
Danmachi: An Outsider

A person that is reborn into Danmachi to be friends with his favorite hero, Bell.

Auren02 · Tranh châm biếm
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Rebirth 2

(Gale POV)

Just like how I saw it in the wiki and anime, the Guild looked exactly how it was supposed to. Maybe there were some details missing, but hey, I wasn't a stickler for it. The hard part about all this was my decision to expose myself to everyone. Should I? It's not a bad idea, but then I'll be known to anyone who is curious about me which comes with its own set of risks. I certainly don't want to catch the eyes of Loki and Freya. They would ruin my plans for fun.

Yeah...I'm not doing it. It's kind of risky. Those two goddesses are too smart and curious for their own good. That's why I created my Conceal skill in the first place so that I could hide from people like them. Walking away from the entrance, I found myself kind of lost as to what to do next. It wasn't until a few seconds into my walk did I ask myself an important question. What does any human need?

Food, shelter, and water would be the correct answer, but each required money. Something I don't have. Fortunately, I have my unique magic to fix all that. It's called Grimoire Creation. In the series, Grimoires are magic items created by the combination of developmental abilities called Mage and Mystery. What God gave me was the ability to create any type of Grimoire with any intended effects as long as I have the correct amount of mind to create it or recreate any existing grimoires. The best part of creating any grimoires was the fact that I can modify them. For example, Bell's firebolt. I could create an improved version of Firebolt that has area damage and takes less mind or I could completely change its properties and make it shoot lightning instead. Extra effects take up more mind, however, it's worth it in my opinion.

Of course, there is the chance of a failed creation due to my inexperience of creating new grimoires with new effects so I had to master the basics first. Foundation was key. If I do fail, then I would have to wait a few hours until I am recharged enough to create it since it takes a majority of my mind. I think I should create a skill to increase my mind or mind regeneration. Ugh. Seriously, I hate the fact it's called mind. Why don't they call it mana? Anyways, according to God, high-level grimoires would not only take my mind but also my levels. Good thing I got the first three high-level grimoires for free. It sucks that I can't pick beyond a Level 3 Grimoire.

As for what I intend to do with this magic, I planned on creating a magic grimoire called Sky Walk. This idea came to me from an anime called One Piece. This allows a person to effectively walk on air by using minimal wind magic or propel themselves in a direction. If they wanted more speed in the air or whenever they want to run, the users would have to supply it with more mind. I think 15,000,000 valis is a pretty good price. After all, this can save a person and help with long distant traveling. I should only make one weekly or every four days. I do want to keep its value over time.

Since a target is definitely going to be put on me during this, I also made some gear for protection. The Cloak of Invisibility that I have on helps me with hiding quite well. It's pretty much exactly like the one from Harry Potter, but it also prevents others from using their magic or unique abilities to see me. This item was originally intended for the Gods to not spot me and seeing how I passed by Freya of all people helped my case. There was also the Stealth Boots of Mobility that I was wearing. Just like how it sounds, it lets me move around faster, but with the silent attribute of ninjas. Pretty cool right? All these items came from my Grimoire Creation training with God. With Item Grimoires, every equipment in existence is available to me. Unfortunately, I can't get broken weapons like the Gate of Babylon or something. It costs 7 levels and about thirty-two times more mind from my original amount. Ridiculous.

With my life more or less planned out, I wanted to see if Bell has met Hestia yet. The story will start six months from now and I have to be wary of any butterfly effects. There is an issue though. It's not a big deal or anything, but I can't help myself. I just had to stare. Dog ears, cat ears, dwarves, elves, and other races. They are real. They are real!

Whoa. Look at her ears. They are so big and pointy! She must be an elf. Then there's a short blondie next to her. Was he a midget or a Pallum? I wasn't quite sure. There was also a dwarf next to them. He is so chubby and short like the descriptions. Maybe I could ask him to make me some gear when I'm too lazy to make my own. Not to mention, it would give me a perfect cover as to where I was getting my stuff from. Wait a minute, is that a werewolf? He looks like my school bully. Hilarious!

