
Chapter 251: Queen of the Coast

"Now come let us go back to the sitting room where your dad is supposed to come and meet us, I am done seeing your room, it is beautiful." So she said and we both left to the sitting room where we were met by fake dad a few minutes after we just sat down. Fake dad came out with a little crossing bag which was swollen and thick.

"Take it, this is eighty thousand, I was thinking about what fifty thousand Naira afford in this harsh time where everything is pretty expensive. So you may now go out there and buy the things you need." Fake dad said. I and Cynthia were dumbfounded we were never expecting this, the money was huge, what could we possibly get with the money?

"Thank you very much sir, we are very grateful sir, may the good lot replenish you, may the source of this money never run dry..." We greeted him with a thousand thanks.

"When you are going take one or two, or even more persons from here to follow you, so that the load carriage will be easy, and make sure u didn't carry much personnel to avoid issues when boarding a taxi back here. Or can you drive?" He asked me.

"Yes dad, I can drive." I responded. Mom had thought me how to drive. Since while we were at the East, and that was when I was fifteen years old, and that was also when we just relocated from Enugu to Anambra. Yes, I can drive perfectly, but I just do not have a driver's license.

"Very nice, you may pick any car out there and go get the goods, but be careful, do not give me any reason to regret these acts of mine, and I will not want to explain anything to your parents. Please ok." So he said. He is such a sweet person, he harbors all the qualities of a perfect dad. He was caring, understanding, loving, and really knows how to make sacrifices, and God knows, I love him for this for that. That day we went out with a white Benz which I drove, we never spent more time, we just went out and got all the necessary things that we might need for the party and even more, we made sure that we got there and back on time so that we might be able to come back on time, do some little declaration and leave the rest for the morrow. When we were done, I took the key to fake dad but the man who is endowed with kindness asked me to keep it for the while, he said that I will still need it for tomorrow.

"Still old the key, drive it home if you can, give my number to any officer that stops you on the way, or checks his tag and take his name, then calls me and tell his name if he refused to reason with you." So he said. For God's sake, how nice could this man be? If I had known him before I know about Dad, I probably might never accept Dad anymore. His kindness was extreme, even though he already knows that I am not his son, he still fights to gain my acceptance. 

After the purchase, we had excess remain of cash, which I attempted to share immediately with Cynthia, but she said no, that we should wait till after the part which will be taking place tomorrow, according to her, we might have a need for something during and after the party, so, it won't be wise to share the money now. 

We greeted and thanked fake dad again for the car. Cynthia and I drove the car home, we never had any issue on the road with the corps who manned the road, everything went smoothly. I drove to Cynthia's house and dropped her off while I drove home. Mom was was even surprised to know that it was her sweet son who was in the car that kept beeping the car horn outside the gate.

"Damian, is this not your daddy Matt's car? Did he ask you to drive? What is it with this man, I think I have to talk to this man, his own is becoming too much, what is even his plan? Why should he even be doing all these? And why must he allow you to drive such a distance." Mom said. She was quite disappointed at fake dad for allowing me to drive, I just stood there in wonder how someone will be mad over the kind gestures of a person.

"Mom, calm down, he did nothing wrong, all he did was to be nice to me." So I said and walked on. We got back a Lil bit late, and I was already hungry, despite all the snacks we ate, I still need mom's food.

So, we all walked in with mom making a puckered face, she was definitely unhappy that fake dad gave me a car to drive home, the reason for her hunger could not be justified by my thought, no matter how many times I try to reason it over, well, I guess she was only unhappy because she didn't get to be the first to permit me to drive her car all over town.

That evening, we had dinner very early, I had told mom how tired I was, and that I will like to eat and sleep, so I could also wake up early for the next day. 

