

Amidst the chilly weather, the breeze was passing. Snow was getting accumulated over the streets, hiding the usual, old Greys into pure, chunks of frosty snow. Christmas was past over, yet the streets shined with unbothered Christmas lights. It was past 11 p.m., yet vehicles were emerging out of nowhere and disappearing within a whoosh. Trees were covered in soft snow, nonchalantly sleeping as if you'd snuck under the white, fluffy blanket.

Sky, on the contrary, was much serene. The stars afar were twinkling, the sky is usually clear at the times of winter, and a certain brunette adored stargazing at this hour. Sakura was standing on the rooftop of her college, the far most secluded area. Kids usually hate visiting the place, even in the daytime. Thus, it's even quiet at the hours of darkness.

She was captivated by the beauty of the universe, which held her gaze calm towards the sky until she sensed she had an uninvited company. Sakura had a good sense of alerts. She was confident that she heard someone's footsteps approaching.

"Who could it be here at this hour?" She mumbled to herself while searching for a go-to-weapon. But the terrace didn't have much to offer for her safety, she hid herself behind an old cupboard, it was seemingly small to even hide her body, she removed one of her shoes to use it as a flying weapon.

The footsteps were growing louder. Someone was definitely approaching the railings of the terrace.

She watched a teenage boy, just about her age, walking up to the fencing. He put his hands on the railings and took a deep breath. Sakura only watched him stand there with his eyes closed. As serene as he felt, little did she know, there was a storm raging inside his mind. He must have come to blow off some steam.

He was standing there momentless until he smiled,

"You can come out. there's no need to hide." He turned around just towards the cupboard that Sakura tried hiding herself,

"Oh, I was not hiding, I just... I dropped my shoe behind the cupboard," Sakura lied under her teeth,

"Whatever," he then turned around to continue what he was doing.

Sakura had the chance to leave, but the stargazing wasn't complete.

After standing silently for quite a moment, She decided to break the ice.

"Isn't it peaceful? How fresh the air is?" Sakura raised her eyebrows.

"More like polluted, Ha!" He scoffed,

"But look at the moon, serene!"


"Can I ask you a question?" She took permission,


"Which star do you like the most?"

"What?" He turned his gaze towards Sakura, and she remained calm and didn't move an eyelid from the sky.

He let the silence revolve around them, letting her know how silly her question was and that he wouldn't even give it at thought.

"I know people doesnt have any stars on the list of favorites, I'm not surprised."

"Do you have a favorite star?"

"I do! I like the North Star better. No matter where we are, he never changes his place. It helped show the direction and all, but i feel that he's a little lonely. Staying up all by himself in the same old space. Empty space." What a heart touching speech.

"So, are you like giving him the company?" The boy scoffed again.

"Exactly! I am only fascinated by how he's always there when I look up at the north. I mean, other stars are collectively beautiful, but he has his own kine of charm! You get what I'm saying?"

"Mhm." He only nodded.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" Sakura walked up to him and stood beside him.

"Yeah," he didn't look at the stars.

"What brings you here?"

"Just needed a little fresh air," the boy replied. "What about you?"

"Stars look prettier from up above, so I come everyday, it's the only place I can find my solace within."

"What hurt you?" The boy scoffed sarcastically.

"Not hurt as is, I just feel very disturbed in this place, unlike my hometown, which is very calm and quiet." Sakura had this feeling to share her thoughts with this guy. Somehow, he made her feel comfortable enough to do so.

"Hmm, I was thinking I've never seen you here before. You must be new here!"

"Ah, yes, I'm the new transfer student."

"Really? Which school?"

"The one we're standing at!" Sakura chuckled,

"Wow, apparently I happened to be the student at the same school we're standing."

"What? Which class?"


"Too close, I'm in 11-2"

"Really? I sure thought you were a middle schooler or something?"

"You didn't!"

It wasn't very long until they both burst into a laughter.

"What brings you to this town ....? Er, what's your name, by the way?"

"I'm Sakura, Sakura Haruno! Most of the schools in my hometown were up to 10th grade only, so I had to move out, and I ended up here!" She chuckled,

"Hard luck! I go by the name Uzumaki Naruto, believe it!"

"Oh, I sure believe it! What's your story? You seem a little... upset or something like that."

"Uhm, maybe a little. I kinda clashed with my good old friend. " He gave out an awkward laughter as he ran his hands through his head. When he turned around, Sakura could see his sunny, blonde hair through the shimmering streetlights.

"How bad was it?"

"Not that bad. It was just over a game of ball, and you know, guys, fight all the time, but get back sooner than you know!"

"I know, what kind of game, by the way?"


"Volleyball? Are you on the volleyball team?"

"Pretty much! Mostly a bencher, HAHA"

"That is so cool! I love volleyball, and folks back at my hometown play volleyball through tournaments followed every year. It's like a custom!" Her eyes were sparkling,

"Damn, if you love the game so much, you could come see us practice. The school's starting from tomorrow anyway. " Naruto had a peculiar interest building about this girl.

"You bet I will, I'd love to see you play too."

"HAHA, you never could, I'm most likely the worst player on the team, y'know,"

"I wouldn't believe it until I watched you play, okay!" Sakura sensed he seemed too low on self-esteem.

"It's getting late, I think we should head back." Naruto smiled at her,

"Yeah, don't wanna be late for the first thing in the morning. Have a good night, Naruto. See you tomorrow." Sakura held a hand as a gesture to say goodbye. Little do we know, it's just the beginning.

Their hands grazed, and both of them headed back to their homes to have a good sleep because from tomorrow, there won't be a thing called as well take"Good sleep" for almost a semester. Things are about to get busy.

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Wow, thanks a lot for choosing this read!

This is just the beginning, so I won't talk much and let the story divulge itself!

Justscribblerrrcreators' thoughts