
Danmachi: The Black Hole

Life was weird. And turns out, it could get weirder. Now, all I have to do is survive, no matter what it takes. Because no matter the world, there will always be one standing on the top, and that would be me. I would make sure of it. _ I don't own anything of the story, I just own the OCs if there will be any. Will diverge from Cannon eventually but some events will still happen if a little different.

Develish_Beta · Tranh châm biếm
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44 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Three

Five days.

Five days i have been in the dungeon.

And I could confidently say that I was not better.

I sighed, throwing my dagger to the side, impaling an Iguazu in the neck, A swallow monster that flew at high speeds, it had a habit of dying on impact but unfortunately for this one, it didn't.

I look to the side, observing the beautiful waterfalls, the atmosphere here was nice, even though it had no right to be.

The dagger flew back into my hand and I turned back to the exit of the floor.

Spotting a set of familiar figures walking down the stairs.

Ais, Riveria, Bete and Lefia, as I learned what her name was.

Riveria smiled as I neared the group while Bete sent a smirk my way, Ais was Ais and Lefia was glaring.

"Ah, Mr.Cranel, good to see you again."

I nodded at the group, receiving a nod from Bete and a slight wave from Ais.

"Are you here alone, Bell?"

I Sheathed my daggers as we came into the normal conversation range.

"Yeah, had to get my mind off a few things."

Ignoring the slight head tilt from Ais and a curious eyebrow raise from Riveria, I focused on an understanding nod from Bete.

"I get that, thanks for whatever you did to these..."

He lifted his leg, showing me the armor pieces I enchanted.

"They work great."

I nodded again, chuckling.

"What about you four? Heading down deeper?"

Riveria nodded, fidgeting with her staff, she almost looked... Giddy, while maintaining her normal demeanor.

"Yes, Ais wants to test herself against a floor boss, while we try out our weapons against some stronger monsters."

Ah, that was understandable.

"Well then, I'll leave you to it, I'll see you four in a few days."

Exchanging goodbyes, I walked up the stairs.


So this is a "Pantry"... but why is the entrance blocked?

I hummed in thought and looked around on level twenty-four. I could feel... Not much, not many monsters, where this was supposed to be a hotspot.

"What do you think?"

I asked as the figure walked up to me, his hands inside his pockets, and looked down at the entrance. His white hair swayed slightly with each movement.

"Same thing as you."

I nodded as the figure sunk into the shadow and joined my own. I got up and took a step off the edge, dropping down .

Nearing the green barrier, I looked at it for a moment, before Blaze flared around my body, rushing forward and bunting a hole in the barrier.

The sight that greeted me was... Surprising.

A man in a white robe, posing. a woman with blue hair in a cloak, bleeding out. The same girl that we got the seed from standing behind someone holding two shields with two other people, and a mage trying to get to the blue-haired woman.

I sighed as my chains connected to my Kusarigama and I drew my daggers. Blaze coated my arms and legs, along with my weapons as the surroundings blurred, my speed enhanced by the burst of flame.

The Violas were burned to ashes as I passed them, some split in half some still burning as I came to a stop next to the bleeding woman.

Floating up a health potion, I popped off the head and sprayed it on the cut, looking at the white-haired man with a blank face.

"Well hello there..."

The man seemed pissed off as he actually growled. What was he trying here? Being emo? Did he think he was the main character or something?

"I see you've brought reinforcements, matters not! For my goddess has chosen me!"

...Okay... He was mental, got it.

"You have no chance to get out of here alive, for my lady has blessed me with the gift of Immortality!"

...I raised an eyebrow, Immortality?

I watched as he removed his white skull mask and revealed his face... and he looked like a side character of his own life.

"Isn't that... Olivas?"

Someone from behind me muttered, by the strain in the voice, I could guess that it was the woman who was stabbed.

"Didn't he die on that day?"

another question came, probably from the mage, and by the pose he was taking, he was about to go on a monologue...

"Indeed! I did die on that day! But my lady gave me life! Revived me and blessed me with immortality!"

I stared for a few seconds as he went on a schpeel about how his goddess was the representation of perfection, and how she wanted to see the sky.

Midway through his speech, I created a Shadow and kept looking at him like I was paying attention.

Even as a giant Viola rose behind him, lifting him off the ground I kept an impassive face.

"-For she chose me-Agh!"

Blood spilled from his mouth as a burning hand erupted from his chest, clutching a yellow magic stone.

I sheathed my weapons as the giant Viola burned to the ground, the body of the white-haired man falling to the ground, only to disperse into dust before reaching the stone floor.

My shadow landed soundlessly and tossed me the magic stone that I stored in my pouch and turned around, even as it merged back with me.

What a fucking joke...

Now... To deal with the conversation between these people.