IT WAS dark again. How many times did Dandy see this darkness that she got used to it. And the difference this time, she cannot see herself coming out of it. She does not want to come out of it.
She likes the darkness now. She still remembers what happened before this darkness. Seeing Sora unconscious because of that magical being that attacked him, she regretted meeting Sora. If it weren't for her, Sora wouldn't be involved in any of this.
"Might as well let him go back to Tokyo. If he's there, he might be safer. And I..."
Dandy can feel herself moving. Looking for that voice as if she can see anything in the darkness. Was it her past life calling out to her? Why do the memories of her past life linger in her mind?
No--she knows that she is still alive. She just doesn't want to wake up. What's the use? She knows that Sora wouldn't be there anymore. maybe in Yomi, there, he would see him.