upper hand. With each blow, her strength grew, fueling her resolve to protect her family and the precious blue gem.

Finally, Amelia found an opening and launched a powerful final strike. The force of her attack sent Alexander sprawling to the ground, his figure dissipating into a cloud of dark smoke. A mocking laughter echoed through the room as his voice lingered in the air.

"Remember, Amelia, I will return for what is rightfully mine," Alexander's voice taunted before fading into nothingness.

Amelia stood in the midst of the dissipating darkness, her chest heaving with exhaustion and triumph. She had emerged victorious, but she knew that Alexander's threat lingered in the shadows, a reminder of the dangers that awaited her.

As the room returned to its former tranquility, Adrian and the others rushed in, concern etched on their faces. They had witnessed the intensity of the battle and were relieved to find Amelia standing unscathed.

"Are you alright, Amelia?" Adrian asked, his voice laced with worry.

Amelia nodded, a hint of weariness in her eyes. "I am fine, Adrian, but we need to remain vigilant. Alexander may have been defeated for now, but he will return, especially with his desire for the blue gem."

Silence fell over the room as the gravity of the situation settled upon them. Amelia knew that her role as the Dark Witch Queen meant protecting the blue gem from falling into the wrong hands, even if it meant sacrificing everything.

"We'll be prepared," Gabriel spoke, his voice filled with determination. "Alexander will not succeed in his quest to obtain the gem. We will stand united and defend it."

Amelia smiled faintly, a sense of gratitude warming her heart. She had found a family, a home, and the strength to confront the darkest threats. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they left the chamber, Amelia couldn't help but cast a wary glance over her shoulder, her mind already racing with plans to bolster their defenses and protect the blue gem. The battles may be far from over, but Amelia Damien, the Dark Witch Queen, was ready to face the darkness head-on.