
Chapter 192: Take me out of Here

"My good friend, I don't know but I think you are about to make a huge mistake, you are trying to complete things, ok now tell me, how will you convince your son about this? You know how he is, he already knows your thought before you say it."

Aunty Paula said.

"He doesn't dare, he doesn't try that with me, he can't go through my mind. But my problem is how to convince him, but I still won't see it as much of a problem, I know he can be stubborn sometimes and even rebellious especially when he feels like he was been ridden on, but he is also my son, and just as you know your way around your husband, so also I have my ways around my son, I dont see my convincing him an impossible task, I only see and achievable but difficult task."

Mom said in confidence.

All the while, I was at the other corner, thinking and confused about what I must do, seeing the way Cynthia makes her face whenever she sees me breaks my heart, many a time I have tried to see if I can establish a conversation with her, but no, it was so impossible, she makes sure she frustrated all efforts placed by me to start up a conversation to her. There was even one time when I had to wait for her at the kitchen where we could have a little privacy for a little talk, but it never worked out, I rather got the shock of a lifetime. 

I saw she was doing the dishes in the kitchen, and she went into her room to get some things, that was when I snuck into the kitchen, u stayed there and waited for her when she came back in, she walked directly to the washing sink with this melodious humming that she made, she walked in without noticing my presence. Just as she started with the washing, I came out from where I was sitting, it wasn't like I hid, she just didn't see me because all her concentrations were channeled to the dishes in the sink, so even as I came to her, she still didn't hear my sound because of the sound of the music she had in her ear, she was wearing an earpiece and the music was very loud, so, when I walk to her, I stood behind her for quite a while, trying to get a little smell of her before confronting her, I wasn't certain of the response that I will get from her.

So, after a whilee of standing behind her, I called her name, even withe me begind her, she still didn't not hear me call her, that was the loudness of her music, she was literally endangering her hearing with such a sound. So, after calling without a response, I decided to give her a tap, but it was just after I tapped her that realized how bad a decision it was to give her the tap

"Blood of Jesus Christ, I cast you, I bind you, I destroy every tie I have with you, you demonic son of the sea, you marine spirit, Holy Ghost fire, you Damian the demon! Return back to pit where you came from, you evil spirit."

These were the exact phrases that she used to me as soon as she saw me, at first she was shocked and looked like someone who saw a ghost, then those utterances followed. Shame and regret I found myself meandering my way out of the kitchen, I even almost lost my way from the kitchen.

That was the worse thing anyone had even said to me, or the worse approach in my entire life, for her to say those words to me, she must have really hated me, that day I cried, I cried for the first time after a long while, I went into the room allocated to me and lead out a river of tears, she doesn't need me, she is going to leave me, she made it clear when she said that she broke all ties we had, how did ineven grow so dumb to exhibit those powers in her own presence? When not hide her in a room and lure those tools to the sitting room where I will deal with them? Why must I do such a thin before her, now see how much she hated me, so I thought.

This was when I decided that I will have to talk to mom there is no way that I can stay in this house anymore, we will have to go anywhere else, even if there is nowhere left yo go, I'll rather go back home than staying in the same house with the love of my life who hated me, who could even trade me for Lucifer himself.

Mom and aunty Paula heard Cynthia voice when she was casting me with hypocritical prayers, they felt that the creatures were back again, so the had to run up ti see what was happening, they first ran to the Kitchen where I started hearing aunty Paula shouting at her before mom knocked and barged into the house. I could swear that I even heard Cynthia telling her mom that she want me to leave the house, she even said that mom can stay bout let me leave the house, she even threatened to tell her father that aunty Paula was concealing a demon in the house, a water demon she said, and that eater demkn was me, I was the one that she was referring to as the water demon.

Immediately mom came into the room, I quickly stood up from where I lie with tears gushing out of my eyes, mom was shocked and really touched to see me cry, according to her I was a child who hardly cries, so I rang to her and cried to her saying;

"Mom, please let us leave here, please take me anywhere else I am begging you, I can't stay here anymore, I don't even want to spend the night in this house, please mom do something"

So I cried.