
Chapter 62: School Free day

"Common mom, nothing is happening, you don't trust me anymore?"

I asked.

"Of curse I do, but my boy, you are becoming a man already, very soon you will become eighteen, and you know that this is the period we humans often make mistakes, your mind is filled with so many adventures thoughts which might not be healthy, so my dear baby boy, be careful, ok?"

So she said.

"Mom, I'm brought up by a nice and well-cultured woman, so don't worry mom, you have done your part, allow me to prove to you that you have done a good job in bringing me up."

So I said as I forgot the fact that I almost messed up with someone's daughter not too long ago, hmm. My mom would have been so disappointed if she had found out about this crazy act of mine. Mom had made me again reflect on my action, I feel so ashamed of myself, that was not how my mom bright me up, why must I allow the hormone to control me, I am in charge here, not one hormone or something.

                        ***School Free Day***

The next day which was Friday, I planned to stay at home and not go to school but was later convinced by Cynthia to go. She came to my house very early after she was done with her preparation so we could go to school together, but when she came I was still in bed squeezing myself under the duvet. 

I told mom that I won't be going to school today, the reason I gave her was that we were not doing anything in school today. Yeah, we definitely won't be doing anything in school today, no lectures until after the competition, the only thing that I'm that will be happening in school today is the swimming practice. Well, my mom permitted me to stay home since we were not doing anything today, but everything changed when Cynthia came, mom was already having her breakfast when she came, mom had kept mine in the kitchen.

"Whenever you feel like getting up from that bed of yours you can find your cookies in the kitchen."

So she said when she opened my door to still find me snoozing. I was already awake when she came in this time, but I was just a little too lazy to get up at that moment. she had visited my room before this morning, she was the one who woke me up, yea, she woke me from my beautiful, I was having this cute dream with Cynthia when she knocked at my door. Mom made cookies for breakfast today, the last time it was pancakes that we had for breakfast. My mom was a kitchen expert, there was almost nothing that she can't make in the kitchen, there are days that we have shawarma for breakfasts.

So when Cynthia came, she saw mom having breakfast in the dining room, mom was quite surprised to see her all dressed up, she felt Cynthia would also sit at home as I did.