
Dark and L system

Gokage_sensei · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 29: Things we do for revenge


"If she did not want to say it, she should have said so rather than tell a lie and that too when she does not even know how to"

"*sigh* well, can't blame her since we kept nagging her about it nonstop"

The two Javenstine sisters were currently walking back home sighing from time to time as they remembered Angela's excuse.


"Ok, I'll tell you" Angela decided to talk since she could see that the people would keep nagging her if she didn't,"I was bitten by a spider"





All of them were speechless when they heard what she said except for little Maya who immediately got frightened when she heard the word spider.

"You know that we aren't kids right?" Elizabeth spoke looking at Angela with a suspicious look.

*nod* *nod*

Cassie and Yuweh both nodded to Elizabeth's words. They were sure that she was lying. No one would scream and squirm like that just from a spider bite.

" ehh, but it's the truth"Angela tried to defend herself but they all kept looking at her with the same look that spoke better than their words.

Seeing that her lie was not going to help, Angela decided to change the topic.

" So, who are you two?"

When this question was asked, it dawned on them that they did not know each other. Even though they wanted to know what had happened to make Angela scream and squirm like that, they knew ignoring the question would make them suspicious and rude in a way.

There had been cases of a female gang kidnapping young girls from their homes.

The two thought as they looked at little Maya who was still searching for a non existant spider that had bitten her Angel.

"My name is Cassie Javenstine and the young girl you see on my left is Yuweh, my younger sister"

Angela was slightly surprised when she heard the name Javenstine. She knew of these people because she had always bought her jewellery from their shops and to add to that, the girl named Cassie was also a famous name in the whole country rumored to be the most beautiful girl in the whole country. But she never made many public appearances from what she knew.

Seeing the look of surprise on Angela's face, Cassie spoke, "Seems like you know of me"

"Who doesn't?" Angela almost yelled that sentence. Another thing that made the Javenstine family famous was their connection with one of the richest families in the whole world, the Dawson family.

According to what she had read on the internet, Cassie was engaged to the Dawson family's third heir named Alex Dawson who was later kicked out of the family after being announced impotent. But as a fan of the Javenstine family's products, she was always updated about every announcement related to them such that, she was able to know that this girl named Cassie was now engaged to another heir from the Dawson family named Adam.

So who wouldn't know a name of such a family?

"Here" Cassie handed a small hard paper to Angela.

"What's this?" Angela curiously scanned the paper and got confused when she saw nothing on it.

"If you happen to go to one of our shops with that, you will be given a 50% discount on 20purchases no matter what you buy"

Angela and Elizabeth almost dropped their Jaws when they heard Cassie's words.

Getting a 50% discount on 20purchases no matter what you buy in the Javenstine jewelry stores.

That's a once in a life time opportunity most from middle class families would kill for.

Angela was happy but remembering that she nolonger had her freedom, her happiness died down a little, but she still accepted it so as not to be rude.

The two Javenstine sisters then inquired about Mike and Angela told them that the guy never stays home and can only be available at nighttime.

The two then left since they had important work to do but they left their phone numbers to Angela.

And now, they were alone on the road with Cassie complaining about Angela's obvious lie and how easily she was able to trick them into forgetting about their question.

Yuweh seeing her sister like that only sighed and pulled her hand, "Stop whining and let's go"


"So, can you start speaking the truth now?"

Angela who was busy cooking something flinched when she heard Elizabeth's voice from the door.

She then looked back and saw her leaning on the door with a serious expression on her face.

"I really tol you the truth...."

Before she could even finish he sentence, Elizabeth once again spoke interrupting her:

"Angela, I have know you since I was a child. I know when you lie or tell the truth and right now, I can see that you are lying and also.."Elizabeth squinted her eyes a little," I can tell that you are also afraid of something "

Angela saw that there was no fooling Elizabeth with lies. But she was helpless in this matter. She did not know if it would be betrayal to her master if she told Elizabeth about it and she was not going to take a chance with it. The pain she had felt was just too scary.

Elizabeth seeing the helplessness on her friend's face knew that something big was happening and her friend seemed scared of telling her.

"Was it him?"

Angela woke from her thoughts and looked at Elizabeth with a confused expression.

"Is it because of Mike?"

Angela heard the question and just looked down but that was enough for Elizabeth to know the answer.

She then pushed everything to the back of her head and went to help Angela Cook.


Somewhere ontop of a tall building, two young people could be seen. One was...sleeping and the other who was a woman was sitting on the edge with her legs dangling to the sides.

She appeared to be thinking of something serious as shown by her profound expression.


She turned and looked at the young silver haired man sleeping soundly on the center of the roof where there was an 'H' sign signifying that it was a helipad.

Surrounding the teenager was some....suspicious liquids.

Once again, the young lady sighed and retracted her gaze from the young man, she then looked at the sky and went back in the world of thought.

This young lady was of course Sarah and the young lad sleeping was Mike. After she accepted becoming his slave, she immediately wanted to go and kill all those bastards who raped her, however, Mike told her that he was going to train her so that she could take her revenge on them without depending on him.

She also thought of it as a good idea and agreed.

The next moment, Mike carried her like a sack of potatoes and ran to this building with speed beyond human limits. She felt nauseous but she held back from vomiting.

The next moment when she felt everything stop, she realized they were now on top of a tall building. Since she could not hold back her vomit, she went to the edge and vomited her guts out.

After she was done, she turned back and saw Mike butt-naked with his little brother slightly erect.

Well, the rest should be obvious. Mike banged her in all sorts of positions on this place and then fell asleep like he usually does after every sex session.

And now, Sarah was trying to understand how she really felt. She had to admit that she did feel pleasure from it, but there was also this sad feeling in her heart.

The only man she had willingly slept with was her late husband. The others were Rimon's men who raped her and now, it was Mike. She only had sex with him because she had agreed to be his slave and nothing else.


With another sigh, she shook her head and decided to push the thoughts to the back of her head. She knew that she could not reverse time but even if she could, she was sure she was still gonna make the same decision.

Nothing was free in this world and she was just paying a price for something she wanted.
