
Chapter 27: The Fool is not my Boyfriend

               ***The Fool is not my Boyfriend ***

During break period, that is; after the incident with the Super Cee, Cynthia and I both strolled as we were strolling we were also discussing, each of us was with a sachet of ice cream which we sipped occasionally. Just as I was obsessed with cakes, so was Cynthia obsessed with ice cream, withing the few days that we have spent together in school, I have totally lost count of how many ice creams that she had taken.

"Your boyfriend and his crew almost beat up today"

I said hilariously.


She shouted.

"When I went to ease myself. I met them at that isolated end, around the lonely school fence area."

I explained. 

"Wait a moment, you said my boyfriend? You mean those crazy rascals?"

Cynthia asked.

"If by crazy rascals you meant Bright, Ojo, and Sani, then you guessed right."

I responded again.

"That fool is not my boyfriend o, and please I don't have any boyfriend yet I, at least not yet."

She said looking at me with a little blush when she said "not yet".

"But hope they did not touch you, because, if they do, we will report them now to the principal." 

Cynthia said.

"No, it has not gotten to reporting time yet, they did not touch me, in fact, Bright made sure they didn't touch me, but his mercy came with a clause, and that us that, I must stay off his girlfriend."

I explained.

"But seriously, are you sure he is not your boyfriend? Like you guys have never had anything together before?"

"I swear, I never had anything to do with that clown, why would you even think I will date a guy like that? A guy that stupid."

Cynthia said.

"The dude sound pretty convincing o, he thinks I'm trying to snatch his girl, which is you, from you from him, Even that Ojo guy talking about Chinwe, and Sani about Charity too like they are dating."

I added.

"Please Damie, pay no attention to those clowns, they just sit down there and assume in their sickly dull brains that they are in a relationship with someone. The Chinwe that hates that Ojo even more than she hates shit."

Cynthia said in the funniest tone. Now I'm beginning to like it when she calls me Damie, there is this spice that comes with it, hahaha, don't even think about it, I'm not trying to replace mom with anyone, and the love I have for my mom is unique, no one can share that.

"Now tell me, will you snatch me?"

Cynthia said funnily but expecting an answer so seriously and she stared at me in the eye expectantly, I could swear that she blushed, but I just wasn't looking, if I had looked I wouldn't have made the mistake I made.

"Naa. I've got no plans of doing that."

I quickly blurted like a fool without reasoning. This response of mine sent a wrong message as it weakened the countenance of Cynthia. I quickly noticed the damage that my careless response might be causing, so I quickly rephrased my words.