
Dark Clouds with wind


Lebian_heart96 · Khác
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4 Chs


Sitting in a bar after such a long time makes him nostalgic. reminding him all those moments from back in the time he thought life was not meaningless. 

He was resentfully looking at the drink hes sipping again and again. it kind of made him thoughtful as it reminded him of someone familiar but he wasnt sure as to resent him or himself. 

it only made him more rageous. then steve walked in the door all shooked to see him and said "broo...i really cant believe you'd come just to meet my friends." 

Coming back to reality, zen noticed he was already a little drunk cuz of not drinking for all these years. he said, "yeah, i figured i should make more friends to communicate well with the young generation of this time. and you are good at being friends with the youngers so," 

"yeah whatever, well two of them are my aged so you might not be interested in them". he heard footsteps coming in then he said, "they're coming". 

"are there no other people who come to this club. why do u think its them?" 

"cuz theyre talking about u, dumbo". zen focused on the talking and heard ,"i heard he's not got that many friends and he's also very successful. would he be interested in a girl like me?"

"no, you're still too young always running after handsome and rich. what? got no standards for urself?" 

"its not that. i-". then they entered the door. the club only had a few customers. it was so quiet that it looked more like a cafe rather than a club.

Steve and zen stood up .zen put one hand forward greeting them. one by one they handshaked with him. then a tall, handsome guy came in ,looking back he put his hand forward ,a very beautiful hand full of aesthetic accesories held his. 

They both stepped in and then was the time steve realized zens expression has gotten a bit, no not a bit, but a lot thrilled and surprised. 

Zen didnt move nor he took his hand back. he wasnt really in a situation to do so. steve whispered into his ear,"i thought you said you wanted to meet the younger ones. but they my classmates bro. fix ur expressions."

Zen realized he saw a very familiar face and it made him tremble a little. the tall guy shaking his hands greeted him. then the very handsome guy in a beret looking so beautiful in this dim light looked at him, in his eyes, thats right, its Ree. 

The most beloved human to exist in zens life or... should i say existed. ree looked a little shocked but he suddenly got hold of he's emotions and put his soft hands in zens. then he greeted him and took his hand back. 

While for zen. it looked like he saw a ghost but not that he was disappointed. then his eyes got a little blurry ,so he blinked, coming to face the reality he then realized ree was holding that tall guys hand. 

Then's when it got real, real surprising. zen couldnt bring himself to say anything rather he felt suffocating. so he looked down and started walking towards the door.

Coming out of the club , he took a deep breath looking far away at the ocean. the cub was near a ocean named Blanco beach club. he took a deep breathe then looked up to the sky. his eyes were wet. but from just looking u cant realize he's already crying.

Then someone put a hand in his shoulder. he looked behind to see ree smiling. ree looked  around and said, "how've you been?"


"i ....i..... " ree tried to say something. "i came with-" 

"i know. i saw." zen interrupted . he wasnt really prepared to hear it from him. to ree's surprise, zen didnt continue the conversation. rather he got on his bike, put the helmet on and drove away.

Ree was a little concerned about him driving a bike at a time like this. he also noticed zen was drunk a little. then he stared at the road for a while and then went inside.