
Chapter 9: First Contact

                           ***First Contact***

Ok, let's come back to the present, I guess you now understand mom's reason for calling me Demian, a name that rhymes with a demon. Well, it's true, I'm Damian, a hybrid of mom a beautiful human lady, and Dad, a seductive Akwa-being, and a Sea King, I guess that made me an Aqua-prince, and yes this is the story of my life.

I ran so fast jumping over obstacles like a sprinter in a huddle race, dodging some branches of trees as I ran through a bush path, I ran so fast only to stop in front of a small stream. There was a plank placed in form of a bridge to aid crossers to cross comfortably. As I got to the stream my expression changed, I wished that I knew any other way, but there was none known to me, I have to cross the stream if I must get to my destination. I used to be too scared of water, I believe that I have water allergies. I closed my eyes, spread my arms, folded my fist, and squeezed hard as I slowly managed to cross through the local bridge. Immediately I crossed the stream I continued with my race, I ran till I got to a house located almost out of town. 

"Mommy nurse! Mommy nurse!!!" 

I shouted as I banged at the door simultaneously.

"Damian! What is it?"

 A lady said as she opened the door to find me panting heavily like a fallen angel.

 "It's mom! It started again, and we are out of inhaler." 

I said with air gushing out through my lungs, making my words a bit unclear.

"That mother of yours, I've always warned her against this... Never let your inhaler go empty before a refill. But she is too careless, she prefers things of urgency, now give me the container." 

Said the lady and quickly she collected the Inhaler from me and ran into the house.

"Now run back to her, tell her I'm not happy with her. Now go!" 

She said as she came out Grinning, making this piercing expression as she gave me back the inhaler. I collected the inhaler and quickly ran home: I ran nonstop only to take a pause yet again at the same stream with the local bridge made of plank, I managed to cross the bridge the same way and manner which I did when I was coming. 


This was the scream I heard, my heart almost stopped as I heard the sound: I got even more scared when I opened my eyes to see a four-man squad standing on my way locking and cracking their fist. I actually recognized the boys, they were only but one group out of my numerous unfriendly folks, I had more haters than I had lovers in his community, especially among the male folks. Actually, if I must be sincere, I'll say that I find it easy to make friends with the female folks but almost impossible to earn a male friend, they often hate me at their first sight of me.