
Chapter 187: They came again

color ran and hid behind me, theses ones were strange, they were not the ones that came to the house, it is only the woman who seemed to be the leader of the other ones that was here with this group of three, but she was no longer the leader, she wasn't like the leader because she now possessed the attribute of a follower, in fact, she stood behind, maybe it could her fear for me that sent her hiding as Cynthia did, another thing I observed was that the two who stood equally as leaders both appeared like they were male, you know how it, it is almost difficult to ascertain their gender, so I only judged by the stature and bodybuilding.

Seeing them right here and now was so scary, I can't fight them down, because I fear for what Cynthia will do or how she may react if she finds out who I was, so I grabbed her by the hand ran towards the outside door so we could cry out for help when we got to the door. But when we got there the door was locked already, it was locked by magic because Cynthia tried using the key to unlock it but it wasn't successful. So we ran back into the room to hide.

"How did they come in? The fat was locked and all doors were locked, how did they manage to scale through?"

Cynthia asked as we ran for safety, but even as she asked with fear and expectation I still did not respond to her, all that mattered to me was how I could get her to safety. When we got into the room, we locked it and used the cupboard that was there to make a wage on the door, the both of us pushed it to the door. All this while I had full confidence that I can defeat the attackers, so, they were not my fear, but my biggest fear was Cynthia getting to see me in that state, in the state where I will lose myself and start manifesting supernatural powers, that was my fear. So, I tried my best to keep my self-control in check and that was why I tried to hide from them, but the people seem to be air themselves as they penetrated through walls like shadows. 

My poor cute Cynthia, she almost died out of fear, she kept grabbing me and crying, calling on her dad to come for her safety, now the problem was that we had no cell phone with us, Cynthia who had her phone before had thrown it down because she was too scared to have a grip on her phone.

As we were there thinking that we were kinda safe for the while, the three people walked into the room where we were with their hands locked with each other, they walked majestically coming closer to us, as they came closer, we walked backward, we continued in this stance until we had our back to the wall, there was no other place to amble to, it was even now that we had stopped movement that they strode faster, they walked to us and I bent using myself to form a shield of protection for Cynthia, as they got to us, they stretched their hands of destruction against us, now I started feeling strange and uncomfortable, I felt like someone was draining my life out of me, all of a sudden, I started hearing this sound of gushing water, I felt like the whole of the house was gradually turning into a river. But I was not just the only one having such feeling, Cynthia In her own screened like a dying lamb, she wailed with her hand on her heard, she now looked like someone whose strength was fading away, this was when I made the decision to be a man and face these monstrous people who had come here to instill fear and cause pain on my fragile Cynthia. 

Now, when this happen, I quickly sprang up causing the three of them to fall off like they did the other time, now I stood looking at them with my eyes which had now started to glow in a very bright blue, totally changing the entire color of the room. When Cynthia saw me in this state, she screamed and ran to the other end, she looked at me with fear, I saw the looks in her eyes, she saw me as a devil, I tried to talk to her but the more I came closer to her the more frightened she was, I saw her quiver, her teeth began to jam like she was suffering from cold.

This made my anger to erupt, that which I fear had happened, and it was the fault of the creatures from the bottomless trench. Now I walked to the people who now held their hands so right and saying things only they could comprehend, as I advanced, the lady from the last encounter began to draw backward, she already had an experience with me, so, she knew what was coming, the poor other two, they do not know that which was about to hit them. But just before I got to them, the three of them raised their hands up and a ball of fire for me in their hands and they all directed the fire to me, but as the fire came to me, I raised my hands as if I was going to use my hands to stop the fire from hitting me on my face, but as I did this, there came water which gushed out of my palm with a strong gust, the water from my palm put out the fire, this left the people in awe, It was only the lady who was not shocked by what I did, she gave the other two a look which could mean, 'I told you'. But that was not enough, I haven't even started with them, I now raised my hand pointing at one of the men, as I raised my left hand up, the man's leg was also raised out of the grown, signifying that it was my hand that lifted him off, then I used my right hand to make a gesture like I was dragging something away from the man, and just as it appeared, it happened that it was true, I was draining the man off all the water in his body, I drained all of the water in his system, I caused him to open his mouth and water kept gushing out If his mouth like a tap. This continued till the man shrank then he got toasted and transformed into ashes and disappears, I think the man died because the other two were seriously concerned about him, out of anger the other man ran to me for a fight, now I caused myself to float in a way that my been cannot meet the ground, as the man ran to me, I quickly raised my hands towards him and started doing the same thing I did the other day, I made the man to fall to the ground and he starts to jerking, he kept making himself look very ugly as he kept squeezing himself in a very strong pain, this went on until the lady came and laid her hand on him and they all disappeared. It was only when they had disappeared that I started regaining myself that I saw how Cynthia sat in shock looking at me like she had seen one devil in me, now my eyes were back to normal but she was still scared of me, it really broke my heart to know that she was scared of me, the love of my life genuinely scared of me, I just do not know what to do.