

Careful what you  DON'T WISH FOR, you might just get it From best life to nightmare as the perfect life of Rodney Hart gets turned around by an unnatural phenomenon from a game that makes him feel at home. As he is warped into it and figures out that it might not just be a game as it seems. Follow Rodney Hart as he rises through the rank of another world in this adventure and discovers secrets that might just connect him to the elements of this world. Which path will he choose when it comes down to it?.. The way of the dark or light. Read and find out Will he grow strong enough in time to save the ones he cares about from unpredictable doom? Note* This is my first project so it is adviced that you have a clear mind when starting the novel. Admittedly, the start is weak but if you hang on long enough, you won't regret it!! Follow on IG @ Dkgo manga for artworks.

Dark_knight234 · Kỳ huyễn
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101 Chs

Traitors (1)

Mia and Blaze were currently being escorted by five men who all had their hands on the hilt of their weapons. They weren't going to take any chances as word had gotten to them about the chaos that was ongoing at the male's lodge. The girls seeing their action, could only imagine what the boys were doing now. If not anything, they both had one name on their mind that could single handedly cause all the chaos needed in the blink of an eye.

"If you are not going to tell us what we did, can you atleast tell us where we are being taken to?" Mia asked the closest to her of which she got no reply as the only thing the man had in response to her question was a deep grunt. Minutes later, she could see the answer to her question up ahead. This was a place both girls remembered quite well, even if they had only been there once.

Meanwhile at some other part of the faction, particularly the males lodge, the chaos was yet to settle. Currently anybody who would happened to walk around and stumble on the scene, would only be able to describe it with a single word, ABSURD. The men around the place numbered close to forty as at the moment and it looked like more would be coming as a call was being put through by the one of the men that looked to be the leader.

Currently, the situation on ground was had locked the veteran squad that came for the arrest in a tight jar. They were by no means outnumbered or overwhelmed. They were just playing a simple yet confusing game with the ones they were charged with the task of bringing them in. Right now, four men from the veteran squad of the hunters had their own blades pointed against each other. The most disturbing thing about this act was that it didn't seem to be by their own will that this was being done.

Matter of fact, they tried to use their other free hand to gain back leverage over the hand that seemed to have lost control and had its own mind. This was all perpetrated by one person and the veterans had a good idea of who this person was, but going after the person was another fight on its own, as it meant they would have to risk their men's lives to get to this person. Because he had made it clear he was not joking around.

"Drop your weapons, turn around and leave!...Or!" Eiko yelled out for the men to all hear him.

This was his simple tactics, intimidate them into submission. Of course hurting them was the last thing he was going to result to, but they didn't know that as he looked quite convincing at the moment. What he was using right now was his telekinesis ability. He had been doing a lot of practice and had gotten really good with it. Notwithstanding, the ability being used on this scale was taking a toll on him.

"I don't know how long I can keep this up. If they keep struggling I guarantee they will break free. Hopefully they give up soon, the more time I spend doing this, the weaker my hold on them gets" Eiko thought as he continued to use his ability. He had done well in concealing the truth from his enemies by making them think it was quite easy for him. Some of them wanted to make their move regardless of their team mates lives but had a change of mind when the thought of themselves being trapped crossed their mind.

He might have fooled the men that came to arrest them. But he certainly couldn't fool his teammates as they could seem him trying to couple of himself as he was visibly shaking. On top of that, he had buckets of sweat pouring out from him. The bargain had been relayed to the other side and soon enough, a reply was to be gotten as one of the men had gotten a call and was currently requesting for more back up.

"But general...are you sure?. This boys are dangerous" the man who happened to be the leader of the unit currently circling Eiko and the rest of the boys tried to one on the other on the receiving end. But it didn't look like that had worked out as after listening to what the caller had to say, his face turned sour and he began to walk to the front.

He got to the front and being just behind the men that were still under Eiko's control, he bent down and dropped his weapon and then turned around to the thirty or so men and gave a nod. Soon after they all began to drop their weapons as well. The site alone was quite mind blowing for those that lived nearby in the males lodge. This was a pure act of submission from the legendary veteran squads. But then on a closer inspection they began to justify why this had happened.

"They are only from the C unit. That explains why they were outwitted by these kids" one man watching from the entrance to his house said to a Lady who peeked through the window to watch the action as it unfolded.

"That explains it. But who are this peoples and why weren't the A unit sent in. This would have all been over in minutes" the woman responded to the man from earlier.

These were some of the deductions that were pulled by those that watched from the side managed to come up with. The man who happened to be the leader of the C unit turned around to face the legions after seeing that all his men had complied and dropped their weapons as well.

"We have complied with your request. However, I have a message for you. Its from Rodney" the man paused to see if there would be any reaction from the boys he spoke to. And there clearly was as they all turned to stare at each other for brief moments before turning back to look at the one who had just said those words. What message could this man in front of them possibly have from Rodney.

"Speak" Erwin demanded.

"He asks that you all surrender as well and be escorted to the place he and master Yang are currently waiting for you all". The man spoke and with every word that left his mouth, one could see the anger in him escape with it. It was clear he hated to go through with such a thing. Especially the disregard these boys showed him in front of his entire unit. This was in deed a big disgrace to him.

He knew right then and there that with this singular event today, he would have lost a great deal of respect and admiration that his unit had for him. What even pained him the most is the trust master Damian had for him, he knew clearly that he had lost all ounce of it. And this wouldn't only affect his good records but also lower the chances of him being promoted to the B unit in the veterans.

After hearing what the man had to say, they all came to the conclusion that it had to be false. There was no way Rodney would communicate such message through this man. But then again, he was with Yang, someone they had all grown to not trust that much. They thought among themselves that it could be that Yang had some how forced Rodney to relay such message. Yang being a leader, coupled with his not so good track records with them made him their primary suspect.

"He might have something he's using against Rodney to get him to tell us to surrender" Blair said to to others who nodded in agreement. "Rodney might also be in danger if we don't listen. And if it turns out to be true, remember he just woke up today, he might not be at full strength to defend himself" Corey argued.

"I think its obvious. We all know what we have to do" Johan said and immediately the stones around moved slightly. This was him deactivating his ability. To those that laid attention to what had just happened, they were all dumbstruck as it didn't take a genius to tell them one wrong move and they could have been hit. Johan was not the only one to have deactivated his ability. Erwin had already stopped the sparks coming off of his hands and Blair had began deactivating his ability by detracting the ice sword he had formed. A little while later, and all the ice had disappeared including the ones from the inside. And finally, Eiko let go of the four men that he had taken control of their hands and immediately they all backed down from him. They all had one thought on their minds.

"He is a monster!".