
Danmachi: I have a Simulator!

Yami travels to the world of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? and join the Familia of Goddess Hephaestus! Simple synopsis: The Mc have a Simulator system where he can simulate through different world to obtain different power to become stronger. He can also travel to different world to conqueror the world and invite familia from other world! Ps: For More Chapters You Can Visit My P@tre0n: p@tre0n.com/LazySeeker

Novelette_Seeker · Tranh châm biếm
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154 Chs

Chapter 0088: The Importance Of Nurses!


A terrifying explosion sounded, and the sky was lit up with flames that lit the entire cave.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, a huge pothole appeared on the ground in an instant, and there were many corpses of red-eyed rabbits inside. At this time, the gunpowder had already been blown into darkness, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder and charring. taste.

The movement of this fighting style is too great.

Explosives were developed to assist the attack. Although this fighting method is very effective, it also has dangers. A careless one may even hurt oneself.

On the other hand, Iguro's movements are going to be much faster.

His snake-like swordsmanship shuttled back and forth among the red-eyed rabbits, each sword able to block the red-eyed rabbit's attack, and then cut off their heads.

All of a sudden, a large number of free heads can be said to be flying all over the sky.

It is probably the sequelae left by fighting with demons, whether it is Usui Tengen or Iguro Obanai, the blow that ends the battle will always be the neck, which is why such a large number of beheadings occur. 

Seeing this scene, Yami's neck even felt cold for a while.

"Ah... I have to say, this method is really efficient enough."

Although the picture is very bloody, the effect is extremely remarkable. Under the joint attack of Usui and Iguro, this group of red-eyed rabbits was quickly killed.

Although the strength of Lv.1's upper rank has brought some troubles, it is not as big as imagined.

"Quickly dig out the magic stone, and then continue to move forward as soon as possible. The smell of blood will attract a lot of monsters. You must not stay where you are after the battle if you don't want to be surrounded by never ending enemies!"

While helping Yushiro clean up the battlefield, Yami taught the basics.

After taking out all the magic stones, the team continued to move forward.

However, just as he thought in his heart, the dungeon might really be targeting them intentionally or unintentionally. In just a few hours, they had encountered countless times of monster attacks.

At first it was just a red-eyed rabbit, and later pangolins would launch sneak attacks in secret.

If it wasn't for Yami's advance arrangements to divide all combatants into two groups, and Tanjuro and Kanae, who reacted quickly, they might have been successfully attacked.

The team didn't suffer too much damage, but it wasn't easy either.

In such a high-intensity battle, the strength of the monsters is at least comparable to the existence of Lower Demons with such a large number, even if Usui and Iguro were not injured, their breathing rate began to change more or less, and their physical exertion was really high!


Accompanied by a crisp impact sound, Usui slashed, was blocked by the red-eyed rabbit stone ax, the muscles on his arm stiffened obviously, and his face changed slightly.

Yami, who saw all this in his eyes, realized something, and quickly said: "Uzui, Iguro, please step back and rest for a while, and leave the rest of the battle to Tanjuro-san and Kanae and get your strength as soon as possible, you still need to work hard!"

"Ah, the number of monsters is more than expected, even I am a little overwhelmed, it is not gorgeous enough!"

"Then I'll leave it to you!"

Knowing their situation very well, Usui and Iguro did not try to be brave, and finally used sword skills to kill some red-eyed rabbits and pangolins, and then seized the gap to retreat.

At the same time, Kanae and Tanjuro, who have been preparing for a long time, can't wait.

"Breath of Flowers • Second Form • Mikagemei!"

Kanae who had completed the baton quickly recovered her blade, and a large number of slashes flew out. At the same time, she carried plum blossom petals floating all over the sky, instantly attracting the attention of monsters.

Wrapped by a large number of petals, these monsters instantly lost their targets.

"It's really helpful, Miss Kanae, leave it to me!" Kamado Tanjuro's voice was still weak, and his movements were not fast, but the sun blade sword in his hand had been slowly raised, "Dance of the Fire God—Dragon Dance!"

The black shadow disappeared in a flash, spreading away with the flame dragon.

The plum blossom petals in the sky were instantly ignited by this terrible flame, and all the red-eyed rabbits were completely destroyed in an instant before they could even react.

The scorching fire ignited the bodies of all the red-eyed rabbits, and the monsters let out ear-piercing wailing sounds, and soon their entire bodies were burned to ashes, leaving only the magic stone fragments in their bodies intact, which fell to the ground as if they had lost their support. 

Gleaming purple in the night.

This scene is really amazing!

"It's really magnificent swordsmanship, as expected of you, sir."

