
Chapter 190: Now She Knows

We were there when aunty Paula took Cynthia into the house, they both walked into the room, even as she was still with her mother, I still saw fear in her face she looked at me with the face of terror. I gave her a remorseful look, she was still terrified as still, when they got inside, aunty Paula sat her down to the bed and asked her to take in a deep breath which she did, she even took in more than expected, so, after that, her mom asked her to explain what it was that happened, she was also asked to not be afraid that she was here with her.

"Mummy before I called you, I and Damian were seeing a movie at the African Magic, then all of a sudden, he started acting like he was perceiving smells, later he asked if I heard any sound which I actually did not hear, I said NO, for a fact, the only sound I heard was the ones from the TV. But all of a sudden, from no where, their people were inside our house, mom they did not even make use of the door, it was as if they were a shadow, they held their hands as they walked slowly to our side, making one extremely scary sound, as they came to us, Damian also held me as if he was trying to protect me and I held him back too, I never knew what his plans were, before I knew it, his eyes had changed, his use glowed like a torchlight, it was not funny mom, these people, fire came out of their hands, and Damian mom, you won't believe it, I saw it clearly, water gushed out of his hand too, mom before I could know it, he had started to kill them one after the other without giving them any chance of survival, then, after he had killed them he now turned to me, with his glowing eyes, mom he is a wizard."

So she said. When she was done talking, her mom looked at her for quite a while before she started talking to her.

"Cindy, I know what you saw, and I understand that you are scared because of that, you think he will hurt you. Now you said it all, he was never aggressive towards you, all his aggression was at the bad guys, what do you expect him to do?

Fold his hands and watch? He had one responsibility, and that was to protect himself and also protect you. That was what he did, he didn't hurt you and he will never hurt you, Al he did was protect you."

Aunty Paula said.

"But mommy he killed them, he killed those people."

Cynthia said.

"He killed them? Did he? Where is the dead body come and show me?"

Aunty Paula said.

"Mom, are you kidding me? I said he made them disappear."

He didn't my dear, the oy left the way they came through."

Aunty Paula defended me.

"Ok, what about his eyes and the water that comes out of his hand?"

Cynthia asked, 

"My dear, I think that now is the time to tell you everything about your friend, he is a good person, I'm sure you already know that, I am sure that you have realized by now that he is different, hmm, yeah, I am sure that you have noticed that already. Yes, he has changed, or should I say he is not like us."

Aunty Paula said, she just didn't stop there she went on the tell her everything that my mom had told her, she told her that I am not a human, she said that I am a merman, a water creature, according to her, that must be the reason why water gushed out of my hands. She even told her that I am an Aqua Prince, the heir apparent to the throne of the Atlantis.

"Mom, can you listen to yourself? What are you saying? Are you trying to cover up for him? I that is what you are doing, then I'll like to tell you that you are doing it very wrongly, what do you mean by he is a merman, and what do you mean by an Aqua Prince. Hey, mom, you can make a very good storyteller o."

Cynthia said, she laughed when she was saying it, she found what her mom was saying as hilarious, the once upon a time Cynthia who was crying had now been the one laughing because her mom told her the truth about me.

"Ok young woman, explain what happened here, I am telling you what is and you are here saying another thing, Damian is a merman, his mom told me so, why did you think that I asked to stay away from him, it was because of that, at first fear that he could be dangerous, but I later realized that he is far from danger, he is only dangerous to those who pose a threat to him and his loved ones, that was why the other day, I said that I trusted him, you remember that his mom was saying things like was I sure about you guys staying together all alone? Unsupervised? But I told her that I trusted him, and even till now I also trust him."

So aunty Paula said in my defense.

"So what you are trying to tell me is that he is a mermaid, that he is a fish."

Yeah, exactly, most important, he is a fish, after that your swimming competition in school, he became sick, his skin started growing fish scales, it was even in Lagos that they went for the cure, you don't remember when they went for lag?

Aunty Paula explains and aked.

"Yes... I remember, no wonder... Mom he does not swim normal, no human can swim the way he does, he was too fast, and he swims from underwater, and there was a time that I suspected that he stays underwater, that is in the swimming pool of the school, I suspected that he spent a lot of time in the pool, but I thought that to be absurd of me to even think of it, how can a person find comfort underwater. Mom, there waste many clues, he left a lot of clues for me to see, but I wasn't looking at that nook."

Cynthia said looking very shocked, she quickly got up and took a peek outside the door to see if anyone was watching, after that she went back and shut the door, then came back to her seat and did to her mom.

"What is it? Why did you do that?"

Aunty Paula asked.

"Mom, is this not obvious? We have been leaving with marine spirits, why not we tell dad, hmm, no wonder he is this handsome and overwhelming"

Cynthia said.


"Mom, let tell Dad, year, let's tell dad, and also let's ask them to leave our house, they should leave, they are evil."

Cynthia said.

"Baby, what is your problem, will you shut that mouth of yours, now listen and listen good, your Dad must not hear about this."

"Mom... But why?"

"Yeah, he must not hear about it, Juliet and her son are not evil, my poor friend made an unexpected mistake that led to this, and for now, she needs my help, and there is no way that I won't give her that help which she needs, if I was in her shoes she will definitely do the same for me, she is a very nice lady, she had been so all her life."

Aunty Paula said, she cautioned her daughter against telling her daddy. Though she did this, she still have not accepted me for who I am, in fact she hated me, she might no longer be afraid of me, but I thing that I disgust her, because I see that way she looked at me, she looked at me like she sees an animal.