Unfortunately for me, I wasn't careful enough. In my excitement, I failed to notice that I wasn't just looking at a group. I was watching the Loki Familia. By the fact that the elf and the blond were walking towards me told me that I may have observed too much, but I was kind of excited at meeting Riveria and Finn. They were pretty cool in the series. However, I have to be wary of Finn. He's one of the smart ones.

"Hello there. Can we do something for you?" Riveria asked. She was curious as to why she was being gazed by a human teenager with so much enthusiasm.

I got back my composure and replied as politely as I can. First impressions matter right? "No nothing. I was just really interested in your group."

"Oh? You know us?" Finn smiled.

"No." I lied. Thanks, Conceal. You just let me dodge a bullet. "I have never seen you before today. I was more interested in your appearances."

"Is that so?" Was she offended or something? "And what did you think?"

This time, I didn't lie. "Amazing." Both Loki Familia members looked confused. "Ah. Let me elaborate. I have only heard of stories and descriptions of other races, but this is my first time seeing them. Miss Green Hair, I heard that elves were a race of handsome men and beautiful women, however, you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever met in my entire life." She took a step back and blushed a little bit. Was I too sincere? Plus, I wasn't quite lying. I said woman and not Goddess. Otherwise, Freya would've taken the spot. "You also look so youthful. You must make those twenty-year-old women quite jealous huh?" This time, she was completely red.

"You think that highly of me?" she stuttered. What is this adorableness? I must continue my blunt comments to see more.

"Absolutely." I nodded. "Even the way you asked me that question exuded so much cuteness that my heart fluttered a little. Whoever is your partner must be quite lucky." Finn quietly giggled to himself as he saw what a mess Riveria was becoming. She coughed and excused herself back to her group where I saw her take a couple of deep breaths to calm herself. Since when were my words this effective?

"Good job kid. You managed to do something that I thought would be impossible in this lifetime."

"I don't know what I did." I shifted my focus on him. "Hmmm... are you a Pallum by any chance or are you just a short human?" I know the answer. He knows the answer. His Familia knows the answer. Does he know that I know the answer?

"Yes. I am a Pallum. Most people would just write me off as a midget." That must be annoying.

"It was your deep voice. It gave it away. Mind if I ask your age? You look no older than a fifteen-year-old." He chuckled.

"Well...I'm actually 39. I'm about to become 40 soon. The woman you talked to before is actually older than me."

I had to act my part. "I'm sorry. I think my ears need to get cleaned because I swear I heard you say that you're about to be 40 and that the beautiful woman was older than you." Was that a normal reaction? Did that build up my character as a naive and innocent kid in their eyes?

"Nope. You didn't hear wrong." He tapped my shoulder. "Welcome to Orario."

"How bizarre," I commented.


Looking at the sky, I noticed that the Sun was starting to set and so I had to hurry. As I turned to leave, I said my goodbyes. "Alright then. I have to get myself settled in this city so I'll see you around Goldy. Say bye to Grelf for me."

(Finn POV)

Eyeing the kid as he turned the corner, I kept thinking about what he said. Goldy? Did he just call me Goldy? And who's Grelf? Does he mean Riveria? It made sense. Green hair and elf. Grelf. Hahaha. Such a fun name. Going back to the group, I found myself teasing her.

"So. Riveria. The kid that admires you so much even gave you a nickname." Her attention was on me. This is new.

"What is it?"


"Grelf?" She went through what I did before understanding where it came from. "It makes sense. We didn't ask for each other's names."

The werewolf laughed uproariously."AHAHAHAHA!! GRELF! GRELF!! You got such a lame nickname old hag!!" An immediate smack to the head was her response.

"Calm down guys. At least Riveria got a decent name. I'm stuck with Goldy." They all chatted about the raven-haired boy until they reached home.

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