

Kvng_Wayne · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Getting stronger

In an office high up in a 25 storey building, two men sat across each other. These men could be considered as the city of ZOA's elites. Sitting across the table on one end was Mr Rogers the CEO of Wayne inc, the popular gaming company responsible for the hit game "The heat", and across him was the former mayor of the city, the man who he beat in the just concluded election, Mr Josh.

"So.. Mr ..eh...Josh to what do I owe the pleasant surprise". Mr Rogers questioned with a smile on his face.

Clearing up his throat Mr Josh began " I came here personally to congratulate you on your win, the city deserves the best and I think you're are the best"

"Haha...thank you, and I'm glad we At least still have gentlemen in our society today who are willing to take a loss and move on with it" Mr Rogers replied with a slight chuckle at the end of it all. Soon after an awkward silence ensued, as it seems both men were looking at each others soul content trying to read what the other was thinking.

"So Mr Josh, I believe you didn't come all the way down here to congratulate me, considering your busy schedule" Mr Rogers finally broke the awkward silence ending his statement with a smile.

"You are right my fine friend, I'm here to talk business with you". Mr Josh replied. This reply was unexpected as Mr Rogers never expected something like this from Mr josh which caused him to sit back a little bit and rub his hand on his chin as if to say he was in the middle of a thought .

"Business you say?...what kind of business? Last time I checked you weren't into the video games business" Mr Rogers finished. And to this statement Mr Josh laughed slightly.

"Well I'm not exactly here for what your company is well known for, I'm here for something entirely different".. He paused then continued." You see, the city has been experiencing rather strange disappearances and I believe you being the city's mayor would be saddled with the responsibility of finding the missing kids correct? " Mr Josh asked..

"That is true".. Mr Rogers replied.

"Good, now as you may have heard, there's been rumours going on about the hack in your video game and.." Mr josh was about to continue before being interrupted by Mr Rogers.

"You see...there are some things that are beyond our control, accidents like this do happen but believe me when I say I have my team of professionals working on that said issue, now where you come in is what I'm curious to know" Mr Rogers stopped to allow Mr Josh continue.

"I will tell you, but there's another rumor I would like to find out if its true that you have the best wines in the city"... And almost immediately both men began to laugh.

" and the most expensive too" Mr Rogers laughed as he knew what Mr Josh was implying.

"Say ..why not come with me for a drink and then you can see if that rumor of yours is true" Mr Rogers said with a chuckle.

"Well if you insist." Mr Josh replied standing up from his own seat and following Mr Rogers closely behind. The two men walked up to another door in Mr Rogers grand office and the Mr rogers pulled out a key and opened the door.

Entering another room, it lit up blue as they both walked into what could only be described as wine heaven. There were rows and rows of exotic wines sitting on shelves. Mr Rogers turned around to look at Mr Josh before saying

"Intriguing right?, I have one of these at home too" he added with a smug look on his face.

"Yes very intriguing, but you see I'm not here to drink with you!!" Mr Josh shouted before grabbing Mr rogers by the neck.

"What ...are ....you.... doing Mr ...Josh?Mr Rogers managed to question while gasping for air as he was currently held up with his both feet off the ground by Mr Josh.

"Where is the mana crystal!!!...where is it!!"..

"I don't know....I don't know ...what ..you ...are talking about" Mr Rogers managed to reply

Mr Josh sighed .." In that case I have no use for you". And on hearing this statement Mr Rogers eyes widened as it looked like he was pleading for his life.

Mr Josh's eyes lit up white as his hands began to release sparks of electricity, he then formed what looked like a condensed bolt of electricity covering his other free hand making it like a long blade of electricity then proceeded to stab Mr Josh right in the heart. And almost instantly he was dead.

Then suddenly it looked like Mr Josh's body was melting and rearranging itself and after some seconds he had turned into a different person with an all white outfit.

"I will have my revenge...soon" the stranger said and instantly he began to spark then turned into a lightning bolt and disappeared. Leaving the ground where he stood scorched. And as for Mr Rogers body, it was completely fried from the onslaught of the stranger.


Deep in the forest, a group of 9 were seen running.

"I think we've gotten far enough".Blair said huffing and panting.

"How did you do that back there..the passing through the wall thing?".. Corey asked looking at Rodney.

"Does it really matter? What's good is that we escaped that maniac!!" ..Jack responded with heavy breathes.

"So where to from here" Eiko asked looking at Rodney.

" I'm just as confused, don't worry we'll figure things out" Rodney replied drifting into his own thought "The game is getting more dangerous... I don't know you preacher ..but thank you". What Rodney was referring to was the Enchantment skill that saved them a while ago. Though he didn't see the preacher, he felt like it had to be him.

"I think I can help" a voice from nowhere said and the group looked frightened as their guards were on high alert from the fear of the assassins. They all drew their weapons and activated their abilities.

"Calm down, if I wanted to kill you all, I would have done that before now" the voice said again.

"If you truly mean no harm I doubt you'd be hiding!" Rodney said tightening his grip on the hilt of his intermediate tier sword.

In the middle of all of running through the forest, they had come across some beast and leveled up. Rodney's system had acquired a crystal directly from the beast and the system had forged a weapon from it.

"Whoa... sick blade bro" Blair said, seeing it for the first time as it had just been finished a while ago.

The hilt was mostly black and  had the scales of the beast used to craft it. Two dragon tales colored red running down to to end of it intersecting each other, as the design on it then at the end of the hilt, two bull tusks were seen and had been dyed black.

"Alright ..fine" the voice said and a man  landed from above in the center of all nine of them with his hands in the air and a steel fan in one of them.

It was another player with a long purple hair reaching down to his neck putting on a white robe with gold trims and the number 3 on the back "am Yang....one of leaders of the hunter faction".

" what do you want from us?" Eiko asked not showing fear in the slightest.

"Those assassins are on your trail and I'm...." The man was about to finish but was cut off

"How sure are we that we can trust you?" Erwin asked.

"I can't explain everything now. They're coming so we have to move now" Yang said.

"We can't trust him" Jack said as he stared at Yang.

"I'll have you know that am a faction leader and you'll treat with me with respect" Yang said as he threw his fan heading in the direction of jack but was knocked back by Rodney's blade.

Although the fan was thrown at an incredible speed,it was expected by Rodney and he was able to with his upgraded stats as he reached level 8.

Although he had levelled up, it wasn't what had made him been able to see the attack and knock it back. In fact it was the opposite as it was thrown out with little to no force because Yang never intended to kill him so he held back the speed and strength behind the throw greatly.

"And am Rodney...leader of the legion faction".

"Fine....suit yourself. Am out of here" Yang said as he caught his fan and ran off.

Loud footsteps were heard from behind them. The footsteps seemed to be getting louder as their pursuers got closer.

"I think we need to follow him, we can't fight off all those ninja's.. Well At least not if we want to stay alive" Blair said looking worried as well as everyone.

"I agree" Mia said and they all chased after Yang.
