
Dark Shattered Love

Layla never thought she would get marry to someone so rich and handsome. She was in love with her cousin but her auntie never loved her instead she liked her sister for her son. Layla got married to Brayan Smith the handsome arrogant man who doesn't love her and only marry her out of revenge. Brayan Smith is the most richest person in the city. He never cared about anyone expect himself but his reputation ruined when a girl slapped her in front of public. He promised himself that he will revenge on her. He married her and their life changed forever. He turned her into a prostitute but things took a turn when a strong mob boss showed up in her life and she took his help to get over her broken heart. But what about his heart that is shattered in pieces.

Laila_Dear · Thành thị
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20 Chs




His desperation growing and his fear becoming tangible.

He was falling apart at the ten minute mark and appeared to be crying.....but he held on.

Fifteen minutes in and he began to beg without capitulating, crying out 'Please!' but not saying that word. He was so close to making it, but so close to breaking too.

I began to hope for him. I remember first thinking, 'just hold on...you are almost there'.

But those cruel masters now sensed his breaking point was close.

The blows becoming faster and harder then. The boy who looked about twenty years old screaming and shuddering as the two masters worked in tandem. Each with a bamboo cane. Each working one cheek and then the other.

I remember pausing the clip then. I didn't like what I was seeing anymore and I was getting more and more disturbed at the way it made me feel.

I was filled with a deep and sickening arousal. The crotch of my jeans now tight and almost painful as my very large and thick erection begged to be set free.

But of course, I did press play I and watched the brutal conclusion.

I felt so sick and disgusted with myself after that.

A couple of nights later I watched it again and even decided to wear something fitting for the experience as if I was on some sick and twisted date.

Sitting there in the dark in a tight white t-shirt and briefs.

My legs spread wide. Not masturbating this time but swatting with a wooden ruler.

hurting myself. Inflicting intense pain. Punishing myself for taking pleasure from this sickening thing.

It was not even a week after that I found myself masturbating to that clip again.

Every night after that my sickness growing deeper and more twisted.

That image burning into my brain.

My actions now escalating.

That was when an idea, far more dangerous and disturbing entered my brain, but at the time, my confused mind didn't see the danger. All it saw was a chance at redemption.

I knew I couldn't get this thing out of my head. And so, I came to the conclusion that I was simply sick, and I needed to find the cure.

This twisted fantasy going on inside my head was ruining my life.

And then the thought hit me....

'None of this is real, it's just a sick fantasy. You don't even want any of it. You just need a reality check. You just need someone to......'

I froze then. A wave of inspiration and hope passed through me. I knew what the cure for all this was. It would be painful and traumatic, but maybe it was the only way.

I finished that line of thought, only this time I said it out loud.

"I just need someone to beat it out of me.....twenty minutes worth oughta do it."

I waited, My fear growing by the second. How long would it be before they entered this place and started my ordeal?

The answer to that question came suddenly.

They were already there.

"So you really think you're strong enough. You really think you can win our little game?", a presence boomed at me from the darkness. The shock of suddenly hearing that familiar voice making me shudder.

A single naked light bulb burst into life and suddenly I could see.

Oh god.

That place I had seen in that clip wasn't a basement at all.....it was this place.

I was there. It was all real.

I looked up then and I saw them. Those same two masters, dressed in the same black ski masks and clothes.

One of them walked up to the far wall and switched on a tiny camera and suddenly, to my horror I realized that this wasn't a fantasy anymore.

I was really in this world now, and surely nothing but pain and humiliation awaited me.

In that moment, I was overcome with instant regret.

"Oh Jesus." I breathed, realizing far too late that I had probably just made the biggest mistake of my life.

Fuck....there it was...the 'Wall of Shame'. It was covered in so many more polaroids now.

The 'Wall of Honor' was there too, but it still only held just six.

"Stand up and strip. Take everything off.....all of it....NOW!" One of them snarled.

I stood, and with trembling hands I peeled off my t-shirt and then my shoes and jeans.

I didn't say a word. I think I was too shocked and scared to think of any.

"Underwear too."

I did it, and I was naked now.