
Dark Archive Necromancer

Skalain, a man from Earth, abruptly awakens in a dimly lit stone room, disoriented and bewildered. As he gathers his senses, he realizes something is drastically different about himself. The world around him feels infused with an inexplicable aura, and he senses a powerful presence within him. Before Skalain, a mysterious system materializes, shimmering with arcane symbols and pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Skalain, driven by an insatiable thirst for understanding, delves into the depths of this newfound necromancer's system. - System, Villain & Chaotic-Neutral & Evil MC No Harem -

Adenlia · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
74 Chs

Chapter 12 - Black Beer Inn

The woman and Skalain engaged in a lively conversation, discussing the value of the pelts and haggling over the price.

After some back-and-forth, they finally reached an agreement that satisfied both parties.

"Alright, considering the exceptional nature of these pelts, I'm prepared to offer you five dark silver coins. It's a fair price, don't you think?"

Skalain's eyes lit up with delight, pleased with the offer.

"That sounds more than fair. I accept your offer. Five dark silver coins it is."

With the deal sealed, the woman counted out the coins and handed them to Skalain, a smile playing on her lips.

Thank you for bringing such remarkable pelts to me. It's not every day we come across something so special. If you find more, don't hesitate to return."

Skalain gratefully accepted the coins.

"I appreciate your business. Rest assured, if I come across any more treasures, I'll be sure to bring them your way."

With a final nod of appreciation, Skalain bid farewell to the woman and left the Huntsman Hut,

Skalain walked through the bustling streets of Red Copper Town, searching for a place to rest after his successful trade at the Huntsman Hut. After some walk, he found a place called Black Beeer Inn and decided to spend time there.

As Skalain entered the inn, the warm aroma of hearty meals and the lively chatter of patrons filled the air. The innkeeper, a stout and friendly individual, greeted him with a welcoming smile.

"Welcome, traveler! Looking for a place to stay?"

Skalain nodded, his fatigue evident in his eyes.

"Indeed, I could use a comfortable room for a week. How much would that cost?"

The innkeeper leaned on the counter, considering Skalain's request.

"For a week's stay, it'll be one silver coin. We've got some nice, cozy rooms available. Shall I reserve one for you?"

Skalain reached into his pocket, retrieving a silver coin and placing it on the counter.

"That sounds fair. Here's the payment for the week."

The innkeeper collected the coin with a nod of appreciation.

"Thank you. You won't be disappointed with our accommodations. Room number six is yours. Enjoy your stay!"

Skalain expressed his gratitude with a polite smile and headed towards the stairs, eager to rest and rejuvenate.

As he settled into his room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, knowing he had a comfortable place to call home for the next week.

After freshening up, Skalain's growling stomach reminded him that he hadn't eaten since morning.

He descended the stairs and made his way to the inn's dining area, where he was greeted by the aromas of sizzling meat and the clinking of tankards.

Skalain found a vacant table and seated himself, eagerly perusing the menu. The friendly waitress approached, ready to take his order.

"Good evening, sir. What can I get you?"

Skalain glanced at the menu, his mouth watering at the descriptions of hearty meals and refreshing beverages.

"I'll have a plate of meat, cooked medium, and a mug of your finest beer, please."

The waitress jotted down his order with a hint of a smile on her lips.

"Coming right up. That'll be two copper coins, please."

Skalain reached into his coin pouch and handed her the required amount.

"Thank you. Looking forward to the meal."

As Skalain waited for his food and drink to arrive, he soaked in the lively atmosphere of the inn. The sound of laughter, clinking glasses, and lively conversations surrounded him, creating a comforting ambiance.

Soon enough, the waitress returned with a steaming plate of tender meat and a frothy mug of beer. Skalain's eyes lit up at the sight, and he wasted no time savoring the delicious flavors.

As he indulged in his meal, Skalain couldn't help but appreciate the satisfying combination of the well-cooked meat and the refreshing beer. The nourishment and relaxation washed away the weariness of his journey, leaving him feeling rejuvenated and content.