
Dark Lord Wins

After losing 746 times against the hero demon king is reincarnated as a human prince, with his memory intact of all the lives he had lived.

Ancalogon · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Distant Memory


Real food is really good.

I mean it takes a lot of energy to absorb and might not be really efficient but still worth it for its taste.

After reincarnating as this human boy, I am happy that I can enjoy all this food. Dragons and demons eat, but it's more of an energy absorption process than this slow and elaborate process of eating that these humans enjoy.

Now come to think of it I haven't tried to use any magic since I have come. This is a miracle that I regained the memories of all my previous life. I should use this opportunity to the fullest. I have to find a way so I can retain all the memories in all my next lives also. This would give me a headstart in all my next lives.

Most of my life has been wasted upon gaining the same knowledge over and over again. This time I have all the necessary information right in my head. I just have to use it right.

Firstly let's find an ideal spot for my experiments. That secret exit would be handy in that part.

If I were to perform my experiments here it would be dangerous for the people living in this place and if someone finds out about it, I would be screwed for sure.

But before starting I have to know about the limits of my powers in this body and enhance it accordingly. Testing powers means I have to go outside and going outside is not allowed here so I have to delay that. Let's wait for spring. For winter I will prepare my notes for the experiments.





"Help me with this Emma, it's for your highness," Amillia said.

"But why does his highness want these library catalogs, isn't he really small for all of this" Emma said.

"Even I don't know about this"Amillia added

Emma yawned, putting the bundle on the floor as she leaned towards the wall.

"I don't get paid enough for this. I thought I am going to do some sketches today, but in the morning Rose told me to do the washing, and now you are making me carry these" Emma whined.

Amillia put her bundle on Emma's and sat on the floor.

"Why do you always start complaining when we are in the middle of work?" Amilia asked.

"By the way Amillia have you noticed the sudden change in your highness?" Emma asked.

"Yes," Amillia replied.

"Don't you think that it seems a bit unnatural?" Emma asked.

"Yes," Amillia said.

"Before his coma, he used to be more cheerful but now he seems,

Umm, how should I put it?

umm like a little more bit more secluded.

I mean not like he was the best child or anything but I miss his screams and mischiefs in the palace.

It was more lively back then, We were troubled but it was nice. When he was poisoned I was, ... sky father forbids me but I was genuinely happy, I thought might be able to finally become free from him. I thought he might be gone for good, but I was wrong.

After he fell into a coma. We were tasked with helping him. On the first day, I felt disgusted by that blue color over is body I thought I might run away. But I don't what happened and even I was surprised that I stayed.

Few family members visited him with Emperor and Empress visited only one during his illness.

Even his mother Princess Luna visited him on weekends like he is some kind of distant relative. And the Prince visited twice looking like he has seen some kind of filth.

I thought we might lose him. I never thought I would be praying for him in the temple but still, I visited the temple for him. I thought he is just a child and being a child of the Imperial family had made little weird but still, at the end of the day, he was a four-child imperial or normal.

Now after he has woken up from his coma. I thought he might want some food and would recover. He would start shouting and throwing things.

But I was wrong he seems different like how he sits crossing his legs and like how he greets. Now he never runs in the hallways, never throw his plates, never argues with Madam Rose.

Now he seemed a bit more mature. A bit like how those nobles act. For others, it may seem that the situation has improved but to me, it feels so wrong and sad." as Emma said tears started to drop from her eyes. She took out her handkerchief and wiped her eyes.

"Hey, Are you even listening?" Emma shouted looking toward Amillia whose eyes closed with her head pointing towards the ceiling

"Yeah Yeah I am listening. It looks like you are reading some kind of weird book again and also you are crying" Amillia said as she got up.

"No, I am not" Emma replied wiping her eyes

"Yes, you are," Amillia said.

"Besides who wouldn't change after your own family neglects you for so long? If I had that wicked family I would have probably run away a long time ago." as Emma was finishing her sentence Amillia put her hand on Emma's mouth.

"Wait what are you doing?" Emma said in surprise.

"Watch your tongue. Even walls have ears hers." Emilia said in a serious tone.

"As I care," Emma said.

"But I care,

Now pick these up and let's deliver it his highness" Amillia said.

"Hey Amillia how did you manage to find the copy of the catalog isn't there only one set in the whole library," Emma said as she tried to divert the conversation.

"I copied it" Amillia replied.

"Copied. What?" Emma said in confusion.

"I took a leave day before yesterday and visited the library in the morning, though it took a whole day I was able to copy every single one of the catalogs.

To avoid suspicion I brought sailors' cloth and changed my hairstyle, went to the printing press beside the port. Told the printer that a king of a foreign country wants these and I have to depart today.

Since the budget wasn't a problem. So I was able to get them in the morning." Amilia explained.

"But don't you get a little bit overblown by this" Emma asked.

"No, as it was his highness wants" Amillia added.





"Your highness where should put this"Amillia asked.

Hold on, what the hell is this? Isn't. Isn't the catalog suppose to be a simple paper that on voice command gives the information about relevant books?

Then why are there so many papers?

"This is the copy of catalog that his highness wanted" Amillia told me.

No this cant be if these humans uses simply printed catalogs, then should be only one in the whole library.

"Did you copied the whole catalogs manually, and then get them printed only in two days" I asked.

With a straight face Amillia

"Yes, manually copied then printed and also here are the bills. This the bill for using the library, since don't have a library card. This is the bill for the printing press. And since his highness wanted me to keep this a secret I bought some clothes and wig for disguise on my travels and here is a bill for that."

"Please if his highness wanted anything else please don't be hesitant to ask me and also tell Madam Rose about increasing my salary. And I think your highness would be kind to do that" she added.

"Yes Yes I would do that. I really appreciate your effort." I replied.

What is wrong with her if she had told it's this much. I wouldn't have asked for it. And how could she could do all this with that expressionless face. Are all humans like that too.




"I think his highness is still a child. Like those noble children who tries to read thick books even though they can even read a word properly.

He is just a pretentious four year old. I don't that he could put good use of all those catalogs that you brought." Emma said.

"Like it's my problem anyways. I don't care whether he uses them or throws them away. If I get a raise then my job is done" Amillia said.

"Yeah Yeah seems like you" Emma added.

From a distance in the hallway a voice called them.

"Hey you two quit slacking off"

"Yes Madam Rose" they replied in sync.