
Chapter 40: Damian the Swimmer

                   ***Damian the Swimmer***

Oh, how could I have been missing this feeling? I felt like I heard a song, an opera song, I turned round to see the musician, but I found no one, it had been the water all along, now I realize that I was even breathing beneath the pool, what a feeling that was, all my fears have been washed away by this liquid passion of love I found myself In.

Whereas upon the surface, everyone was wondering about my wellbeing.

"Why is he not out since? what happened? Hope he is safe."

So did the Super Cee say? As I was down in the pool, I heard my name from above the surface, it was Cynthia's voice, she shouted in fear.


Then I started hearing other voices which suggested that someone should dive in to rescue me. Immediately I heard Cynthia's voice I quickly caused myself to spring up, the gracefulness of my beautiful gold-colored hair glittered exposing unexplainable beauty. 

"Go Damie. Go Damie."

So I heard from all the girls who stood there looking at me so lustfully. But the other nine boys who I was to compete with were already swimming back when I was yet to even make a move from where I fell. As I heard this, I sand back into the water, I haven't swim my whole life, but my instincts told me to kick my legs which I did, and before I knew it, I was at the edge of the poolside, I sprang up again, now when the people saw me at the other end of the pool in such a short time, they all had a jaw-dropping experience. But my competitors were already on the returning side. Now I really love myself, I sank back into the water and kicked my legs again, and just like a water jet, I found myself at the finishing side which was our starting point, the ln I sprang up yet again, and this caused a great wow from among the crowd, I came first, even though I started late, I still first the others, our housemaster gave me a hand to point me out, and I come out of the water, everyone was just chanting my name, I felt like a true celebrity. Now the super Cee rushed to me with the towel which I used to dry myself. I truly love the feeling.

But all the while I kept wondering about all the feelings I had in the pool, the song shd the fact that I could breathe underwater, could it be a symptom of death? No, that felt nothing like death, mom must have made a mistake somehow, but I still will not tell her that I swam, she might have a heart attack, and it might lead to me changing school and her hating Cynthia.

Why is mom so scared of water? What could be so bad about the sweet and embrace liquid? So I thought as I watched others practice.

On the other hand was Bright and his crew, discussing and gossiping, looking at me with this eyes of detest. It's obvious they have evil plans against me.