
Danmachi : Myth Return

What happens if Danmachi's History is wrong This is my first novel and I will only write if I want so please be patient and kind to me I am not a native English speaker so if you cant endure just don't read. Google Translate + Grammarly(free) This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Danmachi. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

Choir · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs



Twilight Manor

Riveria's Room

"ugh. Where I am?"

Riveria wakes up only to find she is in her own room and Lefiya that sleeping while leaning to her bed. she reaches her hand to slowly stroke her head.

when she felt a movement in her head, Lefiya slowly wakes up to see a pair of green eyes looking at her.

"Riveria-sensei, you wake up!"

after catching Lefiya who suddenly crying and hug her,


"wait, I will get you a drink"

realize that Riveria's voice hoarse, Lefiya brings her a glass of water.

"Thanks. What happened to me?"

"Airmid say that you fainted because of overthinking. "

"hmm... ahh!"

Sudden realization stuck Riveria, she trying to stand up but failed

then she trying to stand up again but Lefiya stops her

"stop Riveria-sensei your body is too weak now."

"no. I must go. I want to ask them"

"but-"" I want to hear the truth from them."

"then, let's ask Loki-sama to do it."

"no, I will go. Now."

Looking at Riveria who in her serious mode she resigns

"okay. But at least let me accompany you"

Know that there no other choice she agrees


"where we will go?"

"First, Guild."

Riveria went out while Lefiya supporting her. In the way, some member sees them and also trying to persuade Riveria but no avail. So they decide to report it to Finn and Loki.




"Lady Riveria? Are you okay?"

Arrived at guild a half-elf clerk spotted them. She is Eina Tulle Her friend also former attendant, Aina Tulle's daughter that has brown hair and emerald eye.

"Ah Eina. Can you notify Royman I want to speak with Ouranos-sama."

"I am sorry Lady Riveria but Mr. Royman not in his office."

"where did he go?"

"We also don't know. But he says there is an important task and he left together with Ouranos-sama. Do you want to take a room for rest a while?"

Offer Eina after looking Riveria's pale face and needs rest but gets rejected.

" it's okay. I will go now. Thanks"

"Lefiya, we will go to Hermes Familia."


"Be careful"

Eina sees them off while still worrying about Riveria's condition.


Traveler's Inn

"What so important that 'Nine Hell' decides to come here personally?"

Ask a Human receptionist from Hermes Familia.

"Can you notify your god that I want to talk with him?"

"did Hermes-sama make trouble again?"

"no. There an important thing I want to ask."

"well, I am sorry. But Hermes-sama and Captain Asfi not here. They did not come back since Four days ago."

Feeling relieves that there no other complaint coming, he decides to say the truth which make Riveria get more worried. He also asked where they were but received only negative answers.

"okay. Thank you, we will go now. Now let go to Ganesha Familia"

"do you want to rest for a while, Riveria-sensei. please"

hearing her plea, she agrees

"I will rest after this."

"promises me, okay?"




" I am sorry but Ganesha-sama and captain Shakti not available."

Answer a pallum receptionist of Ganesha Familia

"Do you know where they go back? Or where they go?"

"no. We don't know. They suddenly announce they will go out for important tasks with all of the stronger members. Only leaving us clueless level 1 and some level 2 here."

"so they already left too. Ahh! where I can ask now!"

"Let's rest at Garden of Myth, Riveria-sensei."

Lefiya looking at Riveria that restless while biting her thumb.

"not yet, we go-"" but, you promise me to take a rest after from Ganesha Familia"

"haaah. Okay, let's go. I also need to calm my mind now"


Garden of Myth

Riveria and Lefiya sit on the same bench which Bell sat 5 days ago.

"Riveria-sensei wait here a bit. I will buy some drinks and food."

"okay. Be careful"

Seeing Lefiya left, Riveria looking at Statue.

