
Chapter 5: The Chemistry

                         ***The Chemistry***

As they interacted dad kept locking eyes with her, this created a very strong sensual chemistry. Mom felt the strange strong chemistry that kept connecting her to the stranger who later turned out to be the father of her only child, though she tried resisting the feeling, it rather grew stronger. 

"So where did u say you were at again? Cause I can remember scanning the beach earlier and I found no one presence". 

She said with her hand on her hair like she was combing. 

"Just beneath." 

He said pointing to the sea again. 

"Sorry o, by beneath you mean in the sea? Haha." 

Now her both hands are on the sandy floor, making her chest push out, now her enormous breast points up like the pyramids of Gaza. Hahaha, did I forget to say that mom is endowed in all ramifications?

"Yeah! From beneath the sea, I heard your rhythmic cry, and I couldn't float watching a pretty land walker like you in pain, so I had to do something."

He said.

 "Oh my God, you are so funny, you must be a comedian, a sweet one."

 Mom said, laughing in her sexiest way.

 "Really? You think I'm funny?"

 Dad asked, giving her a look that almost seems like a surprised one. 

"Hmm. Thanks for the compliment, I never imagined anyone could ever see me as anything near funny. So, thank you for the compliment, land walker." 

Dad said, finally, he wore a slight smile.

"Hey Mr! Please pause that land walker thing, I'm Juliet." 

Mom quickly corrected him.

"Oh! Juliet, pardon me, my kind always calls your kind land walkers.

 "Hmm... Na wa o."

She said making a face that says 'where is this one from?' 

"Your KIND you said, right? So if your KIND calls my KIND land walkers, what then will we call your KIND?"

 She said still maintaining the look, but this time she used her two fingers to make a quotation mark. 

"Isn't it obvious? I'm an Aqua-being" 

"haha haha! Aqua-being..... Which simply means you are a mermaid, sorry, merman, right?" 

Mom mockingly said.

"Yeah! That's right. That's what your kind call us". 

Dad said as he still stares into the eyes of mom.

"You are a very funny person, I'm sure you already know about that, right?"

She said this time she blushed because her eyes have caught the gaze of the stranger yet again. His eyes were alluring, so blue, and the craziest part was that he kept staring at her deep in the eyes, which drove her nuts.



"So, Mr. Aquabeing, what do you seek for on land? Or are you missing your way? And why are u with legs like a land walker? Hahaha"

 Mom asked dad in a teasing manner with her left hand on her flowing dark mane, and her other hand on the bare part of her lap. Her black miniskirt had pulled up slightly due to her sitting position, with her eyes still stuck to the bare chest of daddy.