
Dark Lord Wins

After losing 746 times against the hero demon king is reincarnated as a human prince, with his memory intact of all the lives he had lived.

Ancalogon · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Journey I

After some time my mother entered the room and then locked it. I was on the bed reviewing my notes. Noticing her put my notes in the drawer beside the bed. She sat on the bed still in her morning dress.

"Mother Have you not changed?" I asked.

She then unexpectedly hugged me and kissed me on my forehead. As she held me in her arms, tears started to fall from her eyes.

"I am sorry Arnoir. I am sorry. I know you won't forgive me. But please don't put me aside. Please let me stay here for a moment.

Even though I do not deserve to be called a mother.

I still...

I still am begging for your forgiveness" she cried.

I don't what is apologizing for. I mean she is the one that created this body. And through this body, I retain all the knowledge of my previous lives. I am thankful to her for that.


I am glad you are still here...

If something happened to you.


I don't know if I could live

If something happened to you." she said.

I slowly crawled away from the arms and moved away from her.

"Why are you upset mother? I am still alive." I said.

She wiped her tears and slight change the tone of her voice.

"Now you don't have to worry about anything.

I am here.

"You don't need to worry about anything," I said.

What is she crying about? Is it about that dumb poison? I mean this human body is weak, but can't they produce another child if this one dies? The other child would also carry the same blood. Then, what is this young lady crying about?

This is bad. I have to get this woman out of this room otherwise she might see my notes on necromancy. I have put the fire protection spell that would burn the paper if someone else touches it.

How foolish of me to put that? I should have put the illusion one instead.

Now it's not the time to think about that. I first have to calm her down. So that things would become smooth afterward.

"Arnoir you have changed. But even if how much you change, please remember that this worthless woman will still love you. " She said and started crying again.

This is so troublesome. I don't even have any kind of sleep powder otherwise this wouldn't be the issue. I guess this is how these humans work. I read that human royals were dignified, but I guess they are nothing like in the books.

I guess my heralds were when they said, how kings are nothing but cowards who sleep on their ancestor's achievements.

I tried to be calm during this situation but my limited knowledge of human interaction has come to bite me.

Why can't this lady leave me? What's your problem?

"Mother Please don't cry

See I am here.

Everything is going to be fine. " I said.

She again hugged me, kissing me on the forehead

Running her hand over my hair.

"Your Father has brought a place in the Elven Republic if you want we can leave this awful place and start over again as a normal family," my Mother said.

What is she saying? Leaving the Palace living normally.

Do I have to leave that food and those servants?

And she is saying that it's a dangerous place. That means that Palace.

And, she is saying a princess of one of the richest countries on the continent.

No, I have to sort this out before it gets out of hand. I don't want to lose my privacy.

"Look, mother, I have become strong.

See I am still healthy even after getting poisoned.

No one can harm me.

And if I flee from the Palace I wouldn't be called a descendant of Anir. " I said.

" What are you saying Arnoir? Are you really the four-year boy that I left? "

She smiled.

She slightly laughed and said

"I am so proud of you Arnoir. Even though I wasn't able to witness the change myself but I still call myself lucky to be able to see my son even after so many things happened. And seeing much more dignified.

When I first saw you today. I couldn't believe my eyes. As if you have grown so fast.

All the kids of your age are so unformed.

But you,

You stand above them. "

Yeah Yeah because I am a Demon King who has lived countless lives.

This woman is saying something great. I appreciate that.

"What am I saying? Everyone thinks that their son is the best," she said.

"You are just four years old. You should live your childhood as best as possible. You should play outside.

I have heard that you never have your room. Is that true? " she asked

"Yes, because Doctor advised me not to visit outside. " I said.

"You don't have to think about that. In Glauisburg you don't have to worry about the winter. It's warmer than what its here in the empire. You can make new friends there. There is Adrian, there is Victoria.

You can play as much as you want, unlike the empire." she said.





After a few more hours of conversation, my mother fell asleep. I don't understand how could this woman talk so much. It was so boring. But I guess it was solved in the end so it's great.

I didn't want to do anything after this mind mind-numbing conversation. So I also laid down right next to her. When will this journey end?

If this is the start of this human life, with boring journeys and people who are weak. How am I going to spend the rest of my life? But I guess it's worthwhile if could become the most entity in eternity, whom even Gods would fear.

When I will complete my soul crystallization. I will then use this life to create an indestructible body. Even if that hero will come on my path he would be crushed. No creature on heaven, earth, or even hell would remain that would pose a threat to my reign.

No one not even Gods in heaven could dare challenge me.