"It's really amazing, even if I have seen it countless times, I will still be surprised when I see it again. It's hard to imagine how terrifying Mr. Tsugikuni Yoriichi was back then."

"I'm overwhelmed by your praise, it's just some trivial skill, not worth mentioning."

Tanjuro had a gentle smile on his face, and looked unexpectedly handsome under the phosphorescent light, but this handsomeness was soon interrupted by a sudden cough.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to improve his strength as soon as possible, so as to be able to support the consumption of marks on his body!

There is a long way to go!

In the following time, everything seemed to go very smoothly.

When the two groups switched back and forth, although there were a large number of red-eyed rabbits and pangolins, they still couldn't hinder them, even if there were HellHound.

Naturally, there were injuries during the period, but under the effect of Shinobu magic, their injuries and physical strength were recovered.

Yami has also experienced the effect of Shinobu magic, which is more powerful than imagined. No wonder every Familia wants to have a healing adventurer. In the process of exploring the dungeon, the effect is too great.

Now there is only Tamayo's magic that has not been used.

So far, there has not been that kind of crisis situation, so there is no need for Tamayo to take action for the time being.

However, after getting a general understanding of the current specific strength of this team, a very bold idea suddenly appeared in Yami's mind.

Maybe they can try it out, The Goliath!

Even if they can't kill it, there is no problem in running away, and maybe they can get a lot of tempering in the battle with Goliath.

At that time, let's see if the floor master has been refreshed!

They went down without any risk, and although they encountered many monsters on the fourteenth and fifteenth floors, they all succeeded in killing them with the tacit cooperation of everyone.

Finally, after passing through the spiral staircase, they finally entered the sixteenth floor.

This is also one of the initial goals of this trip, leveling up here and getting enough ability points.


As soon as their footsteps stepped into the sixteenth floor, terrifying cries came to everyone's ears, and the huge figure wandering wantonly not far away was also full of a faint sense of oppression.

"Is that the Minotaur? What a terrible monster!"

"That's right, we have reached the sixteenth floor, so time to go all out!"

Yami was a little surprised that there was no Minotaur on the previous floor, but he didn't care too much, so let's fight on the sixteenth floor! 

After learning that they will not move forward, but stay here, everyone can be regarded as completely letting go of their full strength. 

The way to increase the ability value is very simple, just need to fight with monsters.

After improving their ability, they can go to deeper floors to obtain the materials needed to make potions that replenish vitality, so with the magic recovery of Shinobu, everyone no longer has any scruples.

Everyone starts fighting the Minotaur, even Shinobu.

However, the strength of the Minotaur slightly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Not only is it powerful, but its speed is not inferior, coupled with its near-intuitive fighting instinct and its terrifying defence and recovery power, even LV.2 adventurers of the same level may not necessarily be its opponents.

At the very beginning, Usui and Iguro also fell into a bitter battle, not to mention the slightly weaker Kanae and Shinobu. The two could only hold on under the hands of the Minotaurs for a few minutes. Looking for the very small possibility of breaking the game.

Only Kamado Tanjuro alone can completely suppress the Minotaur from the very beginning.

As the battle continued, the situation changed slightly.

Kamado Tanjuro took the lead in beheading the Minotaur who was fighting against him. As for the Usui and Iguro, one has mastered the [transparent world], and the other has the skill of 'mapping', and after figuring out the specifics of the Minotaur. The situation of the battle was reversed in an instant.

After a fierce battle, the two Minotaurs were finally defeated.

Standing aside, Yami, who had been silently watching the battle, frowned slightly, with a slightly surprised expression.

"Their Physical quality is too weak, even with the blessing of breathing techniques. Although the recovery ability of the Minotaur is not as good as that of the demon, its defense power is better. Orario's combat power system is better and stronger than I thought."

Even for the pillars with rare skills, it is very reluctant to challenge the Minotaur with their current body.

However, there is no problem in winning. The question now is how long can it be sustained? Under such extreme circumstances, the ability value increase will be even greater!

"Miss Tamayo, I'll leave it to you from now on, please use magic to help Kanae and Shinobu, for Tanjuro-san and the others don't mind them for now."

"I understand, Mr. Yami, leave it to me."

Tamayo did not refuse, she was also worried about the two sisters Kanae and Shinobu, they were already good friends, so naturally she would feel worried.

Now that she has been allowed to provide help, she will naturally not refuse.

She slowly raised her left hand, rolled off her sleeves to reveal her white arms, then took out a small dagger from her waist, and gently slashed across her arms.

The skin was cut open, and blood flowed out instantly, but Tamayo didn't seem to feel the slightest pain.

"Let the blood flow out!"

