
Danmachi a new beginning

An engineering student dies and ends up in the void. He's reincarnated into danmachi as a Minecrafter. Lets see how far he makes it. I'm a student writing to releave stress its basically going to be a wish fullfillment fanfic updates will be sparodic

Jordan1908 · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 Dungeon life

Its been 3 weeks since I entered the dungeon and to tell you the truth I was starting to get twitchy. You see I remember from the anime that the Astraea familia was annihilated on the 30th floor in the dungeon so I've basically been bouncing around between the 27th and 30th floors killing the Amphisbaina and Bloodsaurus's that live on those floors.

The Amphisbaena that annoying 2 headed dragon was so damn long to kill it wasn't even due to the fact it spawns in water, or the fact that the fire its left head spews is basically a rip of amatarasu, no its due to the crimson mist it's right head spews that can inhibit magic. Funniest [art about it though is that the magic blocking mist didn't affect me in the traditional sense, I mean it still didn't allow me to use magic but it didn't stop my enchantments, the reason that it was so irritating to kill was because the mist was so dense it was like a thick red fog making it difficult for me to land my Kusarigama's on it.

I also believe my lack of actual fighting experience is why it took me so long to kill the Amphisbaena the first 2 times but it think the corrections my skill Magic blade master made when I wielded the bladed segments of the Kusarigama's made up for it. I really hope I get the Chain user Developmental ability on my next update or I'm really going to have to grind to learn how to use my Kusarigama's more efficiently.

In other news I did manage to run into the Loki advanced party. The Loki familia members that I met that interested me were Finn Deimne, Riveria Ljos Alf, Gareth Landrock, Tione and Tiona Hiryute and Bete Loga.


I had Just managed to kill the Amphisbaena for the 3rd time on the 27th floor and finally managed to collect the dragon's liver. As exited as I was I still didn't drop my guard as I remembered from my past life one of my friend's said to me, "the most dangerous thing in the dungeon isn't the monsters. It's other adventurers." So I was always spreading my mana around me to sense everything and managed to jerry-rig a bastardised form of observation haki as I could feel what was around me at all times. Hard to believe it took me having to fight the Amphisbaena twice before I rememberd haki from one piece.


After collecting the liver I felt the people who had been watching the fight aproach me. "Hey there!" Finn called out, his voice filled with warmth and camaraderie. "You must be the new face the higher-ups have been talking about. Name's Finn Deimne, leader of the Loki Familia. That was quite a show you put on back there."

Beside Finn stood Riveria Ljos Alf, the elegant and composed mage of the Loki Familia. Her piercing gaze held a hint of intrigue as she regarded Michael, her curiosity piqued by his impressive display of strength.

"Greetings," Riveria said, her voice smooth and measured. "I am Riveria Ljos Alf, mage of the Loki Familia. Your prowess in battle is commendable, to say the least."

Gareth Landrock, the stoic warrior known for his unwavering loyalty to Finn, nodded in agreement. "Gareth Landrock," he stated simply, his expression unreadable as he surveyed Michael with a hint of respect.

The dynamic duo of Tione and Tiona Hiryute approached next, their playful banter and mischievous grins marking them as the spirited warriors of the Loki Familia.

"Yo! Tione Hiryute here," Tione exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "Nice work out there! You've got some serious skills."

Tiona chimed in, her playful tone echoing her sister's sentiments. "And I'm Tiona Hiryute! We heard you've been making waves in the dungeon. Mind if we join in on the fun?"

Last but certainly not least was Bete Loga, the brash and abrasive member of the Loki Familia. His sharp gaze bore into Michael, a hint of skepticism coloring his words as he addressed the newcomer.

"Bete Loga," he grunted, his voice laced with skepticism. "Don't get too cocky just 'cause you've taken down a few monsters. We'll see if you've got what it takes to keep up with us."

 "yo I'm Micheal but I guess you already knew that" I chuckled.

"how long have you been down here" inquired Finn

"about 3 weeks, Ive been trying to collect some materials to see their effect in my smithing"

"that was an impressive fight especially if it was your first time fighting the Amphisbaena " said Finn assuming that it was my first attempt " and a damn lucky one if you manged to get the liver"

"I would be flattered if it was my first attempt "I responded" but given that it's the third time I solo'd the damn thing I was hoping the liver would drop sooner or later "

The shock was evident on their faces aside from Bete who seemed to be irritated

"don't talk shit weakling" he growled out" a nobody like you shouldn't be down on the middle floors alone let alone claiming to have fought an Amphisbaena solo just admit you sacrificed you team to kill it and came back to claim the spoils."

My face hardened at this and I said " Finn I thought you said the higher ups in your familia knew about me"

"yes" he responds "but Bete's an Idiot who doesn't bother to remember names and the fact that no one outside of your familia knows what you look like means that as he doesn't recognize you you're a newbie and don't have the strength or experience to be down in the middle floors."

