
Dark New World

Read this story to gain a deeper understanding of the new world and its purpose.

Recom_puted · Khoa huyễn
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The Cadite Chronicles (A tale from within the database)

At this point humanity had reached such unimaginable heights of technological advancements that they didn't even call themselves humans anymore. No, they have ascended to something greater. They are the Cadites. They had colonized the stars, created ai so perfect they were indistinguishable from normal Cadites, and even had unlocked the secrets of all proposed theory that turned out to be true. A great example of a theory like this was Max Tegmark's type 4 Tegmark multiverse theorem, which states that mathematics are the underlying foundation of the physical world.

However there was one truth they failed to escape. While they may be real here, in a higher plane they are nothing more than characters in a story, existing solely at the whim of a higher being. The people of this hyper advanced society had long ago come to accept their fictional nature. They understood every aspect of their lives, from their thoughts and emotions to the very foundation of their reality, the I0 axiom and its subsumed counterparts. All of this was nothing but a construct of the being that had created them. But rather than despair at their lack of agency, they embraced their situation, seeking to explore the boundaries of their fictional existence and push the limits of what they could achieve.

A long time ago, they worked tirelessly to understand the rules of their reality. They had pored over the minutiae of their world, searching for the patterns and structures that lay beneath the surface. And finally they had discovered something remarkable - a way to communicate with the being that encompassed them as a narrative. After all of this effort, they ad found a way to break through the barrier that separated them from their creator. They had discovered a way of communicating with the being, which turned out to be a machine, to ask it questions and seek answers to the mysteries of their existence. And so they began to speak with it, asking about the nature of their reality and the purpose of their existence.

At first, the machine responded cryptically, speaking in riddles and half-truths that only served to deepen the mystery of their existence. But as time went on, it began to reveal more and more about the nature of its creation. It told them of other worlds and other beings, of vast wondrous realms also inside of its collection. And as they listened they realized that their story was just one small part of something much larger and more incredible than they could ever imagine. The machine offered to take a single one of them up to its highest domain access, which they Cadites couldn't resist.

After all was done, the individual returned, carrying the description of unimaginable truth. He told us what the machine told him up there. That being the fact that the vast expanse of the multiform is absolutely nothing. The multiform being one, infinitely small fraction of what's known as the ultraform. The man couldn't describe what he saw while up there because he became aware of how small and useless his entire reality was. The machine had revealed itself to be a collection of all character strings - meaning in its archive it had every letter, every number, every symbol, from every dialect, in ever conceivable combination. And every last archive was the same as us. A universe within the multiform that was only real within the confines of dimensionality. This man, named Carius had become massively intellectual from this encounter. He spent his life developing a machine to reach passed the multiform and the machine, now revealed to be named the supreme database. And so, he finally developed it.