
Chapter 220: We Have to Leave

"And I am not blind, when to the trend and fashion of you land walkers, in fact, most of your trends are influenced by my people. I came this way cause it is urgent. And as for you my boy, Cynthia sent her regards."

Did he just say, Cynthia? How did he know her, he just can't possibly know Cynthia except he had gone to our place, hope he had not done anything bad to my Cynthia, the thought of him having done anything to my Cynthia gave me the courage to speak out and rebel.

"Hey Dad, how did you know who Cynthia is? No, you have better not tell me that you did anything to my Cynthia."

So I said.

"Hahahah... My Cynthia, I said it. Shell nothing is done to her, now go in there and get your things and go home." 

So she said, he first gave this fake laughter and he asked us to home in a commanding tone. This time I turned around only to find fake dad in the pool of his own tears, he was shedding tears like he was one child, that was the level of love he already had for us, I think we broke his heart, I think what we did was wrong, he never deserved that, he is a good man who only had good intents for us, seeing him in that state broke my heart, 

Now, mom tried to apologize to him but he never gave her the chance. She walked slavishly with tears rolling down her eyes and her hands on the maw, but as she got closer to him he drew backward, he must have nothing but disgust for us right now. This even got me angry, why must we have to go leaving this way, we manage to find love and be happy, but once that person finds out about what and who were are, they will run, not just run, that wey will start seeing us like a monster. This is not fair it is not like we chose to go be who we are, it is not a choice, it is not even a mistake on my path, it is the way I came, yet, people hate me for things I had no power over. Why? Because they think they are more perfect and I am not? 

Looking at fake dad behave that way changed all the sympathy I had for him to annoyance.

"Mom, leave him and let us go. We have our own home."

So I said in annoyance.

"And Woman, you must never undermine the powers in this boy, he is my son, and those villains cannot harm him, there is no way they could ever be a match to him. I know the once that could be his match for now, but I shall prepare him for them. But those once who came to the I've lad, they are weaklings."

Dad said to mom still in his staunch-looking face. In the same manner, he turned to me and said

"You have to know and understand who you are. You are a Poseidon. The power of blood bending which had long lost omong our species breathes in you. It is a sign that you will be the long-reigning immortal king, you will being stability to your people the people of Atlantis. You have to be proud my boy, be bold and declare to the land walkers who and what you are, they are supposed to bow at your feet, you can choose to crush them if you wish, and you can protect them if you also wish. And fear not my boy, and follow your instinct. Your instinct, your gut and your sense of smell, they will never fail you, it is a thing to us. Now take your mother home. You are already a man judging by the Mariners, so, do not depend on your mother for protection, you must be the one to protect her."

So he said to me be fore he turned his back and wandered out. When he got to the fat, he tapped on the Lieutenant who now served as his special gateman and he got up quickly from his slumber and helped to open the gate for him so quick without even wondering what was going on.

As soon as he shot the gate, all the security agents got up from their slumber, lookingg all confused and lost, quickly, the Lieutenant ran towards the opened door which we uses yo see them.

"Madam what about bus? Where is madam? And what is going on? I have this feeling like some strange man came in here."

He said and asked at same time.

"You have a feeling? You have a feeling you say, when you are the one who opened the gate for him to come in and also openness for him to go out. You are just a disappointment. On man came into this house and did all he came here to do and he left freely, it was only after he had gone that you are asking us stupid questions. The most annoying part of it was that you are the one who opened the door for him, you allowed him safe enter and safe exist."

Fake dad said looking very furious as he managed to stand up still limping. 

"Sir what happens to you? Why were you on the ground? And why are you limping? Did something happen in this house?"

The lieutenant asked but fake dad was too angry to pay him any attention.

"What did I pay you for? Why were you contracted? When I was been assigned security, I personally asked that you and your boys should come along, little did I I'mow that you are nothing but just an empty vessel, all you have left is you past glory, I was blinded by the things you have done to me earlier that is why I asked for you. Hmm... Now I see, the priest fruit is the saddest. You have really proven to me that I made a mistake."

Mr. Bright said registering his annoyance and contempt. These word ran deep into the heart of the Lieutenant, he felt degraded, but he can't say anything back at fake dad, he was bound by obligation not to.

"Madam, good afternoon, what am I doing here?"

Evelyn said as she finally opened her eyes. Evelyn is only waking up from her her slumber just now doesssspite all the shouting and notse around, even after the shouting by Mr. Matt she still did not wake up, she only woke up after she was done with her sleep, she didn't wake because of any noise.