"Where are you? Are you okay? You promise me to come back. Sister also says that you will not abandon us. Do you know that your daughter will become an adult in a few months? She sometimes asks for your and sister's story, you know. Even if she did not say it, but I know she misses both of you. So don't leave us, please come back. sob-sob..." mutter Riveria while trying to hold her cry but failed.


Lefiya left to buy some food but she notices the people glaring at her with hate and anger. she did not notice before because she too focused on supporting Riveria. but now she realizing that people change at how they looking at her. Even when she tried to buy food, the seller doesn't want to sell to her or they will sell at double price. Lefiya feels angry but when remembering Riveria state while waiting for her, she decides to accept and buy at double price.

when she comes back and found Riveria crying she went panic and hurried to approach her.

"ah... Riveria-sensei. Are you okay? Sorry if I took too long."

"Lefiya? Sorry to make you look at my pitiful side. I am pathetic right?"

"no-no. It's okay for someone to cry sometimes. My mother says that even the greatest man can cry because crying is mean that you still have a heart. Oh yeah! my mother says that if I am sad or angry I can come here to complain to the statue. I also often do that and its work! Why Riveria-sensei does not try it?"

Lefiya trying to cheer up Riveria without knowing the truth earned a small chuckle from her.

"so that's why you often come here. Did sister really tell you to do that?"

Caught off guard by Riveria chuckle but Lefiya happy that she success cheer her up.

"yes! I even see her kicking the statue or punch it a few times when no one around. Well, I know its disrespect for the hero but it feels so good and refreshing."

Say Lefiya which earned more laugh from Riveria

"no it's okay. That man will not angry at you. he maybe will start crying and complain about injustice."

"huh, why?"

"that bec-"" here you are!"

before Riveria starts explaining she got cut off by Loki's angry voice.

"why you start running around when you just wake up!? and you, Lefiya! why don't you stop her!?"

Accused Loki. This morning a member of her familia told that Riveria already wakes up but she immediately walks out to confirm something which makes Loki worried so she gathers her executive to search for Riveria.

"I only want to confirm the truth of the news. It must be wrong."

Riveria's statement which makes Finn raising his brow

"do you mean Guild, Hermes, and Ganesha know the truth?"

"how do you know where we go?"

Doubt Lefiya who gets Gareth grumble

"of course we ask people where you go. Even if it difficult to ask someone in our situation now."

"It looks like you have something to explaining, Riveria. But for now, let's get back."

State Finn while looking around and find people start gathering with negative intentions.

"yeah let come back! I am already feeling sick with how they treat us."

Loki who heard that agree and start complaining, immediately catch Riveria's hand and pull her.

Riveria who can't say no in this situation, surrender.

"Okay, let's come back. I will tell you some secret."

On the way home Riveria who has her head cleared notice that people glaring at her or more precisely at her familia. She sees that the others know it but choose to ignore it except Lefiya who feels nervous.

She wants to ask but decides to put on hold.


Twilight Manor

"Riveria, you eat first. After that come to my office"

Order Finn knowing that Riveria still not eat yet before walking to his office with Loki and Gareth. while Riveria and Lefiya go to the dining hall.

Lefiya helps Riveria sit in the table before leaving her with the food she bought to order more nutritious meals from the chef and bring it back.

while eating Riveria notices the other member grumble because sad or angry. The atmosphere in the dining room is too bad that they cant enjoy their breakfast. Now, she knows why they decide to not eat together with them.

After finish eating Riveria immediately go to Finn's office while Lefiya decides to come back and meet her roommate, Elfy Colette.

When she entered the room, the room is also enveloped by the same atmosphere.

"so why you all so depressed?"

"those bitches want to push me to corner"

know she will not get any information from Loki she looks at Finn

"the other god spread a rumor that Loki Familia and Freya Familia did not want to protect people from the Black Dragon which result in the people angry at us and accuse us of running away from responsibility, become a coward. the news spread like a wildfire. So now, most people of Orario despise us and make it difficult for us to make a transaction. Some weaker members even get insulted that make their confidence dropped but that's not the worst of it. Some member gets assaulted by some unknown adventure while they go to dungeon make them afraid to go adventure. also, some guild personnel did not cooperative when we ask for an investigation and because of Ganesha Familia missing, the public order becomes out of control. Even then we cant to accused the other god because we don't have any definite proof. Luckily there still some people that still help us so we can avoid the worst situation, for now."

