
DANDELIONS. "I scattered in the hope they'd find you along the way."

What if the butterfly effect were real? What if an action as simple as the flapping of a butterfly's wings could cause a tornado elsewhere? ... Astrol Mirae Hae is the only daughter and heir to the Hae empire. She is smart, kind, adorable and bright; all of which changes when she loses her parents at the tender age of five. Chaos soon ensues afterwards as she grows to hate her own kind and realizes that what seemed to be a freak accident, was actually a murder in disguise. Things get even more complicated as she encounters the rich, handsome and charming prince of the Kim empire. Wishes are made, lies are told, lives are taken. The world as they knew it comes crumbling down, and everything hangs in the balance of a wish upon a single dandelion fluff. Their fates might be more twisted, their destinies more entangled than they could've ever imagined. His fallen star, his redemption and his ultimate destruction... [Warning : This book contains some mature content and foul language. Most suited for readers of 16 and above! ]

chizitelu_ujah · Thành thị
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43 Chs


At Bora's house;

Bora, Xander, Astrol and Nari were all sitted together in the living room chatting and playing games. They were currently on their long break before they would officially start freshman year, so they would normally hang out like this whenever they were free. When they finally got tired of the games, they decided to watch a movie. However, it proved difficult because Nari kept on tearing up at every sad scene; well she had always been the emotional type whenever it came to things like that. "Nari geez, I think you're crying more than the female lead herself", Bora complained. The male lead had just been confirmed dead by the doctor and the female lead couldn't bear it. Yes it was a really sad scene but Nari just wouldn't stop crying like a baby. "Oh my gosh, Xander are you crying?!", Astrol gasped. "What! No!", Xander replied with wide eyes and a flushed face.

Everyone's attention was immediately drawn to him as they burst out laughing. Xander was speechless as he caught sight of Astrol's teasing grin. He was so embarrassed, he didn't expect Astrol to say that all of a sudden. What was worse was that something had gone into his eyes and he was rubbing at his eyelashes the exact moment Astrol had made the accusation, so it indeed seemed very believable. Astrol on the other hand just laughed at him. She kinda felt bad for teasing him like that seeing how flushed his face was, but she said that to lift Nari's mood so that they'd be able to continue the movie in peace without her outbursts. Nonetheless, she didn't think that she would enjoy Xander's reaction that much.

They eventually went back to watching the movie till it finally ended. Once the movie was done, Bora opened her mouth and said something totally unexpected. "You guys, I'm thinking of getting surgery so I can look really pretty for high school". "What?!", Nari gasped. "No it's just that lately I've been surrounded by so many pretties that I feel inferior. Look at the female lead for example, or Astrol even", Bora explained with a pout. "But you're also very beautiful Bora", Astrol replied. "Yeah, and you're all tall. Look at me, I'm barely average height. Do you have any idea how short I feel around you guys?", Nari added with a long face. It was true, she was the shortest out of them all. Nicholas was also a constant reminder, never hesitating to tease her about her height whenever he could...the bastard.

"Yeah remember that one time during P.E class in grade 8 when we were all practicing shooting a basketball. Nari was so small, our P.E teacher had to get her a small stool to stand on to make it easier for her", Xander recounted making them all laugh again. Well everyone except Nari of course. "Don't you dare bring that up, hmph! You know what, I think you should be the one getting that surgery. You don't look too appealing at all right now", Nari retorted leaving Xander stunned and Bora and Astrol laughing at their little banter.


At Lee mansion in country Z;

"What do you mean they're not coming back anymore?!", Zane asked angrily. "I'm sorry young sir but they just informed me that they decided to delay their flight and will be returning a little later", the elderly man said trying his best to calm Zane down. Zane could only fist his hands tightly by his sides. His parents were supposed to be back from their trip by now, but as usual they chose work and business over him and his little sister. "What am I going to tell Sumi now. She's going to be so disappointed", he whispered to himself. After standing there for a while, he turned on his heels and walked out of the mansion. He really needed to clear his head. The elderly man who was in charge of watching over him then sent two men to follow him.

Zane just walked aimlessly about the street for a while, trying to calm himself down, when he bumped into a random guy selling flowers. "Would you like to buy some flowers sir?", the guy asked politely but Zane just snapped and lashed out at him. "What do you think you're doing? How dare you block my path like that and to buy flowers at that?! Now give me one good reason why I would want to buy those stupid flowers of yours huh, do I look like a bee to you?!", Zane roared and the flower guy just stood there terrified. He knew who this guy in front of him was and the last thing he wanted was to make the young prince angry.

The funny thing was that it was Zane who had bumped into him but he didn't mind because he thought that he would buy loads of flowers from him since he was rich and all. Never had he imagined that his luck had run out on him, and that this blessing was actually a curse in disguise.

The people around could only throw him sorry glances filled with pity as he stood trying not to breathe too loud. Zane was about to say more when he heard a familiar voice. "I'll buy some flowers", Kim Minho said with a kind smile as he now stood beside Zane. He had just finished his appointment with his doctor and was already exiting the building when he witnessed the commotion with the sales guy. Seeing as the sales guy still stood rooted to his spot, wariness flashing in his eyes as he looked back and forth between Zane and him, Minho spoke once more, "Don't mind my friend over here, he's a bit moody today. I'll have some flowers if you don't mind". The sales guy finally moved as his brain quickly processed the prince's request. He immediately packaged all the flowers that he had ordered and was surprised because the prince had practically bought all his flowers. He was so happy that he threw the prince a thankful look before he bowed slightly and hurriedly left.

"Seriously?", Zane grumbled with a displeased look on his face. "What?...You know how much I like flowers, they're comforting", Kim Minho replied casually as he handed over the flowers to one of his bodyguards. "Oh really, dude you've got tons of flowers in your mansion's garden, isn't that enough?", Zane asked with raised eyebrows. "It is but it'd never hurt to have more. What's wrong?", Minho asked noting Zane's foul mood not that it was difficult to notice anyway. "I'm fine", Zane replied gruffly. "That wasn't my question", Kim Minho said with a meaningful gaze at him making Zane sigh in defeat. "It's my parents, they're not coming back anymore, they delayed their flight. Sumi has been looking forward to today for such a long time since it's been so long since we saw them and...and it was stupid of me to think that they missed us half as much as we missed them".

Kim Minho patted his shoulder and said some comforting words to him before they just stood there in silence. Zane took in a deep breath and finally let out a small smile. "Thanks and I'm sorry by the way. I didn't mean to behave like that earlier". "Zane I understand, but I think that poor guy who was a victim of your wrath a while ago deserves that apology not me". "I guess you're right. *Sigh* I'm a mean person aren't I?", Zane asked and Minho just chuckled at his words. "Errrr maybe, but you're also a really good friend. However you've got to stop treating people like that. It's not their fault you're upset you know". "I know, I'll try to keep that in mind. By the way, what are you even doing here?", Zane asked. He was actually surprised at his sudden appearance.

"Oh, I just finished my check up with Dr Su. I was about to head home before I saw what was going on", Minho explained. "Aah I see. I'll catch you later then", Zane said and turned to leave. "How about we hang at my place in the meantime. I can help you come up with a good excuse for your little sister so she doesn't feel upset. Besides my mum's at a meeting so it'll be boring being home by myself and you look like you could use the company", Minho suggested. "I do not need company", Zane whined "But it does sound like a good idea. Let's do it", he agreed with a wide smile on his face. Minho was right, he really didn't want to go home yet but he was too stubborn to admit that. They walked together towards Minho's car and Zane felt much at ease now. He was glad he had friends that were always there for him one way or the other.