
Chapter 211: Buffet

The food was served in the form of a buffet, it was left for anyone to come to serve herself. We were the show at the park that day, as everyone was just staring at us as we ate different manner of food and drinks and at the same time dancing to the song which the DJ. Played.

That day was quite fun, a Christmas I have marked the worst turned out to be the best. Cynthia felt like I won't have fun without her, well thanks to Mr. Matt and Charity, I had all the fun anyone could ever dream of. So, as the horizon closes on the weary eyes of the sleepy sun, all the folks in the park began to follow the trend of deserting the park, Charity came with the other girls to inform fake dad of their departure and the also thanked him a million thanks and wishing him well for the food, and the nice man who was bent on making me proud of him deeper his hand in his wallet and removed a bunch of money which he never counted and handed it over to the girls and asked them to use it for their transportation home. This made them even more grateful, Charity gave me a look with wide-open eyes and a falling jaw. The girls resumed with their thanks again, and Jennifer's flirting activity even grew more intense, she kept on winking like someone with a sandy particle in her eyes, and also she licked her lip on and on like she had a remnant of the ice cream on her lips even her body posture was imbecilic. The girl really does not know that I had my eyes only on Cynthia, too bad that Cynthia had to turn into a little which recently, but even though it is true that I hated Cynthia at that moment, my love for her never depleted. 

So after the thanks which came after the money, the girls got set to go, and u had to see them off, this time Jennifer clung to me so right whispering word that was unclear yet so erotic, she kept starting deep in my eyes as she muttered those voiceless words which sink deep into my subconscious, and the smell of her body, so sweet, she just smelled like sex itself, trust me, that will do well in a prostitute business, at her age she already knew the A to Z of seduction, who knows, maybe she was there when Robert Greene wrote "The Art Of Seduction", a book I found in mom's shelf, I could read it all to the end because I only heed to read it, I just knew that any book found with mom must be a super interesting one, like "The Art Of War" and "48 Laws of Power". These books were the most powerful book I had ever read and they were handed over to me by mom after she was done reading them, but mom never gave that to me, even though I anticipated it.

Thank God for Charity who came and dragged me away from her soft but tight grip, I think her grip had something to do with emotion because she was this tiny weak but sweet-looking girl who could not by any mean trap anyone down by force, yet I found it difficult to free myself from her grip.

"Madam rest, you see this one? You can't have him, he is taken, I have told you, I am sure you Cynthia, you know how she behaves, just don't control yourself, you will soon get beaten by her, always horny when you see a fine boy, leave this boy alone o."

Charity said to her as she dragged me away from her. 

"Damie, you never told me your dad is this wealthy, in fact, you never spoke about him, you only talk about your mom, and boy she is cute, but your dad, hmm... The man is not just rich o, he is super rich, you guys are rich and you are letting those clowns treat you like they like when you can just tell your father and he will send soldiers to the school.."

Charity said, though she was serious about what she was saying, it still sounded hilarious to me.

"Hmm... No wonder Jennifer wants to die for your juice. Hahaha, that my hoe friend, none of us let our boyfriends close to her, the girl is a natural fucker, a sex addict. But we love her, she is a very nice person."

Charity said. I saw them off to the gate and bed them fair well and I ran back to meet mom and fake dad, by the time that I got to the place where we were, mom and dad had already packed up everything into the car, mom called me when I was wandering around the mat position.

"Damie, we are here. Come over let's go home."

So she said and I hurried up to meet them, Dad opened the door for her while I looked at her with a shot of smile.

In no time we were already home, fake dad drives like mom, just too fast regardless of the time, and the Abuja road is very smooth and nice to speed on. We would have been home earlier than expected if not for the police who raised an unusual checkpoint on the road, fake dad said that this checkpoint could mean two things, either that the police got intel on a terrorist movement or the police have come out to find means to extort money from citizens in other to selfishly fund their new year expenditures. He even went as far as saying that the latter is the most likely to be the case. Fake that sincerely had little or no faith in the Nigerian police. Well, just like he said it, the latter turned out to be the case, one of the policemen even wanted to extort fake dad, but fake who later swore that a policeman will never get a done from his hand.