The Explanation makes the atmosphere of the room more gloomy, even Riveria does not expect the situation will change this much only in five days. If this situation continues they have no choice but to accept their demand, and that means their familia destruction. knowing that, she decides to postpone about getting the true story and solve the Familia situation first.

"you must notice how bad our situation if this situation continues. We desperately need more information to solve this situation so we can avoid the worst ending. 4 days ago I also trying to ask Hermes-sama but he already goes missing. So if you know anything please speak"

Riveria decides it is best to tell them not because of Finn's push but because her guilty for keeping them in dark not know anything for a long time and also the truth is not important now because The Black Dragon has been seen.

"haaah. I will tell you but promise me that the news will not go out of this room. Because I cant betray their trust more than this"

Only when they agree she continues to speak.

"I also don't know the full story but I only heard sometimes from my sister Lyrei Viridis Wishe before her body crumble."

Lyrei Viridis Wishe 'Archmage' is the Vice-Captain of Familia Myth, Captain of Hera Familia, and also the wife of Estelar Valdi. She is a mystery. The only information about her is her first name, race, hair, and eye color. She always appears in public with a white full-body robe with a veil so people only can see her green hair which tied in a ponytail, her sharp blue eyes, and her pointed ears that prove she is an elf. She is the strongest mage in history that can use any magic exist in Genkai, even Riveria who is her student said that she still far from surpassing her. Except that, she is also famous because of her mastery in mystery. She can make many powerful magic items like Riveria's staff and robe.

Loki and others also only know that Riveria is her cousin after Loki begging Riveria to tell her why she calls her 'sister' not 'sensei' and Riveria refuses to tell more with the reason of royal secret.

"a descendant of the spirit of magic Wishe. no wonder her magic capability is off the chart. but, Viridis? Is that Lyrei's surname? but I feel I heard its somewhere."


Loki's doubt answered by Gareth make her shocked.

"What!? But doesn't that mean her father is him?"

"yes. She is their daughter and her actual name is Lefiya Valdi Wishe, but it will make trouble so my sister gives her's surname which only knows by someone she trusts. Sorry for keeping this secret. But it's her parent's wish. Also, the impact, if this news comes out, will more severe than if Ais blew her origin. Speaking of Ais, did she know that The Black Dragon spotted?"

"you're right. The daughter present hero will cause more uproar that the daughter of a past hero. So all this time we get 2 famous daughters hiding in our familia, what a miracle."

Joke Finn before lamenting at Ais situation

"As for Ais, its not good. Five days ago after you faint she go to the dungeon with Bell Cranel when she hears that news she immediately come here and ask for its location. Of course, I don't answer it and tell her that we will not fight it except it come here. But she did not give up. In the night we catch her trying to leave Orario to seek it. Because you are still sleeping, I decided to get her locked up in her room with Tiona and Tione keeping watch for her while waiting for you to talk with her."

"Thanks, Finn. I will talk to her after this."

After thanks to Finn, Riveria continues her story

"for now let me continue. In 'Dungeon Oratorio' written by Zeus-sama. 1000 years ago, Albert the sword king, and his party fight with the Black Dragon that escape from the dungeon, and Albert take one of its eyes with him and before they got killed except aria who went missing. But the truth is, they prepare ceremony to seal it while Albert distracts it and Aria sacrifices herself to become the anchor for the seal. The other same with written in the book. They all dead except a crippled high elf Queen, Celdia who uses all of her remaining power to seal Ais growth.

Sixteen years ago the seal got released so Familia Myth goes fight it.