As the chants fell, the scarlet blood quickly evaporated under the watchful eyes of Yami and Yushiro, turning into purple-red gas, and quickly floated to the center of the battlefield.

There was a faint fragrance in the air, and the Kocho sisters who were in a state of mental tension naturally also smelled it.

In an instant, they felt that their physical strength had recovered a lot, and their spirits became more concentrated, and even the Minotaur's movements slowed down.

"Is this Miss Tamayo's magic?"

At the same time, the sisters, who were aware of something, avoided the attack of the Minotaur, subconsciously looked in the direction of Tamayo, and saw the smiles on the faces of Yami and Tamayo.

Feeling the surging power coming from their bodies, the two of them immediately became full of confidence.

"Breath of Flower • Fifth Form—Peonies of Futility!"

"Breath of Insects・Dance of Dragonflies・Compound Eye Hexagon!"

The two carried out six consecutive strikes and nine consecutive strikes at a very fast speed respectively, and were boosted. 

With so much power, they pierced through the chest of the Minotaur in front of them with ease.

The touch, like cutting paper, surprised the sisters who had been suppressed for a long time before.

However, the pain from the body made the Minotaur more angry. The Minotaur raised the weapon in his hand high and charged towards the heads of the two women.

But before, it was obviously a menacing attack, but now it seems to be a lot weaker.

If you look carefully, you can find that the bodies of the two Minotaurs are covered with faint red stripes, and the stripes are faintly visible, shining with dark red light.

This is the weakening ability from Tamayo's blood magic.

Under its effect, the difference between the basic attributes of the sisters and the Minotaur is completely narrowed, whether it is Kanae or Shinobu, now they can accurately capture the Minotaur attack trajectory.

"Breath of Insect·Dance of Centipedes—Hundred–Legged Zigzag!"

"Breath of Flower·Sixth Form—Whirling Peach!"

The two girls jumped up almost at the same time, tapped their toes lightly on Minotaur's arm, and then turned their bodies in the air non-stop, with flower petals and butterflies flying one after another

Only the Minotaur wrapped up.

After its vision completely dissipated, the necks of the two Minotaurs had been cut open.

The only difference is probably that the cut made by Shinobu is not that big.

Obviously, even with the boost, her strength is still too weak, and being able to cut to this extent is already her limit.


A large amount of blood sprayed out, and the Minotaur lost it's breath and fell to the ground.

The battle ended faster than expected, and even completely exceeded the expectations of Kanae and Shinobu. They couldn't believe that they could defeat this big guy.

But now it was too late to think about it, because the rest of the Minotaurs rushed from not far away again.

"It's really powerful magic, Miss Tamayo, with your help, everyone's ability to survive in the dungeon will be significantly improved, and you and Shinobu will become indispensable in the team."

Yami made no secret of his praise.

He had thought that the increase in magic would be terrifying, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying, it could be called a change of the world. It seems that he needs to plan carefully for the future exploration of the dungeon.

"Mr. Yami, you are too polite, I should also thank you for your care~"

Tamayo still had a very beautiful smile, and her eyes fell on Sisters again, "Do I still need to weaken the Minotaur?"

"No, no need, you just need to boost Kanae and Shinobu. Fighting more powerful monsters will increase their ability value faster."

"I know, I'll keep an eye on that side."


With the existence of Tamayo magic, the Minotaur is no longer a concern.

Seeing that several people were fighting fiercely and no one was at a disadvantage, Yami was completely relieved. Being able to survive in the dungeon is the top priority for an adventurer.

However, among Lv. 1 level adventurers, they are probably the only ones who can use the Minotaur as 'experience points'.

Seeing the battle getting better and better, Yami also started to feel a little itchy.

"I can't go away anyway, so let me join the battle. Although I can't increase my ability value by killing the Minotaur now, it's better than nothing. It's better than standing here doing nothing."

Having made a decision, Yami no longer hesitated, and drew out the Sun Blade Sword to join the battle.

He chose the Minotaur, who was attacking Tamayo and Yushiro as his target. He didn't need to use the matching combat skills of the breathing method at all, just swordsmanship alone. 

Instant Kill! 

This is the first time he has fought since he acquired the talent of Yoriichi.

Needless to say, that kind of grasp of the battle situation is simply perfect, Yami has personally experienced his own strength, and the Minotaur has no resistance at all in his hands.

This scene was watched by Tamayo and Yushiro, and both of them showed shocked expressions.

"It's amazing, exactly the same as that man back then!"

Tamayo's eyes shone with hot light, and Tsugikuni Yoriichi's figure appeared in her sight again, completely overlapping with Yami.

This kind of power really makes you yearn for it!