
Dark Forest: secrets lie in darkness

It's about darkness and relief hidden in its a story of Jade and how she overcome all of it. There are so many mysteries in the world And there are consequences for every action some are done by Destiny and some are done by choices...... ——— ps. can't tell story plotting but must read it once and I am a little lazy and busy person so please forgive me if it is a little late update but I will really try my best and it is also my first novel

LaVieExtraordi1 · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Questions & Doubts

After both of them left she goes into her wardrobe to take out comfortable extra-large tees which appear more like a loose one piece that covers just her butt and opts for a shower after an extra tiring day.

Just when she comes out after washing and changing her clothes; marie is waiting for her "young miss this bag was given to me by miss mia" she give it to jade

"sister marie you can take the clothes inside as well as these for laundry and I would like to rest so please do not let anybody disturb me" instructs jade

"well as you wish but do talk to ma'am first before she's the one disturbing you" she joked as she went out of the room

"will do that" came jade's reply and taking out the phone she call her mother "mum I am home…..huh you'll arrive late….oh ok do come so I'll eat alone…..fine with me…..bye mum take care and don't tire yourself out" jade hung phone with a smile.

And now I am finally alone to think whatever happened today from the starting of the day I've so many question coming up that I am feeling frenzy today. Ok so lets do pointers:

So mum still love dad but is marrying uncle danny and apparently something happened for them to think about divorce when both of them love each other insanely.

After that, the bat cyclone thing really happened or not I am confused. Did I only have hallucination or it did happen and nobody remembers it no…no…how come that sorts of things exists jade you are firm believer of science and for people like us supernatural things are myth and no such thing as magic exist in universe it is only technology which makes magic possible even ancient pyramids are said to made by aliens though not proven but only an advance technology can make people believe its miracle so no magic please.

But then how will you explain the phenomena that occurred this morning jade I mean its not every day you see and feel so at that point after all of that I felt my head is about to explode if not for anything.

Maybe its all of my heads imagination after seeing some Hollywood movie or what else I would explain and strange thing is I only remember till I was going to enter that creepy thing and then as if I reached the same place it all started.

Talking out a pendent with leaf which has a vivid design; she always wears it as it was her 6th birthday present and her father told her to never remove it as it will protect her when he is not there with her and then she suddenly recalls a thing that it was this pendent giving her warmth during that time.

No stop thinking about impossible things jade you are not the that kind of bullshit believing person but rather a rational person so just forget it like some bizarre thing and move on.

Should I consider telling it to my mum as she is a psychologist and maybe she can help me; no mum already has so much on her plate I can't disturb her now and what am I even thinking?

I can't be mad lets just sleep and try to forget it as it will only puzzle me more I think about it and overthinking is not my forte so just see what life has ahead of us as ginny said no matter how much I run from it, it will come back to me some day so for now I will go to sleep, see it in future which is shrouded in mysteries and I have no control over it.

Thinking so she went to sleep apparently tired and with the devil-may-care attitude. Jade although a firm believer of science does have some faith in destiny as she thinks that she has no control over what life throws at her but she also thinks that it also comes with choices so that a person can change their live by the choices they make rather than worrying for nothing she would like to see what choices life gives her.


Somewhere is thick woods there is a small cottage

A man with muscular body stands by facing the window in an office like furnished room. A person suddenly enters the room breaking its tranquility "are you pre-ponding your trip"

"yes it can't wait any longer I am afraid" said the man in raspy voice

"you never wanted any of this happening but It did happen" he says

"yes but now its time to take things forward because we have no choice"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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