
Dark Clouds with wind


Lebian_heart96 · Khác
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4 Chs


Ree was staying in my house for a while bcoz his parents had to unexpectedly go to his hometown. 

Since we have Alea in our house for now, with no vacant space we were sharing my room. 

I dont know what got into him from the morning, he even got out of the hall too quickly. the teacher gon be full shocked seeing the first boys papers so messy. but he has'nt returned yet. I've been waiting to ask him wth was going on. 

Then's when i heard a noise coming out of the balcony. i was about to check then Ree came out walking really unstably. I tried to hold him and i smelled alcohol. he was totally drunk. i didnt even know he was allowed to drink. 

Suddenly i tripped on my unfolded clothes laid on the floor and we fell. he started to say something. i moved closer to hear what he was saying. then i saw him staring at the moon through the window and he said, "i wanna be loved". i was caught off guarded.

Then i remembered his parents were not very fond of him, like about to disown or smth like that. being the top student he didnt have many frnds either. my mom insisted that he could stay with us till they return as she was frnds with his mom. i was not that good in terms with him and

I dont know why but seeing him so lonely made me want to... No!

OH GOD IMGOINGINSANE... his crying and that voice.. that break in his voice as its not clear cuz of his crying....  can i ..uhmm.. should i....