"Finn" Bete growls out "the fuck to talking about and why talk so politly to a weakling"

Finn grins weakly "micheal mind introducing yourself"

"sure" I respond leaking a bit of bloodlust putting everyone on edge "burn this into your mind Bete Loga just cos you don't recognize someone doesn't give you the right to talk down to them" I paused to let that sink in before saying "my name is Micheal Wells I'm the head blacksmith of the Hephaestus famila and a level 9. It has not been a pleasure to meet you.

His face paled a bit before anger seemed to resurface " don't talk shit. There hasn't been a level 9 since the Zeus and Hera famila fell."

To this Tiona decided to intervene "Bete you dumb ass the fact that Micheal is a level 9 is not up for debate the guild already confirmed it, so apologies so we can move on"

Bete growled out " me apologies for what he's simply a slightly stronger weakling. Until I see proof he's a level 9 I'll only believe what I've seen."

"huh" I responded "I can't fault that way of thinking after all seeing is believing" I said "how about this, me vs you here and now"

To which Bete responded with a scoff "If you really were a level 9 that wouldn't be much of a competition now would it, after all I'm a level 4"

"why the hell would I offer to fight you" I said confusedly " I mean me vs everyone here"

Then Riveria intervened " while it would be a great learning experience to fight someone so much stronger than us it wouldn't be wise to get unnecessarily injured in the dungeon"

"how about after our expedition you come and meet us at the Twilight manor and you can beet up Bete for having a big mouth there" said Tiona cheerfully

"sure" I chuckled " I'll see you lot around" I said walking off into the mist.

End flashback

Another interesting group that I met in the 3 weeks I was down here was the Executives of the Freya familia.


I am currently fighting a bloodsaurus on the 30th floor these damn fire breathing T-rex's have pretty thick skin so I'm trying to fight one slowly and skin it whilst its still alive to see if I can collect the skin as a drop if its not connected to its body before it dies, when I sense someone about to kick me from behind.

I immediately kill the bloodsauris and spin around catching the leg of the person attacking me and flinging it into the floor. The impact causes the ground to shake and crack as I look at the thing that attacked me. A male black haired yellow eyed cat person I recognize from the anime, Allen Fromel. Exasperated I pretend not to recognize him.

"huh a member of evilus so deep in the dungeon, I've gotta report this to the guild." I say quietly pretending to talk to myself but saying it loud enough for him to hear me.

"fuck off who are you calling a member of evilus u asshole" growled out Allen

"who else would attack someone from behind with intent to kill" I respond taking out some metal from the system to bind him whith "someone who randomly tries to kill someone with no rhyme or reason, are you telling me that doesn't sound like a member of evilus to you, so who are you? "

Unable to disagree with that statement he gowl's out "Allen Fromel, level 4 Freya familia."

"and how do you expect me to believe that" I respond "you claim to be someone from the freya familia, a familia that is known to be one of the familia's who've openly fought against evilus but act the same as them. Sounds like shit to me"

"Grrrr" growls Allen "I'm the scout for the Executives. My captains a bit further back she should be here shortly."

"why should I wait for all I know this could be an evilus ploy to ambush adventurers in the dungeon" knowing he's telling the truth as I can feel a group of 4 people listening in to the conversation

"grr just wait and see" he growls "if you kill me there will be repercussions"

"and I'm willing to take them someone whos willing to kill a random person they've never met before in the dungoen is more likely to be a member of evilus than a mamber of the freya familia"I respond lifting up my Kusarigama's making it look like I'm about to behead him.

"WAIT!!!" shouts Mia Grand Captain of the Freya familia "don't kill him, he's telling the truth hes a member of the freya familia."

"and why shouldn't I kill him." I repsond " had I been a weaker adventurer I would have died if his attack had hit me."

Unable to refute that statement she responds "I'm Mia Grand captain of the Freya familia I swear on my falna that it will be reported to my Goddess and he will be punished for his transgrssion"

"very will Miss Mia I will take your word for it" I say "I'm Micheal Wells it's a pleasure to meet most of you" looking at Allen in distaste.

Mia's eyes seem to light up as she says "you wouldn't happen to be the newest member of the Hephaestus familia would you" she grins "who just so happens to be a level 9"

A you can see the shock on the faces of the freya executives when she says that

"boys, introduse yourselves" she orders

"Ottar level 5"

"Hogni level 4"

"Hedin level 4"

"and I'm Mia Grand Level 5" she says "would you mind letting Allen go? I know he's an ass but we need him. You can come to Folkvangr and we will compensate you for what he did"

"very will Miss Mia, but make sure he doesn't do this again other wise if I hear he's done something like this again I will kill him, even if I have to walk through your familia to do it" I respond leaking a bit of bloodlust.

"I will make sure of it" she says seriously

They then walked off into the dungeon as I continued my experiments with bloodsaurus skin.

Flashback end

I also met the Astraea familia when they passed through the 27th floor but I only gave their captain Alise a nod before moving on. I'm currently having dinner on the 31st floor waiting for them to reach the floor below when I hear explosions going off and the floor vibrates. I hurriedly shove everything into my inventory and head off to the 30th floor. I didn't want them to die and I also wanted to see if I could get a drop off the juggernaut.


AN: This is my first time trying to write dialogue in this fic let me know what you think in the comments