
Chapter 92: Sirens in the Pool

                     ***SIRENS IN THE POOL***

"Electra, are you the one keeping the land walker from making any move? Why is he staring like he can see us, why is he not swimming?"

Another creature asked, this one has a snake tale, as she spoke she wiggled her tail and tongue which looked like a fish hook. These creatures were too odd-looking, when I said they looked like girls I never meant they were beautiful, they just had the physics of a lady. Their face was pale, they had big round eyes, a very small nose the seemed to be hiding in the face, and a very thick lip, plus teeth that looks like fish teeth. They also got fins and they looked scaly.

"No! It's not me, I was even going to ask the same question." 

The one that was called Electra responded. 

"Now I get it, I now recognized the place that I heard this smell. It was in Elugushi, the last time we went to meet King Goldrich of Elegushi, I perceived this same smell from him."

The last creature said this one was also with a snake tale.

"So what are you saying are you sure?"

One of them asked.

"Please, what are you, people? And what do you mean by all these you say about me smelling and who is that Goldrich?"

So I said in my mind, and immediately they all took a pause and stare at me and also stare at each other? They were so surprised to hear me speak to them, they never believed their minds.

"Did he just direct his thoughts to us? And is he even hearing u? How possible is that?"

Immediately Electra swam to me, sniffing in the water, something I found strange, how could it be able to do that? Sniff in the water? Really that was strange, even me, I have earlier noticed that I can breathe underwater, without drowning but not to the extend of sniffing.

"Of a fact, This is Goldrich or his bloodline."

Electra said.

"But Goldrich has no air. He is a king without a spine."

So the one with a snake tale said.

"Hey! What are you?"

"I should be asking you this, I am Demian, a kid who you are about to cause him to lose out in his competition, so what are you?"

I said with confidence. I had somehow found my confidence, it was not easy, but I guess the water know how to make me feel good.

"We are Sirens, we were attracted by the substance that your counterpart dabbed against your back earlier, we were supposed to make you run a temporal madness which might lead to your death since you are in the water. But I guess it won't even work on you, since you seem to have affiliations with the big sea."

"Electra! Must you answer him? And how are you sure that he has a direct link with the sea, what if it is just a totem connection and not blood?"

One of the creatures challenged Electra. Electra was the only one among these creatures that her name was mentioned to my hearing, and I will also happen to meet with her again when I visit my father's sea.

"Well, there is only one way to find out, we have spent more time than necessary in this artificial water, we better be fast and leave before we will become visible to the sight of these crazy land walkers."

So did another lady say.

"No! We can't do that to him, what if Goldrich finds out we did this to his son?"

Electra said in my defense, now my fear started to be awakened, what they planned to do is something that I presently do not know.

"Stop saying this, no one is sure about Goldrich having a son, lets just give him the Aqua test, I'm a serpent, so it's easy for me to do."

Another one with a snake tail said with her hooklike tongue wiggling. 

"Ok, you all would do what you wish, but mind you, I'm not part of this, have anyone of you come to think that maybe King Goldrich wanted him hidden? You all know that this test will expose him to all his enemies, and you know how many enemies king Goldrich has."

Electra said.

Please leave my front we have no time, it's either we test him or make him mad."

 So did the spent girl said with her greenish talk wiggling. Now she came before me and opened her out wide opened like she was going to eat me up only to spew out a thick liquid substance which she threw on my body, immediately that substance got to me, I started glowing in the water, I felt so scared but even stronger, a new personality started growing Light withing me.

"I told you, but you never listened. Now let it be noted that I'm not a party to this."

Electra said as the creature which spew the substance on me started showing the attributes of fear in her, immediately all of them lined up before me and bowed their heads saying:

"We are sorry your highness, we had been bound by oath to a human family who is the owner of the substance dabbed against your back. Please do not mention this to your father, or we will all be destroyed."

So they all say. I was still confused, what father do they talk about? And who is this Goldrich that they are mistaken to be my father? I'm just some of a hustling lady who vowed to give me the best life any kid could have, so where is all this royalty shit coming from, or was I dreaming again?

"Tell us, what should we do for you as compensation for what my sisters have done to you?"

Electra asked.

"Right now, there is nothing more important to me more than my winning this competition."

So I said, at this moment, Kunle and the others were already swimming backward and the spectators were still there shouting and chanting, many wondering what I was doing swimming around in one place, while others believed it was my way of swimming. The water was so clear and clean, one can easily see anything or anyone under the water, but none of them could see the creatures with me, neither did they notice my glow.

My house captain now moving ups and down in panic, his only hope after a long wait was playing with his chance of winning. so he speculated.

"You are the son of Goldrich the Aquaking, you have no contender with the water, you father is the fastest water creature, so also will you be, he so fast that he can swim passe your sight like a flash, that is how good he is, so I think we have nothing to do for you then, just close your eyes and call on the strength and skills of your father and they will come to you, and in seconds you will be at the finish point."

So said Electra most politely and kindly.

But as for that bastard, we will have to reverse the spell on him."

So they said and immediately they disappeared from the water. Now I did as Electra said, I closed my eyes and said in my mind, 'Goldrich! I call on your strength and talent'.