
Chapter 181: Mon's Mood

"Your father? Your father you said? So you are already calling him father, what is your problem? What have I not done for you? Ok, where is he when those people came? He was there in the sea enjoying his luxury and talking to fishes while we almost died. Now tell me, who had been with you all this while? No, I am asking you, who had been with you through your troubled times? It is me, now you are telling me that your father will protect, protect my foot, you have better take that shit off your mind right now, Mr. Father."

So she said very angrily. Actually it was obvious that she did not understand me, I was never taking a side, even If it comes to taking sides, there is nowhere that I could possibly take the sides of anyone instead of mom's, a was only trying to let her know that dad will always protect us, she never knew that he was the one he gave me the powers which I used against those who came against us.

Throughout that day, I noticed that mom's mood was odd, I never knew what bothered her, and I couldn't go into her heart, she had warned me times without number against anything like that, so, reading her thoughts was so out of it, and I couldn't even ask her because of her mood after she was after our discussion. After the discussion, mom left me and buried back her head to the pillow, she went back to the position that she was earlier before I came in.

That day went well, I remembered that night was very fun, Mr. Bright was quite a funny man, we all sat in the sitting room watching a movie on the African Magic TV Channel when he started telling us of some of his funny life experiences. He had lived in Lagos as well, just like mom, he also had Lagos experiences. But mom hardly speaks about her Lagos life, maybe because she was trying to bury all of her Lagos time in her past because of dad. 

Talking about dad; being with Mr. Bright for this few times, he had made me realize how much I have missed the presence of a father in my life, I never knew how great a father was until these few days with Cynthia's father. I love and envy their closeness. Cynthia had always spoken about how strict her old man was, but little time I had with him and my experience with him proved everything that Cynthia had said about him as false, in fact, I even noticed that she was even freer around him than with her mom. As for me, I can't say who I am more free around because all I have had was mom, she had been the only one with me, she was literally all that I had so I had no choice but to have her as my favorite, not like I have a choice, I sincerely envy Cyntia because she got choice., and she got them both. It was after our session in the sitting room that went home and started thinking of how my life would have been if I had a dad, would it have been better? Or would it have been worse for me?

As I was in my room pondering, I still perceived mom's emotions, she was not happy at all, I wished there was something that I could do to make her feel better but I know not of that thing, but as I wondered and scamper for something to do, a thought crept into my mind asking me the spy into her mind and see what could be bordering her, maybe I will have a solution without asking her of it since I already know that it was impossible to get it out of her mouth. So, since I can't get it out of her mouth, I have decided to get it out of her head, so I had to sing into her head.

It wasn't easy trying to penetrate mom's mind, it was not like it was any different, but it was still different, this is my mom who had always worked me against doing such to her. Doing it to me was more than disobedience. So I had to penetrate, but before I start, I had to lock myself away from my mind.