My sister says that before they fight she make a chain to suppress its power and Estelar already level 8 but even then, they still got stalemate and start to disadvantage when the dragon successfully kills one of them. When the third member dead they decide it's impossible to continue and decide to seal it again. Hera-sama sacrifices herself to empowering the chain and locks the dragon. Many members died to buy time for them to finish the ceremony because the dragon already knows what they want to do. But they were success finishing the ceremony, which results in Estelar becomes the new anchor and my sister got crippled. Aria also gets awakened and help the fight but was seriously injured. after completing her task, she using her's last strength she releases Ais's Seal and places her last will inside of her."

They shocked to hear the truth from Riveria. The room silent for several minutes because they trying to digest the news and calculate the impact for the future.

"so if the Black Dragon spotted that's mean the seal has broken also Estelar who keeping the seal probably also awakened and in danger. But arent your reaction too much for him even if he is your brother in law?"

Gareth trying to ease the atmosphere but did not expect the answer he gets.

"...um...because... he is also my... husband."


They all got shocked, they know this is not the time for a joke and looking at Riveria who blush while saying it. The news caught them off guard that makes the gloomy atmosphere blew off into nothingness. Even Finn who still thinking nearly fall from his chair.

They never expect the stoic high elf who never interest in any man already married. They even often insult each other because still single at their age yet she shocks them with that news.

"hahaha… so mama really a mama!"

shout Loki realize her joke become real to which annoyed the high elf

"I am not mama! I still not give a birth child.. yet"

She trying to argue but her small voice when she says 'yet' make them laugh more. Her face red in embarrassed but a realization that Estelar's fate still unknown makes her sad. They also stop their laugh and tried to console her.

"it okay Riveria he will be okay because if he died, I will make him pay in Tenkai for making my Riveria sad,"

"Yeah, that old man is too tough. He will certainly come back."

Gareth's joking success brings Riveria to smile.

"He hates being called old man you know"

"haha… now you say it. He often throws tantrum for being called an old man."

"I will order some of our members to search for Hermes, Ganesha, and Ouranos whereabout. we got late because of Ais's incident but we will try to find them. We will also help you to get information about his situation so don't worry too much. okay, this enough. You all can leave except Riveria, there still one thing I want to ask."

"can we also hear it?"

plead Loki which gets an instant rejection from Finn.

"you are so mean"

Loki went out pouting with Gareth that left behind a joke

"don't do something strange to a married woman, Finn."

When he sure they already leave and checking that they did not stay to eavesdropped he closes the door and ask Riveria with a bit blush and voice full of hope and desperation which makes Riveria curious

"Is she okay?"



"ah.." She suddenly realizes why he embarrassed, smirking she asks him" Finn, did you miss her?"

Knowing that there is no escape he nodded and ask again" so how is she?"

"she is fine, she is injured but after recuperate for 16 years, I think she already fully healed."

"thank god."

"hmm now that I remember, she ever says to me that you looked so cute when you determinate to do something."

"Really? No..Stop it! don't say anymore. Just go to talk with ais"

"hmm… okay. They say they will come back here when the time has come and I think the time is now so if you want to get more information ask them and let me know immediately when they here."

On the way to Ais's room, she ordered a set of meals to delivered at Ais room.

Arrived at Ais room only to find Tiona sit in front of the door look so bored but become happy when she spotted her come.

"Riveria! You wake up! Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I am fine now. I only think about the recent situation too much. How is Ais?"

"she demands to go out. At first, she went mad when we lock her up. But now, she only sulking at the corner of her room and don't let anyone enter. Sometimes I find even if she cute she can become troublesome"

The answer from Tiona makes Riveria sigh and rub her forehead.

"haaah… thanks for keeping Ais. You can go, let me take care of her."


"Ais, are you in?"

Riveria knocking the door to let Ais know that she has come but there no answer. With another sigh, she took Ais's room spare key and open the door.

When she entered she find Ais envelop her self like a cocoon in corner of her bed.

Riveria approaches her and sits at the corner of the bed near her.

"Ais, I know you still awake. You don't have to say anything, I know you frustrated but you can't fight it. you will only throw away your life."

