
Dark nituria (remaking)

A 30-year-old woman dying of lung cancer decided to finally act on her obsession with mice since she didn't have long to live. and Within a year of collecting over 25 species of mice, and traveling she was told she only had a week left. During her last week, she decided to go back home with her mice and spend as much time as she could Before he did She discovered a strange black mouse of an unknown breed she had never seen before. At first, she thought it was a Nonagouti, but it had a purple tail, and eyes . She didn't have time to research such a rare breed of mice, so she took them in and treated them like she did all her mice well She treated all her mice like her children, and on her last day, as she was dying, all her mice strangely seemed as if they were mourning her. As she laid on the floor dying, they embraced her body along with the strange colored mouse she found Strangely, physically shedding tears on her face before it started to glow a luminous blue color, which began to spread to her and the other mice along with her body. As she was dying, as soon as she closed her eyes, as if she blinked, she found herself opening them again... "Where the hell am I?" I post every Thursday and sunday

Gothicthewitch · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

7: artifacts part 2

Lying peacefully in a huge bed with three huge mice the size of a small donkey was a 5-foot-tall little girl with bronze skin, long black hair, and black ears. This was Adore and she stayed this way until she was awakened by one of her mice.

"sorry to wake you from your peaceful sleep master, but this is the time you asked us to wake you up. If I'm bother you just let me know ." Said Twyla.

"Oh your perfectly fine, I asked you to do this. your just doing as i asked.Thank you so much i would hate to sleep the day away I wouldn't get anything done that way." Said Adore.

"Yes master, I'm just happy to be of any type of assistance." said twyla

Adore then got up and made her way to the kitchen to make herself some food for the day and some extras for her mice. Once she was done, she fixed separate bowls for her mice, sat down, and ate while gushing at the mice as they ate. After finishing her food, she made her way to the lab in the basement so she could get started on making the artifact. She wasn't sure how well she would be at crafting, but all she could do was try her best. If it didn't work out, she would forget about making the artifact and begin studying spells for a month before going out to fight something on her level and becoming a dark mage.

So, she got up, made her way to the stairs, and headed towards the lab so she could begin. Once she was downstairs, she took the things out of the spatial bag and got started. She started with the silver, the hardest part; she had to make the base of the necklace before carving a small chunk of the mana gem to place it on the necklace. So, she got straight to work. She made a mold for what she wanted her necklace to look like. Then she threw her silver in the solid grinder.

Once it was done, she pressed the red button above the compartment and pulled out a cylinder jar filled with silver pellets of metal. She then got out a ceramic crucible and a torch to melt it the metal. Once she was done doing that, she quickly placed the metal in her mold and let it cool for a second before releasing it from the mold, revealing a necklace with a thick clasp that was connected to a beautiful mounting that would hold the mana stone.

Today was going to be an eventful day. She would explore some more caves and mines so that she could find some gold but not before she went back to the one she visited yesterday. Since she didn't fully explore it that day, she wanted to go back to see if there was any gold, as the goblins had said. Afterward, she would move on to a pond to fight the kingfish and collect some pond water.

"Done isn't pretty."

"Yes, Master. It's beautiful," said Twyla.

"Master is so talented," said Alice.

"Yes, the most talented," said Robby.

"OMG! Thank you all so much, you guys are so nice. What would I do without all of you?"

Adore then began embracing the mice with big hugs, rubbing, petting, and smothering them in kisses, which they enjoyed the attention. Once she was done showering them with affection, she moved on to getting her things and going out to get the items she needed for the rest of the artifacts.

She went over the runic patterns and spells for a little bit to make sure she could seamlessly cast spells while in battle this time around. She made sure she was mentally prepared to face a highly intelligent beast, such as the one she faced not too long ago, so she wouldn't be caught off guard, and made her way out of the house.

Today was going to be an eventful day. She would explore some more caves and mines so that she could find some gold but not before she went back to the one she visited yesterday. Since she didn't fully explore it that day, she wanted to go back to see if there was any gold, as the goblins had said. Afterward, she would move on to a pond to fight the kingfish and collect some pond water. 

"Ok y'all, time to get in my soul space everyone." Said Adore

"Ok master!" Said all the mice in unison.


Once Adore had made it out of the houses, she traveled to the cave she had explored the day before with no real problems other than a few low-tier beasts here and there bothering her. She quickly dealt with them without any problems. Once she reached the cave, she traveled to the area she was last at, looked around for a bit, and made her way deeper into the cave. Although she had come across some chests here and there, she didn't find anything useful that she needed in them but threw them in her spatial bag anyway. You never know what you might need later.

"So, do you all think we'll find anything in here?" asked Adore.

"I mean, why not?" replied Alice.

"Anything can happen when you're involved, master," said Robby.

"I think you may find more metals, but I sense a high-grade, one-tier beast making its way towards us. So, we

may want to deal with that first," suggested Twyla.

"Your right i sense it as well why can't things just not try to kill me." said Adore.

Adore got herself ready, but she soon realized it was taking its time, so she assumed it didn't really intend on attacking her anytime soon. For what reason, she didn't know. She knew it definitely had to know she was there, so why it couldn't be bothered was beyond her. She didn't really feel like fighting right now, but unfortunately, she still would have to because two mid-grade 1 tier spiders were blocking her path. So, she quickly dealt with them.

"Water spike"

"Aqua control"

She quickly shot two larger spears, about 2 meters long, at the spiders, dispersing them into splashes of water and drenching them. The spider quickly ran at her while soaked. She just formed runes around her mouth and began to chant one simple word...


Both spider stopped in their tracks while frozen from the inside out. She walked up to them before she sensed the beast that was motionless not too long ago start to make their way towards her.

