
Chapter 95: The Funny MC

So, as I stood there at the podium, the Chairman of the Swimming Community came out and stood by me and started another speech again. I wondered why I must be called out just to listen to him speak when I can still hear him from where I was.

"It is a great pleasure to stand before you this great day, and I also thank you for accepting me as the chairman and coordinator of this great event. Well, I will not say that everything was rosy from the starting mark, just like the swimming itself, we had a lot of difficulties, but we give all thanks to the Almighty God goo had made everything possible. And also a special thanks to all of you who assisted through your time, money, and efforts. If not for you we won't have had a successful day like this. And also a very special thanks to the school principal who never for once get tired or ever had the thought of abandoning us with our numerous complications.

Well, it is said that everything that has a beginning has an end. Well, we have come to the climax of the swimming competition which we tag "The Merman." And as we all know, in this competition there is only one winner, and there is no room for a second position. Only one student gets the opportunity of being crowned the school Merman every year, and as we all may have noticed, for a good three years a student had been winning this competition, he had been with the title of the School's Merman for three whole year's, but today change is here. Change has come and he came with the name Damian Chibizor. He has passed through water and emerged victoriously. It is my great pleasure to announce to you your almighty, MERMAN!"

So he said as he used his hand to raise my hand up. Immediately Kunle was summoned, according to the swimming tradition, it is the person in the second place that will crown the winner of the Merman, so Kunle came out with his eyes buried to the ground and was visibly shaking like he was truly terrified. He came and took the statue of the merman which stood before us on a table all the while, Kunle took it and handed it over to me without saying any word, but immediately I had the award in my hands Kunle ran out of the stage and the MC. said in a hilarious tone

"Oh, poor boy, it must be hard on him knowing that he must pay his school fee this year, no refunding."

So he said hilariously and the whole crowd burst into laughter. The MC. of the show was a very hilarious man, he made lots of funny jokes, he even know how to abuse people sarcastically, he will do it in a way that you can't help but laugh even though you knew it was bad, he even fearlessly made jokes of my principals pot-belly. The funniest one was when he made jokes about my housemaster and his hefty vocabularies according to him:

This Yellow house captain, can someone ask this man to stop talking around me? My ears are already in pain, what is the meaning of all these words that he is even saying? If you check very well you will notice that these words might not even be correct, he only knows that we don't have time to check the dictionary that's why he has been bombing us with all this 'Isimatic isimolgy' English. Hahaha even me I've spoken mine, if I hear anyone say that I'm wrong, I'll just use this mic to stone the person

As soon I grabbed the mic with my hands, I felt this strange feeling like I had felt it before, almost like a déjà vu. Though, I tried to wave away the feeling as I noticed that it was bringing back the memory of the creatures I met in the pool. Aha, did I mention that Bright recovered on his way to the hospital? Yeah, he recovered before they could get to the hospital, so the policemen insisted the doctor run a drug test on him and when they did they noticed traces of hard pain relief drugs which might be tramadol, though he was given bed rest, I also heard the principal saying something about inviting his father to school to discuss his son's situation.

Without many things done, after my title was handed over to me, I was meant to leave the stage, and my house Master made it clear to me that I'll keep the statue with me for a couple of while and then I can hand it over to him, according to him, he was the rightful owner of the title, he believed he had worked hard for it, what he did I know not.

That day, I went home with excess excitement. It was Monday so mom will definitely come late, so I will have enough time to adore my award. It was a very beautiful statue, I almost mistook it for a true gold, it was made of strong and thick metal and sprayed with gold. I really love the statue, I felt like I was destined to win it l because right now I feel a strong connection with it. It felt like my soul was extracted and infused in the status, I wondered if I could ever be able to give it back to the housemaster when the time comes.