
Chapter 203: Tne Kitchen Help

"Hhhhk, hhhhk" I sucked in some air into my lungs, it was the sweet smell of fried chicken, cooking was already going on, I perceived mixed smell, more like a cocktail, I quickly jumped up from the bed thinking it was mom in the kitchen. As usual, I have got to go help her, helping mom out in the kitchen has come to become a thing for me, as I ran out of my luxurious room, a white room, white bed spray, golden bed, and locker furniture, plus a little touch of some black colors.

I never knew that white and gold plus little black could be this beautiful. "Thud! Thud! Thud!" This was the sound that I just started hearing as I stepped out of the room, the sound kept coming in a duplicating manner, more like there were more hands in the kitchen heating or pounding something. Immediately I fastened up my step as I stumbled and missed my way over and over and again trying to remember the way to the kitchen. The kitchen was shown to mom and me the day before the cook, an Efik lady, a very beautiful light-skinned lady, almost too classy for a cook, she was so not like the cooks we see in the Nollywood movies where they dress very archaic and having this funny accent. This one is just not liké that, her name was Evelyn and not the usual Ekaite or any other names which they often used in the movies. So, it was Evelyn who gook mom and me to show the kitchen, she was asked by her boss my fake dad to do so. But now I don't seem to find the way leading to the kitchen, everywhere just seem the same in this gigantic building with innumerable rooms, it's quite easy for one to get lost here, one has to have a map for an easy and effective movement. After missing on and on, I then decided to use my gift to trace the kitchen, I decided to track the sound, "follow the sound, it will need you to your destination" so I said to myself.

Now, everything sounded so bright, the thud sound, to parter pater sound of rushing water from the kitchen tap to the sink. It didn't take much time for me to locate the sweet-smelling kitchen, I did not only open my ear to get there but also opened my nose too. I was quite shocked when I opened the door. 

"Good morning young master."

This was what was echoed as I ventured into the kitchen. It was like they were having a cooking competition, the kitchen was clustered by a throng of crowd, they were all cooks, I just can't tell or understand what they were all doing, only yesterday, dad introduced one person as the chef of the house. Boy, it was later that I understood that Evelyn occasionally employs the hands of some professional cooks to help her in some occasional meals, especially during festive periods like this. As soon as I came in, I was rushed with greetings, I became restless, I probed the entire Kitchen with my eyes for any trace of mom, but I couldn't find her, she was not here, she couldn't be, there was already enough hand to help, things are no longer like they used to be that it was always mom and me with no one to help us.

"Pheew!" I exhaled immediately I find myself outside, I felt very embarrassed to find myself in the mids of the throng of cooks, and I was even in my pajamas, and ut was oversized, I always feel so small inside the pajamas, mom even often make gest of me by saying that I look like a little cute girl in her dad's pajamas. I wondered how they saw me, what they think of me in it, they could even think that I was wearing fake dad's own, 'what a way to embarrass myself so I thought as I quickly rushed to mom's door, and banged at it lightly "knock knock." So I banged.

"Damie, is that you?"

"Yes mom, happy Christmas!" 

I responded to her and she hurriedly came and opened the door so I could enter, as soon as she opened the door, I rushed inside, dashed in, and gave her a warm hug.

"Good morning my sweet mom."

So I said with my harms tightly gripping her.

"Hey! Release me, do you want to squeeze the life out of me?"

She asked as she pushed me trying to break the bond.

"Mom, you were not in the kitchen?"

I asked looking at her as I left her, I made an embarrassing face which sent mom laughing at me.

"You went there? Hahahah... I knew it, j knew you will run to the kitchen in search of me. I also wanted to go to assist Evelyn but I found out that she already employed hands. And you, how did you manage to locate the kitchen, I never did, I stumbled over Evelyn who asked me never to bother that she already got help. This place is very difficult."

Mom said. For a fact, it was not an easy thing to locate anywhere in this place, I just knew mom's place because it was near my room.

"Fact, really mom, it was never easy, I missed the road severely before I had to use my gift to locate it."

So I responded to mon, but she wasn't all that happy with the response, she was like why must I have to use my gift, she asked me to try and conceal my gifts, she said I can only use them when I had no option, mostly for the use of protection., so she told me. I actually understood her, but that was not the kind of life I wanted, I was already growing bored of hiding my gifts, those gifts were what made me what I am. I need a place where u can use my gift without fear of being watched, definitely, this is not the place.