"Oh i see these where your little lackey's. you most have been expecting them to do the hard work for you. To bad they weren't the smartest. Adore said in a sinster tone.

" Yeah you stupid spiders, you could never beat are master." said Robby in a mocking voice.

"Aw aren't you sweet." said Adore with a flush expression 


The spiders were then reduced to nothing but shards of ice, before two one-meter spears came rushing at her. She swiftly dodged them, just barely missing them. Then, she felt the ground under her shake, and she quickly jumped sideways as 3 huge shards of earth burst out of the ground. Before she could even land, two more spike spears of earth came hurtling at her.

Ice sword


The quickly smashed her sword into the two earth spears, smashing them into the wall to the left of her. She could now see the spider, and it was nasty and big, it also looked tough, but she knew she could penetrate its skin. 

"Below zero"

A Blue orb with an icy hue appeared in front of her and shot at the spider before it summoned an earth wall to block the attack, the beam slammed into the rocky wall casing it to freeze from the inside out.


The former wall of earth was reduced to a pile of snow before Adore channeled mana into her ice sword and horizontally slashed at the spider, sending a light blue crescent-shaped beam hurtling at it. The spider quickly dodged and shot a barrage of spears at Adore. She dodged and slashed at them until the spider stopped shooting spears of earth at her. She felt the ground under her shaking, knowing what was coming, and quickly jumped out of the way before...

"Matser watch out don't land there." Said Twyla.

"Below zero"

Adore raised her hand to the right of her and a ball of blue energy formed in it. She shot a big beam of icy blue energy to project herself at a fast rate to the left of her, to keep her from landing in the spot she was warned not to. As she did, shards of spikes burst from the ground where she was going to land, leaving her just barely able to dodge the attack.

"This spider is highly intelligent. I'm going to have to close the distance between us to get a clean hit on it quickly and end this as soon as possible," thought Adore before channeling mana into her leg and rushing at the spider with astonishing speed. The spider threw countless barrages of earth spears, leaving Adore having to dodge and parry them with her sword, sending every spear she hit crashing into either another spear or the wall

"Aqau control"

Her ice sword slowly grew into a huge sword as she channeled mana into her legs and arms, allowing her to move even faster while being able to sustain the sword in her hand and slash at the spider with greater strength. She quickly closed the distance and was inches away from the spider. Before it could react, she horizontally slashed the spider, slicing it in have, and killing it instantly, she then crashed to the floor.


"That spider was strong," said Adore while pulling out a mana potion to replenish her mana faster.

"Yes, master, but you were even stronger. But please, master, if you feel that you need our help, please summon us," said Alice.

"Yes, master, I was really scared," said Robby.

"Yes, master, I know you're trying to get stronger, but you can't do that if you're dead," said Twyla.

"I understand you all are worried, but I would never fight a fight I can't win. Trust me," said Adore.

"Yes, master," they all said in unison.

"Now let's see if we can find some gold, and turn in for the day. I'm not really not trying to get into another life-threatening battle," said Adore.

Adore then made her way deeper into the cave and found a silver chest. She rushed to it and opened it quickly with vigor and excitement. All the ones she had run into so far were wooden and filled with useless items, but this one had multiple useful artifacts, gold bricks, and coins. One of the artifacts she needed was actually in the chest along with three others. They were all earth type artifacts, but still very usable. It didn't matter what elemental artifact they were; the benefits were the same for everyone, with the obvious exception of a little boost to the element they corresponded with, but not a big ones.


Earth agility bracelet 100+

Earth mana ring 500+

Earth strengthening ring 50+

Eatrh sword (attack ) 100+


She then made her way out of the cave and road one of her mice home before night fall came. She didn't want to be caught outside two late, she wasn't strong enough yet to do that. Once she made it home, she let her mice out the soul space and began making her dinner, she had a long day, and now she was starving.

"Wow, I can definitely use that sword. It will be way stronger than my ice sword, and wow, this mana ring has way more than my necklace. Twyla, can you tell me how much mana this ring has?" asked Adore.

"It has about 500, to be exact," said Twyla.

"Wow, mine only has 200, and I myself have about 400 mana. So, that combined with my mana necklace would be like 1,100 mana. Amazing," said Adore.

"Most definitely. That way, we have enough to have an advantage over any 2-tier beast," said Twyla.

"Wow, that's amazing," said Alice.

"Yeah, our master's so lucky," said Robby.

"I guess we can go home now. There's no reason to go to a pond. Now, we still should go and get some river water tomorrow, though, and fight that emperor fish so I can test out all my new artifacts," said Adore.

"Whatever you say, master," said Robby.

"Yeah, I agree as well, master," said Alice.

She then made her way out of the cave and rode one of her mice home. Before nightfall came, she didn't want to be caught outside too late. She wasn't strong enough yet to do that. Once she made it home, she let her mice out of the soul space and began making her dinner. She had a long day, and now she was starving.

"You all want some dinner, too?" said Adore.

"Of course, master. We'd be fools to turn down your delicious food," said Robby.

"Yeah, and I'm no fool. I'm really smart. I can even count to 100," said Alice.

"Oh yeah? Well, I can count to 1000," said Robby.

"You two, stop fussing. You both are very smart. Now, be kind to each other," said Adore.

"Yes, master," both the mice said in unison.


Once Adore finished the food, she made plates for herself and her mice and began to dig in. This was her favorite moment of the day, watching her little mice cheeks fluff up as they ate. It was so adorable, and it made her feel happy to see them enjoying themselves, playing around, and even bickering with each other. She wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Once everyone was done eating, they made it to their room, and everyone fell fast asleep.