
Entering Orario and Loki familia

Trying this chapter in 3rd person POV tell me if you like this or 1st person


When Adrian arrived at the gates of Orario he saw that there was a line to get in. And that you needed identification papers.

He realized he had to tell them that something happened to his village and he doesn't want to say it was attacked by humans so he will just say that it was attacked by monsters and that all of his family died.

He saw the line in front of him getting smaller and smaller until he finally arrived at the gate and the guard asked "Do you have your identification papers?" He asked in a suspicious tone because Adrian was only 6 years old.

Adrian then put on the saddest face he could make up and told him how his village got attacked by monsters and that everybody in his village was killed and he started crying and they were not fake tears either because he was thinking about his parents.

The guard put on a sad face and said"It's alright kid I will bring you to the guild. And if you could please explain what happened to them then you don't have to pay the entrance fee."

After he said that he led Adrian to the guild. He was praying that he didn't have to tell Ouranos because then he might have to say the truth and he would prefer if he didn't.

Luckily it was some old guild employee that started asking him a bunch of questions like. What type of monsters attacked your village? What was you villages name? And questions like that and I had no problem telling him because I assume it looks like monsters attacked after all those guys are practically monsters.

After that the guild employee started asking things like what he wants to do in Orario. Stuff that would normally be asked at the front gate. He obviously replied adventurer. The guild employee smiled in reply to that and said "Most familia won't recruit a 6 year old into there familia the lowest most are willing to go is 10." Adrian just smiled and replied "I would like you to contact the Loki familia and tell them that I have magic and something Loki would be interested in.

The guild employee looked surprise but reluctantly agreed to my request. He said that Loki agreed and that he has a meeting tomorrow at noon.

The guild employee said that he could spend the night inside of the guild and that they had rooms at the back were employees sometimes sleep if they don't feel like walking home.

Adrian guessed that the employee didn't feel comfortable leaving a 6 year old kid to sleep outside.

Adrian agreed and he followed the guild employee to the back were he saw around 3 little rooms that looked they would be in an inn.

Luckily the room was pretty nice and the bed wasn't to bad. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world but it should be fine to sleep on. The only other thing in the room was a table with a candle on it and a window in the center.

After an hour of thinking of random things he finally went to sleep.

It was the next morning and he woke up and he looked and checked the time and it was 11:00 which made sense after all he hadn't gotten a proper rest in several day. He worked out a little bit before preparing himself for the interview.

Then started preparing for the interview he knew that Loki would accept depending on if she liked or hated the fact that he was a Demi god.

Because he could tell that the person who killed his mother looked at him in disgust.

He entered the interview room at 11:55 and after a couple minutes Loki and Riveria entered the room. He was kind of glad it was her because she might be interested in his magic.

Surprising Riveria was the first to speak"Hello my name is Riveria and I am an executive of the Loki familia and the person sitting next to me is Loki."

I've realized that they were doing introductions so he decided to introduce himself also"Hello my name is Adrian and I am the one who wishes to join your familia."

Riveria" Alright I have a few questions and then Loki would like to ask you a few questions. Ok first question why do you want to join Loki familia?"

He replied quickly "Because from what I can tell Loki cares about her children and won't abuse or hurt them." Although technically he told the truth he didn't tell the full reason on why he wanted to join. After listening to the answer Riveria nodded and talked again"Ok question 2 why should you be allowed to join the Loki familia?"

Adrian replied"I can work well in a group although I would prefer being solo I listen to orders well and I can already cast magic spells."

At this Riveria perked up a little and questioned "What magic spells?" Adrian replied with"I know 4 currently but they are fire ball,Earth wall, wind arrow and water ball." Riveria though for a second replied "Could you show me water ball?" He didn't say anything and casted a water ball it only took around 4 seconds. This made Riveria curious who she questioned him "Who taught you these spells!"

He replied "I taught myself back in my village."

After that Riveria had a smile on her face which from what he could see from the anime was rare for her. After that she asked a few more questions. And then it was Lokis turn to ask question and she started with "Alright shrimp my turn my first question is am I beautiful to you?" Of course he should have excpexted her to act like this. Riveria just down at the ground and seemed embarrass by her goddesses attitude but Adrian was also question why she asked this to a 6 year old kid.

Adrian decided to truthfully reply "You are decently pretty miss Loki butt miss Riveria is more beautiful."

Loki has a shocked face and Riveria was giving a smug face towards her goddess. Loki continued to ask a lot of stupid questions with some serious ones.

He guessed this was time to tell Loki what he really was. And he asked"Miss Riveria I have something I need to tell goddess Loki could you please leave the room for a minute I have no bad intentions towards your goddess ." Riveria looked at Loki to see if I was telling the truth and Loki nodded and she left.

"Alright Goddess Loki I have something I need to tell you…. I'm actually a Demi god."

Loki had a shocked expression and screamed "WHAT!!!" At that moment Riveria came bursting through the door but left when saw that nothing was going on. "Haha shrimp sure you can join my familia but canny ask you who your parents were?"

At that point Adrian started getting sad thinking about his parents and how they died. He started tearing up.

lol I saw this so she decided to bring him into a hug and Adrian cried for a couple minutes into her shoulder. "It's ok kid you don't have to tell me anything. And welcome to the familia from now on you are one of my children!" Loki said in one of her usual cheesy smiles.


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Third person (this chapter)

Thank you for power stones!