After dinner we went into our rooms, I went into mine, and brought out my phone, and logged into WhatsApp for to that with the super Cee, by the time I penned my WhatsApp mail, I realized that Cynthia was even online and she had started spilling everything to the super Cee before I got online. Finally when I got online, the two girls, Chinwe and Charity said that I must be the one to drive them to Gariki, according to them, they also have to feel the comfort of a rich man's car. Cynthia had already gone on with her hyping, even Charity was just busy confirming all that she was saying as if she saw anything... All she kept hitting on was that she saw us at the park, and she realized that he was a billionaire...

That night after my shower, just as usual, I kept my phone by my side and switched off the tv and the lights and shut the doors to my eyes so k could sleep, but I opened my eyes after I realized that I couldn't sleep only go find myself in a beach. It was actually sundown, and u were amidst some strangely-looking companies. It was a fine blend of boys and girls, we were all nude, topless and butt naked, everyone seemed to be happy regardless of our Adamic nature, the wave, the current kept coming stronger, but yet, no one cared, it even seemed like each time the water broke and splash at us we found it even more fun.

It was also a full moon, and the water, even though it can't steady, it still took the position of a mirror, as it mirrored the full moon so clearly like the sky now became the cloud. Cold breeze hovered on the surface of the boulevard, the coconuts up in the tree flapped together making a rhythmic sound. 

The whole people there on the beach all of a sudden, stopped, they stopped their playing and changing and started moving backward as this great weave was coming, at first, I thought they were running from a violent wave, but it turned out the be that it wasn't current but that which comes with. As the current rode by so fast like a speedboat. As the current was coming, there was this massive school of fish that kept jumping and springing out of the waters. Now, as all the people ran out the water, I also joined, though I thought they were running from the current so I joined them too, but as they all ran out, they bowed down, that all bowed with their right knee on the ground and their feet matching the ground. I refused to bow for whatever it was that they bowed to. But as it advanced, the water began to rise as if it wanted to take the shape of a human. The sight started becoming sharper each second and only then did I begin to understand why the people were so scared and ran off, but why they were bowing to it was still what I never understood, finally, the wave halted, it halted when it was almost at the shore of the waters, then it started manifesting itself. It eas in a form of black water, we all was there seeing it transform and materialize, one person among the group asked me to bow since I was the only one still standing, but I could not bow, if I do, I might not see the creature as well as I will love to, gradually, the water rose as took the form of a human, but it was still a body of black water with a head, a pair of legs and a pair of hands that kept recycle back and forth into the great water.

"Who do we have here? A Goldrich? What an honor, but do you father know that you have found your way to the coast?" So the creature said, it spoke in a feminine voice, dough the gender could not be identified because it never really had a face, it was just a body of black water in the form of a human.

" I know that you will be wondering who I am... Well, popularly known as the Queen of the Coast, I rule over all the coasts of the entire universe. I have countless mermen and mermaids at my disposal, most especially mermaids, I and a goddess to your half part, the honor, fear and worship me, they bring me countless sacrifices for in exchange for a favor. That same opportunity I will offer to you. But on a free, no sacrifices, only if you now to me. I shall do for you whatever your mind could think of." The creature said again with water gushing up and down like a spring.

I stood there for a while, thinking why this creature will want to see me now to her.

"But I am sure that you already knew that I am Damian, the only son of Goldrich, Goldrich Poseidon. And I am the heir apparent to the throne of the Atlantis, and I am sure you already know that a Goldrich will never bow, we will never bow to anybody." I responded to her, now standing firmly like a soldier.

"Hahaha... You are a true Goldrich, full of pride just like your father. Well, I heard of your soon initiation, and I came to let you know that I... I will never watch that happen,, I shall be the hindrance to your initiation. You are not our kind." So, she spoke, she sounded more cream mean but real. I had know that her calmness was fake, she was naturally aggressive, but she was just playing nice to get me to bow before her. 

"I shall be going for Now, I have seen you for myself, and I am making you a promise, you will never fully become a Poseidon, I will surely see to that." So she said and started mixing once again with the waters, it melts down and blended with the waters and turned into a strong wave once again and it started to retreat from where it had come. Now as it went backward, the group of people who were previously having got up from where they were bowing and they went on with their dancing and playing like nothing ever happened.