
Dangerous Ceo's Wife: Behind The Mask

Min Jung quickly took cover behind a tree as she caught sight of some men with a cars in front of her house, this wasn't the first time they visited this month but they had never come at night and tonight, they were carrying weapons some of which she had never seen before Her first instinct was to hide "I can't give you the land, I've told you before, it's a family inheritance" Min Jung could hear everything they said, she looked at the man in suit in his 40's he looked like the boss and he had talked with her father without an ounce of respect "You can't give it, you or you won't" I'm sorry Sir, I would appreciate it if you left my family and my property alone, we don't want any trouble, Min Jung's father said with a shaky voice, the looks of the man and the men that came with him were enough to make anyone pee on their pants "Too bad we won't be having this conversation again" "Really?" Kim Ju Won asked with excitement as his eyes widened holding the hands of his wife firmly. If they ever said not giving up for what you strongly believe yields good results, he felt he had seen it first hand He couldn't help but feel excited "Yes, dead people tell no tales" Park Kija said as the smile on the face of Ju Won died immediately "Whaaat do...you mean by that?" he asked stammering "Kill them" he ordered Jong Si Woo stepped forward with a small dagger, slowly walking towards Kim Dae, Min Jung's mother, "No, No please don't kill me I beg of.. You.. Before she could complete her sentence he slit her throat as her blood kept gushing out with her life slowly sipping out "Haaa" Min Jung exclaimed holding her mouth immediately so she won't scream out loud as hit tears dropped from her eyes "Haaasaaaaaaa, Haaaaaaa" Ju Won screamed in anguish Holding his wife that was almost lying helplessly on the ground, "Its okay, you won't be alive to grieve for long" Park Kija said with an evil smile "I hate you!!!!, you are going to die a slow and painful death, you will die miserable, you will die!!!!!!" He screamed in pain, "Dae, Dae open your eyes, open your eyes please Dae don't do this to me, Dae!!!" She managed to speak but all he could hear was Min Jung, she was worried about Min Jung Kija looked at him on the floor holding his wife whose life was slowly sipping away "You shouldn't have said that, you shouldn't" "Throw them inside the house" Jong Si Woo and Li Seok carried pushed them both inside the house "What...what are you doing" "I am giving you your family's inheritance, perhaps you could live here forever, you need to feel what it's like to die a slow and painful death" "Hyaaah you can't do this, we did nothing wrong" he screamed in tears Min Jung was faint in fear, as tears and sweat formed a good mixture on her face, with her hands perfectly covering her mouth as she watched everything from behind the tree, her father taught her better than expose herself in the face of danger "You did everything wrong by not giving up this place which is a good thing as you would have to live here forever" "Burn this place to the ground!!" he ordered as Li Seok walked quickly to the boot of the car to get gasoline Min Jung eyes widened as more tears flowed freely down her cheeks, her heart rate tripled, if she was calm enough to listen she might have heard her own heart beating Soon a huge fire was all Min Jung could see as she heard her father screamed Let me out, help!!! Somebody help, she looked at the man under the bright moon light in disdain His crooked teeth was hard to miss, and the tattoo in the arm of the two men that accompanied him was equally hard to miss, it was exactly same just in different areas of their body. Chairman Park walked away from the building slowly as he felt a sudden movement behind the leaves "Check!! someone's there" Its a little girl, should we kill her He looked at her, she was all sweaty and scared. "Knock her out we've shed enough blood for one day"

Shu_Lee · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

Female bodyguard

"I have complete trust in you don't screw this up"

"Have I ever failed?"

"No, you haven't" he smiled proudly

"Here is a box that contains what you would need for this Job, a helicopter will come to pick you up in 10 minutes"

"Okay Sir" she responded with the usual cold expression on her face

"Boss, what did you mean when you said this would help me in my course"

"You'll figure that out for yourself real soon"

If there was something she knew quite alright was that Mr Kang never bluffed and he was one of the smartest men she knew, she just had to trust him.

She opened the box instinctively scanning through it with critical eyes, it had just about everything she needed.

Okay, time to go Mr Kang said on hearing the rolling blades of the helicopter.

She pulled the box right behind her as snake scowled at her, he knew there was every possibility that the annoying son of Chairman Dae might make her lose it and once she did it would be trouble for her, there was nothing he would love more than to see her lose her credibility.

"Bye loser," he said as she approached the elevator door.

she said nothing out of respect for Mr Kang

The helicopter waited for about 2 minutes before she arrived.

Alright fox remember all that I told you and most importantly try not to get yourself killed

"yes boss" she responded immediately entering the helicopter

"Where are we headed?" she asked the pilot who was driving the helicopter alongside someone that looked like a co-pilot, ordinarily her sense of caution would have made her uncomfortable as she generally didn't trust people but this was a deal given to her by Mr. Kang and she knew the last thing the old man wanted was for her to be dead.

"I said where are we headed?" She asked again trying to beat the sound of the turning blades

"Too impatient this one" the co pilot said

In less than 15 minutes the helicopter landed on the property of Chairman Dae.

Min Jing speculated about how the job could be, she had been told that he was an ass, but she hoped he didn't bring his crap close to her, she wasn't afraid to break his bones, she was confident that if he tried anything funny she would not hesitate to break his bones in pieces.

Dae Ryuk was what anyone would call a spoilt elite, the woman used Tina fault and usually spent his entire night in clubhouses, getting laid and drunk

She got close to the house and caught sight of the 5'11 tall slim beautiful lady in a suit

Where is she? he said holding a bottle of vodka in his hands stammering while the butler took her belongings to the house, she was going to be his bodyguard for a week and looking at his pitiable state she couldn't wait for the week to end

He stunk greatly of alcohol while the agent chairman Dae had hired tried to explain things to her.

"This is Dae Ryuk, I understand that he may not be the best person to work with and it may not also be easy for you, but he had requested a female bodyguard and given the recent development, it had to be the best and your reputation precedes you"

"Do you have any questions?"

"When do I start?" she said with a straight face

"Right about now young lady, let me introduce you both"

They slowly approached the half-drunk spoilt brat

"Good evening Sir, your new bodyguard is here"

"Oh" he looked at her thoroughly staggering a bit.

"Why does she have a cold expression on her face, she looks like a sculpted work of art," he said laughing on top of his lungs

This made Min Jing clench her fist tightly, if it hadn't been for the simple fact that this was the job and that she had little or no choice she would have smacked his face right there and then.

"Alright get the driver ready, tonight we club perhaps it would put a little smile on this stoned face."

"who is he referring to as stoned face?" she thought with a slight frown between her brows which was barely visible.

"Great!!! now my life is over, a club?! how useless can a human be?" She was having these mini conversations in her head to prevent her from hitting him or yelling at him, that was the only way she could keep calm.

He entered the car with Min Jing sitting in the front seat with the driver

"Hi, you're new here, I'm Bok Su," he said with a smile hoping that she would be kind enough to reciprocate the kind gesture, but her next response was enough proof that she wasn't here to make friends


She simply said with a stern look on her face

Bok Su simply stopped trying to initiate a conversation and drove off to the bar

Then it struck her,

"This is Seoul, No hold on this is the heart of Seoul!!!" she had been leaning on the glass window of the car when the thoughts of that hit her which made her sit in an upright position immediately

"This would help you in your course" she recounted with a calm smile on her face.

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