
Dark Lord Wins

After losing 746 times against the hero demon king is reincarnated as a human prince, with his memory intact of all the lives he had lived.

Ancalogon · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Boon or Bane

Emma's POV


What? What is he asking? "Who am I?"

No am I hallucinating? Is this the same person? Has he forgotten everything? Now, this is complicated.

Sometimes when people recover they tend to become more philosophical. So is it that kind of question, "Who am I?" it sounds philosophical enough to me but still, he is just a 4-year-old spoiled brat of a prince.

I think should ask him to be more specific.

"I apologize for being incompetent your highness but this humble server of yours is unable to comprehend his highness's wise words.

Can his highness be more specific?"

I asked.

"What do you mean to be more specific? I just asked who am I? I think it encompasses all the questions such as where am I? What kind of work do I do? What is my status in this place?

If this isn't specific enough then don't know what is?" he replied.

"Your highness is the eighth prince Arnoir Rauveron of the Imperium of Vernac and the son of His Majesty the Third Prince Ranvel Rauveron and Grandson of His Majesty the Emperor "

I replied.

"Thank you. I appreciate your efforts" he said and walked towards the window looking outside.

Wait Wait Wait

These types of words.

No No

Where are the tantrum and bad words

Is this the same person

Has the sun today risen from the west?

No No

This is bad.

It's not something that I can manage. I think I should go ask madam.

The Higher-ups will see into this.

I think I should run from here.

"Excuse me Your Highness but forgotten some important work I think I must attend to it.

Please excuse me." I bowed my head and ran towards the door.

I have reported this to Madam Rose. She is the only one I think can do anything.

So what I have to report is that the eighth prince woke up after 6 months of coma and he seems to have lost his memory.

I ran through the hallway going straight to Madam Rose's office.




After arriving at her office I slammed open the door.

"Madam Rose Madam Rose. It seems that his highness has woken up." I told.

"Emma isn't you suppose...

Wait His Highness woken up!! "

Rose said in shock.

I grabbed her hand and started running back to the prince's chambers.

"Why have grabbed me like that don't have any etiquette," she said as tried to release her hand from my grip.

"Madam we don't have time for that it seems that along with waking up his highness has also lost his memory," I told her.

"Then why didn't you go and called Count Abel for this matter," Rose said with uneasiness.

"I don't know about it but please come with me" as I took her to highness's room.






Arnoir's Perspective.

So if try to understand what that maid is saying is that this child, and that means me is some kind of human royalty.

And also I am a prince of an empire called Imperium of Vernac.

Wasn't Vernac the surname of that hero? But that shouldn't be my main concern.

If I am some kind of human royalty, that means I am in certain danger.

I have seen many times that these royalties would kill others even family for power and are very easily manipulated.

I mean many of the times I was the one who manipulated them and now I am one of them.

Looking at my body I think I'm four to five years old.

But I have seen that human royalties live lavishly until they were annihilated

by none other than me or some kind of their relative.

If I would play my cards right. I might be able to survive long enough and live completely unharmed in this life. Though this life

would be short I would be living in better conditions than in any of my previous lives.

And also due to some kind of miracle, I have retained all the memories of my previous lives. This would make my work absolutely easy.

Ok, I have decided I will take a break in this life and would resume my work of conquering/destroying the world in my next life.






"Pulse and temperature are normal,

Did you tell this her highness the Princess? " The Count said.

"No, we came to you first My Lord," Rose replied.

"Ok fine tell one of your maids to go to her highness's palace to tell them about this." Count said.

"Amilia go and notify about this the Her Highness the princess" Rose ordered.

"Yes, Madam," Amillia said.

"Your Highness is feeling uncomfortable about anything, anywhere? The count asked.

"No" I replied.

Wait, why are all these checking on me? Was this boy had some kind of severe illness?

Wai fort means, I was normally reincarnated but somehow after this body got an illness, it exchanged the memory of this life with the memory of all my previous lives.

This is certainly a new kind of development. Even I being a demon king for many lives didn't know about this. But what kind of human illness is this that can bring out locked soul memories? If I had known about this before it would have been really handy.

Let's try to get some information about this from this Count Guy.

"Count Can I ask you something," I asked.

"Yes, Your Highness" the count replied.

"What kind of illness did I have? " I asked.

"You were poisoned" the count replied in a serious tone.

"What? by which poison? why? By whom?" I asked.

"I don't know about those things but I can certainly it was a sea king poison" The count said.

"Sea king poison did you said that right" I asked again

"Yes sea king poison" the replied again.







What was wrong with that guy? That he was poisoning me with this.

This is really really bad.

If that poison was to spreading this body, I would certainly be waiting for my next reincarnation.

The Count Crouched down to speak with me at my level.

"You don't have to worry about that Your Highness, the poison was very dilute and I took out almost all the poison on the day of your poisoning." The Count tried reassure me.

"Please be at ease Your Highness and just focus on your recovery.

You are young and brave and have a bright a bright future ahead of you.

So please rest and leave all the trivial things to this humble servant of yours" he added.

"I am going to inform His Imperial Majesty about this, Madam Rose please take care his highness on behalf" he ordered Rose

Rose slightly spreaded her skirt and bowed to the count and said

"Yes My Lord"