
Dark Hero in Tate no Yuusha

Vishwa found himself reborn in an anime world known as "The Rising of the Shield Hero" as a Morsan. At the tender age of six, he was bestowed with a cursed weapon called the Great Sword Tizona, a weapon of legendary status crafted by unknown beings. Due to his deep-rooted mistrust in others and the fear of meeting the same fate as his father, who was betrayed by his supposed friends, Vishwa chose to live as a lone wolf. As he grew stronger, he formed a team of slaves to accompany him and together they embarked on a journey to slay ferocious beasts. Along the way, he even lent a helping hand to the shield hero. *** Author's Note: I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share my initial Fanfic with all of you, as it marks the beginning of my journey towards becoming a proficient writer. Crafting an engaging story is no easy task, but with your support and encouragement, I am determined to improve and create something truly captivating. I would like to extend a special thank you to Mr. Andew, who generously sponsored this fanfic through his Patreon ID: Sir_dood134. Your belief in my writing abilities means the world to me, and I am honored to have your support. Once again, thank you to people with Patreon ID: Grey Knight Lord, Tempest1618, Manuel Chavez, WonderingAbyss, David Aderoju, GigaChad, Grey Knight Lord, Masutatai, Ceyhun Cagirici, and Austin for making this fanfiction possible. For those who are interested in supporting my writing, I kindly request your assistance on my Patreon page under the name of Thot-Slaughterer fanfic writer. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, will go a long way in helping me improve my skills and continue creating content that you all enjoy. Please note that my profile picture would be same as the pic of MC's first slave similar to the girl in this fanfic's profile. Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your generosity and support. Your belief in my abilities as a writer means more to me than words can express. I am truly humbled by your kindness, and I promise to work tirelessly to deliver stories that captivate and entertain you. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Thot_Slaughterer · Tranh châm biếm
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63 Chs


Lelin completely ignored the outburst of Morsan and kept looking at Lupiney.

Lupiney's eyes flickered with a mix of uncertainty and hope. She had already given up on the hope of her recovery. But Lelin's words resonated with her, stirring a glimmer of expectation within her fragile heart.

Lelin, sensing her hesitation, reached out and gently took her small hand in his. His touch was warm and comforting, a silent reassurance that she was not alone.

After receiving her nod, Lenin produced a key and opened her cage. She stepped out,

and he removed a collar around her neck.

She let out a yelp when the collar around her neck was removed. Morsan noticed there was a collar trace on her neck indicating that the collar hadn't been removed for days.

Morsan slowly got near her gently held her right hand injected his magic into her body to see what the reason for her declining health was. Lupiney felt a warm sensation traveling through her arm to her whole body. 

As he delved deeper into his analysis of her body using his mana, the furrow on his brow intensified. He discovered that all her body parts were functioning perfectly, yet they were continuously being harmed by her immune system as if her own immunity was rejecting her own body. The further he infused his mana into her white blood cells, antibodies, complement system, lymphatic system, spleen, bone marrow, and thymus cells, the more pronounced his frown became.

With each infusion of mana, he could sense the immense power coursing through her immune system, yet it was misdirected, attacking healthy cells and tissues instead of foreign invaders. It was as if her body had turned against itself, a self-destructive battle raging within.

As he observed the white blood cells, he noticed their heightened activity, relentlessly attacking even the most harmless substances. The antibodies, designed to neutralize harmful pathogens, were instead targeting harmless molecules, triggering a cascade of destructive reactions. The complement system, responsible for enhancing immune responses, seemed to be in a state of overdrive, causing widespread inflammation and tissue damage.

Moving on to the lymphatic system, he found it overwhelmed with an excessive number of immune cells, congesting the flow of lymph and impairing its ability to remove waste and toxins. The spleen, normally a vital organ for filtering blood and producing immune cells, appeared enlarged and hyperactive, further exacerbating the immune response.

His attention then turned to the bone marrow, the source of all blood cells. Here, he discovered an abnormal proliferation of immune cells, crowding out the production of other essential blood components. The thymus, responsible for the maturation of T-cells, showed signs of dysfunction, leading to an imbalance in the immune system.

It was a condition Morsan had never encountered before, a puzzle with no clear solution.

Yet, he refused to give up. With each infusion, he sought to understand the underlying cause, to unravel the intricate web of immune dysregulation. He knew that only by comprehending the root of this self-destructive immune response could he hope to find a way to restore harmony within her body.

'What the hell?! how did she even live until now?!'

Remarkably, she managed to survive until this point, because her body possessed two distinct immune systems that consistently repelled one another.

This rare medical condition, known as autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (APS-1) in his previous life, presented an extraordinary challenge for her health and well-being.

APS-1 is an extremely rare genetic disorder that affects multiple organs and systems in the body. In her case, it resulted in the coexistence of two separate immune systems that were constantly at odds with each other.

One immune system attacked and destroyed healthy cells and tissues, while the other fought to protect and defend the body. This constant battle within her own body created a state of perpetual immune system dysfunction.

It meant that even the slightest infection or illness could trigger a severe immune response, leading to a cascade of complications and potentially life-threatening consequences.

Despite the immense challenges posed by her condition, she displayed incredible resilience and determination to survive.

Morsan knew about this disease since he learned about it in his past life when he was studying final year of higher secondary in Bio-Math. If it was not for a NEET exam that the central government announced he would have tried to become a doctor instead of a software engineer.

Lupiney coughs up some blood as Morsan analyzes her body. Unbeknownst to Morsan, her blood dropped back of his right hand and was absorbed by a strange dark red claw mark that appeared from nowhere.

At present, Morsan found himself on the brink of surrendering as he lacked the knowledge to remedy this ailment. The weight of helplessness pressed upon his shoulders, threatening to crush his spirit.

But he refused to succumb to despair. Determined to find a solution, he delved deep into his magical abilities, seeking a way to alleviate her suffering. Employing his support-type magic, he focused his energy on diminishing the potency of her immune system.

With careful precision, he channeled his magic, gently coaxing her body to relax its defenses. It was a delicate balance, for he had to ensure her immune system remained functional enough to fight off any potential threats, yet subdued enough to prevent them from attacking her own body.

"Boy, I found out how to cure her."


While contemplating a solution for her ailment, he was startled by the resolute voice of Tizona echoing in his mind.

A gasp of astonishment escaped his lips upon hearing Tizona's voice. It seemed preposterous to him, as even someone with a modest understanding of modern knowledge like himself couldn't fathom a way to heal her.

"Hey, what happened?! did you find something?!"

Morsan observed Lelin approaching him with an anxious expression, while Lupiney also cast a concerned glance in his direction.

Morsan shook his head and reassured them that there was nothing to worry about while feigning an analysis of her physique.

'Tizona, How can I save her?'

"You are interested in purchasing her as a slave, aren't you?"


"It's easy then. Just do it, she will be saved."

'What the..? How can she be saved if she becomes my sla-? w-wait! Do you mean [Bloodline Fusion]?!'
