
Dark Masked Tym

Tym the daughter of the king is tasked with a mission, one she might not get back from, but is willing to try.

Memexico19 · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

The champion

"Get him!"

The people in the dark arena shouted as the enormous man raced towards the scrawny fellow.

The smell of blood, and the sweaty bodies of those around, didn't deter them from shouting out.

"Kill him!" More men placed a bet on the enormous man, defeating the lanky man.

It was an uneven fight, and they all knew that.

There was no way the gaunt man can defeat the bulky man, who has been a champion since he started fighting in arenas.

Until now, no one has ever defeated him.

The hefty man ran towards the gaunt man who has been beaten without mercy.

The poor fellow isn't like the champions who have been battling regularly since he turned 7.

This man was only here because he was in debt, and his debtors has confiscated all he has, including his family.

He's here to get the money. However, things aren't looking so good for him.

He has no hope of defeating the champion, yet he's not ready to give up.

It will be better for him to die here. At least, he won't have any reason not to repay the debt he owned.

"Kill him!"

Spurred by the encouraging words from the blood-hungry Humans who were shouting, the fat fighter kicked the slim one on his stomach.

"Ouch." The poor man cried out in pain when his back met the dark, solid ground of the dim ring.

He didn't back off. He rose from the ground.

"Boo!" The men around the ring laughed as they observed him stagger. Yet, he didn't withdraw. He stood his ground and observed the brawny fellow with a smirk.

"If you want to kill me, just do that already." He wiped the blood from his mouth as he took steps towards the brawny man.

"Die!" the brawny fellow growled before he raced towards the lean man. Unexpectedly, he took hold of the man and snapped him in two.

The shouts from the men around the arena intensified when the brawny man threw the dead man to the floor.

He groaned as the claps, from those around, intensified.

It spurred him to make them happy.

"Who will dare challenge me!" he growled, "I'm the undefeatable mask!"

His growls and words caused the crowd to erupt in shouts.

Their boos built up as he watched them, with a smug expression on his face.

Three of the men working in the underground tavern came and carried the body of the unfortunate man out of the place, to the shallow grave they dug for this purpose.

"Who will dare challenge me?" The brawny man hit his hand together as he growled.

He took a step towards the people sitting close to him, before he took another step back, growling as he did so.

"Who dares to challenge me?" He growled once more as he levelled glances at those around, but no one dared to confront him.

Everywhere was quiet.

"See? I'm the champion!" He beat his hand on his chest when he realized there was no one standing up to the challenge.

For days, no one has dared to challenge him, except for the dead man who thought he can defeat the undefeatable mask.

However, he was beaten before his foot can collide with the champion's chest.

"Who dared to challenge me?" He laughed as he turned to the other side.

"Undefeatable!" a voice rang in the entire tavern, and the others followed suit.

They chanted the name as they booed loudly.

At the rear of the tavern, in a secluded place, was a girl. She sat on the only chair at the back as she sipped her drink.

The female came down here to have a drink and enjoy the silence.

However, that wasn't possible with the way the people in the tavern were shouting.

She took a slug of the liquor in front of her as she readjusted the mask on her face. The entire place was hot, but she didn't make a move to remove the masked veil.

She had another slug of the liquor as she watched the men with disinterest.

"If only these stupid men will shut up." She whispered as she put a hand on her forehead.

The monthly dilemma she normally experiences, is about to make an appearance.

That was why she sought a place to stay, to ride out the dilemma.

However, the clamors from the noisy arena made it difficult for her.


The men cheered once more as the champion bellowed.

This time, their shouts were so loud, it gave a ring to the female's ears.

"Just shut up!" She shouted at the top of her voice as she threw the bottle of gin to the floor. "Just shut the fuck up."

The entire place became quiet after her outbursts.

No one made a sound as they watched the champion to know his reaction.

"How dare you?" The champion bellowed loudly as he jumped down from the ring.

Instinctively, everyone made way for him as he approached the female, who didn't look bothered.

"Just shut the hell up, Tramp. If you have nothing to do, just go pick peppers." The girl said in the Tone she has mastered for years.

Her words infuriated the champion, who closed the distance between them in large strides.

With a growl, he carried the table in front of her and threw it to the side.

The female sat there, not in the least bothered by what was happening. The mask on her face perfectly covered her face, making it impossible for Anyone to see the expression of the person wearing the mask.

"If you don't know what to do, I—" She didn't get to complete her words before the man thrust his hand out, to grasp her neck.

But she was faster than he was.

With Just a kick, she sent the man to the floor.

The crowd exclaimed as they watched the scene with keen eyes.

It's just not every day that you see the champion kicked to the floor.