
Chapter 63: The Fake Queez

"Wait, you are set for school? I thought Damian said nothing is happening in school today."

Mam said. Well, my mom trusts my word, she knows I can't lie to her, it's just that she was a bit surprised to see Cynthia all dressed for school and I said there was nothing to do in school. Well, Cynthia also knows that nothing was happening in the school, all students were just going to play and have fun except for the swimmers who will just go and do some swimming practice. Cynthia wanted us to go to school so I can practice for the upcoming competition.

Hmm... Thank God that I have already warned Cynthia against letting my mom know that I was competing for the swimming contest, so, she was wise not to let her know that she wanted us to go to school because of the swimming.

"I got a call this morning that our Biology master is planning to give a surprise test today since he knows that plenty of students won't be coming to school today."

So she said, she quickly and softly manipulated the entire thing, what a smooth criminal she is. This was something that I can't do, definitely, I can't find the courage to lie to mom that way. 

                         ***The fake Quiz***

Jesus! What kind of a demonic teacher do you have in that school? Of what benefit will it be to them if the kids miss the quiz? Please help me go drag that sleeping Damian out, the cute heartbreak is still sleeping."

So mom said. You know, I never knew that Cynthia will want to come into my room alone after the yesterday's incident. But she actually did. One of the reasons why I didn't even want to go to school was the fact that I was scared to face her after the past incident, I felt she might not want to face me anymore, so, I was actually shocked when I noticed her in my room and alone without mom with her.

Though I was still in bed with my eyes closed, I was not sleeping, I was totally conscious of the surrounding of my room. I knew when Cynthia walked into my room, but I didn't know that she was the one, I felt it was my mom trying to pull me up and force me into having my breakfast as usual. But to my greatest surprise, it was not her. Cynthia walked majestically into my room, she sat on the bed with her legs on the floor and she gave me a sweet wet peck on the chick, she actually sat behind me as I slept with my back to the door. I felt the kiss to the chick and I knew that the kiss was definitely not mom's. Though mom kisses me on the chick quite often, but really? It Is not that kind of kiss, I felt her tongue on my cheek, and my mom just won't do that.