

Careful what you  DON'T WISH FOR, you might just get it From best life to nightmare as the perfect life of Rodney Hart gets turned around by an unnatural phenomenon from a game that makes him feel at home. As he is warped into it and figures out that it might not just be a game as it seems. Follow Rodney Hart as he rises through the rank of another world in this adventure and discovers secrets that might just connect him to the elements of this world. Which path will he choose when it comes down to it?.. The way of the dark or light. Read and find out Will he grow strong enough in time to save the ones he cares about from unpredictable doom? Note* This is my first project so it is adviced that you have a clear mind when starting the novel. Admittedly, the start is weak but if you hang on long enough, you won't regret it!! Follow on IG @ Dkgo manga for artworks.

Dark_knight234 · Kỳ huyễn
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101 Chs

Who is he?

Meanwhile back at the Wayne's mansion, the place had settled down a bit as there didn't seem to be any activity going on. Kacy had finally woken up a while ago and to much to her dismay, what had happened wasn't a dream as her surroundings acted as good reminders to that effect. She woke up laying on the floor and was greeted with a banging headache.

Looking around she could still see that Austin was still out and hadn't come to yet, which made her question what had come over her that she acted with such disregard for the plain reality that was right in front of her until it had become too late. Looking at Austin laying helpless on the floor still breathing but looking like he was only hanging on, she couldn't help but curse within herself.

"Kacy, how could you....how could you be so...be so strange" she ended up saying as no other word felt right to describe her behaviour from earlier. All she could remember was one minute she felt danger looming all around Jayden and the next moment after he got close, she couldn't do anything but want him all for herself.

She shook the thought of off her mind as the more she thought about how she acted, the more she felt disappointed of herself. Looking at the bed, she saw the white pieces of fabric that used to be her dress. And at that point she realized she was still naked and immediately began to tiptoe to Jayden's wardrobe which wasn't in good state as well.

She rummaged through his clothes in search of any one that wouldn't make her look stupid as she was well aware of the size difference between them. After so much time spent on searching for the one that would at least hold on to her, she found a black black joggers and an armless shirt with a hoody which looked like it would do just enough to leave the house not naked.

"Am I dreaming?. His eyes, his body, that mark....the bite, yes he bit me. But why don't I..." She stopped as she rubbed her neck but wasn't getting the reply from her body that she wanted. Immediately she dashed into the bathroom where a mirror was hung on the wall. She stood in front of the mirror and pulling her blonde hair aside, she could see it now, it was never a dream and what she saw now confirmed it emphatically.

"How..how is this even possible...from a bite?" Kacy asked herself as she examined the spot on her neck where she had been bitten. She could see the exact same mark of a half horse and half human being with an axe in its hand imprinted on her skin. The only thing that separated hers from Jayden's was that her mark wasn't glowing.

"Something is definitely wrong. I have to...I have to get out of here" kacy thought to herself and turned to leave but then collapsed on the floor as a deafening sound had blasted her ear from the inside out. She could hear voices screaming inside her but the message being passed across wasn't one she could easily decipher as the noise was all muffled and loud that was until ...

"Ahdnffhabgabxg!???!!!??;!?-!?!;?!!!??;!!!??! Don't...????? even???? dare..... Try me!!!!!!" ..

And the noise continued for a while before it finally came to a stop. She took her hands off her ears and could see it was now all covered in blood. Crawling on the floor, she made it out of the bathroom to see Austin was doing a similar thing as she was as well.

"Aus..Austin.." She managed to call out to him.

"Miss.." Austin who replied with an even lower and weaker tone turned to see kacy bleeding from both ears and crawling up to him.

"Help me..." They both said to each other as kacy made it to where he was. Seeing the condition the old man was in, kacy even in her current situation felt pity and found her self digesting to want to rely on Austin who was in a more critical condition to help her. She looked at the old man's face which had shrunken to an unreasonable degree making him look almost half skeleton. And at the moment Austin didn't make the situation look better as he laid on the ground facing the roof and once in a while coughing and gasping for air.

"We ...need to.. get out... of here" Austin forcefully said and the moment this words hit kacy's ears, her eyes turned pitch black and she launched herself on Austin and with both hands on his neck, she began to strangle him. The other made very little effort to struggle and after a few sad and pathetic gasp, he stopped moving. And immediately kacy's eyes returned to normal and she found herself on top of a dead Austin and her hands placed on his neck.

"Austin?... Austin?.. No...no...no...I didn't do this..I didn't ..." She fell off the old man and got into a foetal position and began to cry.


Meanwhile still in the same area A, gunshots could be heard coming from a particular building. And by the second the sound was dying down and what was being heard was the sound of screaming. The residents around the area had their blinds pulled down and themselves behind their chairs, under their beds, pretty much anywhere they felt could hide them well as they were cowering in fear.

The Police had arrived at the famous hotel "Thrillers" a while ago owned by now late Mr Bucks who was reported to have died in one of the VIP rooms of his hotel along with three other ladies from electrical shock. But the situation on ground got worst as the residents began to hear gun shots coming from the hotel.

A while ago, the investigation team had all surrounded the said room of the accident and were carrying out their investigation when the window had suddenly bursted open and a hooded figure surfaced. And from there on, the situation had gotten worse than anyone could imagine for those of them in there.

At the moment, cop bodies laid on the floor around the hall way of the fifth floor of the building. The more they came, the more they all fell to this mysterious figure that was impervious to bullets and shot out dark aura from its hands. Now there were only three police officers remaining.

"We have to get out of here, Its too fast " a female police officer that was accompanied by two other male officers said. This was inspector Hayley and she was currently in her police uniform and held a pistol in her hands along with the two others at her both sides. They were currently backing away from the room where Mr Bucks had died.

Then suddenly, a hand covered in black aura bursted out of the wall and grabbed one of the officers by the neck. Then pulling back with tremendous force, the hand covered in black aura began to bash the officers head against the wall continuously until his skull cracked open and a huge chunk of his neck torn away and disappeared back into the wall in the hole with the hand covered in black aura.

The remaining two officers seeing this happen turned and began to run. But then the figure broke through the wall and immediately a tall hooded figure came out of the wall and swung his hand releasing a black aura that caught the other male police officer slicing him vertically.

Inspector Hayley had immediately paused out of fear and slowly she began to turn around. After turning around she found nothing in sight as the Hall way was only marked with the dead men and blood everywhere. Not wanting ti waste another minute, she turned to run away but that's when it felt like she had hit a stone wall as she fell to the ground hitting her rear end hard. And in front of her was the hooded figure standing with dark aura surrounding his hands and his eyes pitch black.

"What ...the...hell?"....