"but my goal is to avenge my parents and take back my mother. Yet when it finally here I can't fight it! You all stop me! Why!"

Ais argued with shouting, she is desperate to fight it. she doesn't know her mother always with her. Her last memory is left at Alf royal forest before the final fight, and was told to find her own hero before getting sealed. Moreover, than believing in what Lyrei and Riveria told her, also because of the lack of response from Aria, she still believes in what she read in the book. that's why she always has 'Dungeon Oratoria' in her desk.

"of course we will stop you. There no way we let you die. Listen, Ais. There will many people will be sad if you throw away your life, I, Lefiya, Tiona, Tione, Bete, Gareth, Finn, especially Loki. She doesn't want to lose any of her child that's why she rejects the idea to fight it."

"but you all can just forget me, I will do it alone"

Feeling helpless because Ais cant get what she wants to convey, she tries a different method.

"Ais, what do you feel about that boy, Bell Cranel?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Just answer it."

"I don't know. at first, I only want to know how he grows so fast but now when I with him my heart fluttering and it's weird."

Her answer makes Riveria smile. At least Ais feeling loves even if she doesn't know it.

"Then what do you think if Bell Cranel left you and end up dead?"

Ais cant answer this question, she wants to say something but when she imagines Bell Leave her to die her heart hurt and water starts to gathering in corner of her eye.

Looking at Ais's reaction she knows she success to drag out Ais feeling.

"..no... I will not let him die."

"why is that?"

"I don't know. when you ask that, my heart suddenly hurt."

"it means you sad, Ais. will you able to forget him if he dies?"

"I will not let him die."

"that also what we feel Ais, we will sad if you die so we prevent you to fight it. do you understand?"


"also that boy, Bell Cranel, will be sad if you left, Ais. And if he knows why you left then he will immediately come to save you even cost him his life. Do you want him to die? But that not all. We will never let you fight it by your self so anyone or everyone can die, even me."

The imagine making her's tears start to fall. She doesn't want to lose anyone else by that monster.

'(not again)'

Thinking she will lose everyone makes her heart hurt so much.

"but why you all do that. even if it's sad, You all just did not need to follow me."

Knowing that she going too far, she stops hurt Ais feeling and asks another question

"do you know why my sister let you join familia?"

"is it for me to get stronger so I can achieve my goal?"

"but doesn't she dislike your goal and often lecture you to change your goal?"

"Yeah..she is a demon."

Her sister Lyrei Viridis takes care of Ais since she wakes up. She always lectures Ais when she thinking the way to revenge. Her lecture is consists of the meaning of life, but to do that to three years old girl is going too far, she even punishes her if she runs away or dozes off. Lyrei takes care of Ais for four years before she decides its better for her to join familia. So she entrusts Ais to Riveria and lets her join Loki Familia.

"hehe… she will mad if you say that to her. Let come back to the topic. She let you here not to make you get stronger to achieve your revenge but for you get a bigger family than what she can provide so you can look more to your surrounding. This familia is also your family, Ais. so, we will never let you alone. Even if it's for revenge we want to help you achieve your goal but now isn't the time. Wait a bit more and think about this okay."

When Riveria let Ais think, the ordered food came and she goes to take it in.

"For now you can eat first and then sleep."

"...um. Riveria, I want to ask."


"Bell is in different Familia, but why you said he will also follow me to fight the black dragon?"

"hmm.. because you are important to him. like what you feel to him"

"what do you mean?"

"It is better if you realize it yourself. just eat and sleep it is already night. Also, You are still not allowed to leave the room until you give me a satisfying reason."

"you're a meanie!"

She waiting Ais eat then sleeping in silence. Only after ensuring Ais really sleeping she leaves the room and gets back to her room.

well, some character goes OOC.

different staff btw. Loki never orders from Altena here.

Stay Safe...

if you get bored just make something.


Aria wa shinda :V

I don't want to add more character

Choircreators' thoughts