
Damn, I'm In My Own Novel

He hated cliffhangers and bad endings so much so he made his own novel! And while he was reading a transmigration novel, he got transmigrated himself! Follow Leo's adventure living in his 'own' world!

ImDrava · Kỳ huyễn
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55 Chs

Chapter 53 - Breakfast

I feel as though Mr. Mispholfo does not like this lady at all... I can't say I do either, she just kept blabbering on and on. And what the fuck is she even saying? Bring a girl to my room instead of thinking about a succubus? There are so many things wrong with that statement...

Bring a girl to my room? Shouldn't you be saying the complete opposite of that? And what the hell are you thinking when I ask about a succubus? Haah, this lady seems tiring...

I was stunned in disbelief; I just stared at her, and I couldn't think of any words to say...

"Hello? Are you listening?"

I sighed,

"Haah, Sadly I am..." O- shit, those words accidently slipped out, I paused for a moment before starting to speak again, "Uh, yeah, I'm listening."

"Okay! Was that all? I'll tell Grant about your 'problems!'"

I looked at her and didn't say anything.

Is this lady really a teacher...

"Go ahead." I figured if I said not to then she'd say some more stupid stuff, so I just told her to do whatever she wants

"Did you need anything else?"

Not from you- I almost blurted that out, but I stopped myself, "No thanks."

"Alright! Then I'll be on my way!"

I walked out of her way, and she left the teachers' building.

I guess I'll come back later, she's going to tell Mr. Mispholfo anyway. I'm sure he'll figure it out.

I walked back to the dorms.

"Welcome back! Did you get what you needed?" Kazu greeted me as I walked through the door, he was still in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.

"I think so." I responded.

"You think so?" He paused for a moment before continuing to speak, "Ah, well breakfast is almost done, could you wake everybody up?"

Huh? I don't even remember any of the names you said...

"Um... Sure? But who am I waking up?"

"Eh? You forgot already? Ah, probably cause you're still tired. Haha." He laughed for a second before continuing to speak, "Scarlett, Rylee, Rose, Ally, Chloe, Gene, Rio, you and me. Just tell them breakfast will be done soon for me please and thanks!"

I scratched the back of my head before speaking, "Alright."

Now here's the problem... I have no idea where their rooms are... Of course, the name plaques are on everyone's door, but I'd still have to go up to every door to see them. Haah. Why can't they just make some sort of big sign or something...

Why is no one even up except for me and Kazu anyways? Is no one here a morning person? I mean, I'm not either, but you should still force yourself up...

After walking around for a little while, I finally found the first person's door. Rylee Abel... If I remember correctly, isn't she the one who was really mean to him? Did they make up or something? Or is she some kind of tsundere?

Anyways, I knocked on the door. I was half-expecting for her to open the door and start yelling something like 'What the fuck do you want?' Contrary to my expectations when the door opened, she spoke with a gentle voice, "Leo? Good morning, what's up?"

Huh? That's a vast difference between me and Kazu's treatment.

"Uh, Kazu said breakfast will be done in a soon." I scratched the back of my head, half-confused.

"Oh! Alright, thank you for letting me know. I'll be out in a few." She smiled

What the hell? She's definitely a tsundere... Kazu, my condolences.


I started walking to the next room, I think Scarlett's was around here.

Haah, I yawned while knocking on the door.

"Hello?" A soft voice could be heard as the door opened, when the door fully opened, she spoke again, "Oh, good morning, Leo."

"Hey, Kazu said breakfast will be ready soon." I got straight to the point.

"Oh okay! Thank you for letting me know, I'll be out in a second."

"Sure, sure..."

After a few more similar conversations, I was finally on the last person, Rio. I decided to tell him last because I knew exactly where his room was, I didn't have to waste any time with actually searching for it.

I knocked on his door.

"One second!" A muffled voice could be heard through the door.

After a few seconds, the door opened and I was greeted with a smile,

"Oh! Good morning, Leo! How'd you sleep?"

"Decently, what about you?" I responded

"I slept great! You brought me to my room, right? I don't know why I passed out at the party yesterday, I must've been really tired, haha. But thank you for bringing me back!" Rio talked with a smile; it didn't seem like he remembered about the succubus.

"Yeah, you were pretty heavy." I jokingly said before mentioning breakfast, "Kazu made breakfast for us by the way, let's go eat."

Rio gasped for a moment, "Hey! I'm not that heavy! Am I?" He looked down at his stomach then I spoke,

"I'm kidding, you're pretty light. Or maybe I'm just strong?" I said before ending with a joke.

"Hey!?" Rio tilted his head before speaking again, "I-I'm confused but thank you! Haha!" He started to laugh, before stopping shortly after and speaking again, "Kazu made me breakfast?"


"Oo! I can't wait! Let's go!" He quickly exited his room still in his pajamas.

Did he wake up and put pajamas on? I brought him to his room while he was in his uniform. And when did he get pajamas? Did he ask for them alongside the blankets?

"Sure, sure."

We walked to the table where everyone else except Kazu was already seated, it had taken me over a dozen minutes to fetch everyone and I was getting hungry.

"Thank you for bringing everyone, Leo!" Kazu shouted as he was still cooking. He paused for a moment before continuing to speak, "I'm almost done, I'm just finishing the eggs!"

"Sure, sure." I said as I sat down, Rio sat in the chair next to me and it seemed like Kazu was going to sit at the head of the table.

A few dozen seconds later, he brought everyone's plates to the table.

To be honest, the food looked absolutely delicious, I never knew he was a good cook. Maybe I wrote a small sentence saying that or something, I couldn't remember everything after all.

"Ah, thank you for making breakfast!" Rio said with a smile towards Kazu.

Everyone else at the table agreed with Rio and said similar things.

"No problem! I'm glad to be making food for you all!" He responded, he clasped his hands together and shouted "Well, Let's eat!"

This smells pretty good. I'm starving, can't wait to eat.

As I lifted up my fork the dorms door opened.

"Hello?" A voice could be heard from behind, looking behind me I could see it was Kathryn, she locked eyes with me and started to speak, "Ah! Leo! I was looking for you. Could you come with me please, my dad would like to speak with you."
