
Chapter 179: Balderdash

"Anything else?"

She asked.

"Oh, no my dear."

 So I said as I flushed out a huge chunk of air from my system, air that almost choked me as she was saying all those balderdash of hers, for a second I felt like she already knew me for real, I was so happy and excited to know that she knew absolutely nothing about me. We were just there when I felt a footstep coming closer to the room where we were, so I quickly passed her up and I ran quickly to the door did leave only her on the bed, but she was yet to know why I did that, she felt like I wanted to play with her, so she grabbed a pillow from the bed and she aimed it at me, I didn't care I slowly held the door handle and opened it for it to look like It had been open all along. She was still not satisfied with the first throw, so she picked another to aim at me when someone came knocking at the door, the person noticed that d door was opened so she pushed instead, it was Aunty Paula, Cynthia was shocked to see her mom at the door she quickly dropped that pillow but the mom already saw it. But the mom was not mad at all, she felt all we were doing all the while was play, and she felt Cynthia was scared that she found her messing up the house. 

"Hmm... You don't have to drop it, I have seen it, I have seen how you are helping the young man spoil the arrangement of his room, after all this play, you must make sure that you join him in rearranging everything, rough girl, now go and open the gate for your father, he just called now saying that he is on his way."

So aunty Paula said and left.

"Hmm... Close one, but how did you know that she is coming? You ehn, you are one strange person."

She asked smiling, but I just told her that I never knew, I said it was just a hunch.

"That kind hunch."

So she said as she hurriedly went to get the key which she usually keeps in the locker which was attached to the sofa, when she came out, I joined her, I met aunty Paula whispering to mom that she found us playing, that we were throwing pillows at each other like couples, she was actually indifferent about it, she didn't actually care, well I guess that she was only doing this because she never knew how far we have truly gone, she still believed that we were just friends who enjoy the company of each other. So, when Cynthia went to the sitting, she went directly to the locker where she normally kept the key, she took it and walked outside to the gate side and I followed her.

When Mr. Bright came down from his car, he looked tired, she quickly helped to connect his portable bag where he keeps his noble and other writing materials.

"Welcome sir, how was the service today?"

So I asked and he looked at me with care and he smilled saying

"Service was ok, and thank you, how are you? And how is your mom? Hole you people are ok?"

He asked. And I responded to him, I answered all that he asked, ranging from how I was, and how mom was and if we were all ok, I gave indiscriminate answers to the questions. He also told Cynthia that he was hungry and she quickly rushed to keep his Bible pouch and quickly rushed into the kitchen to dish the food for her father. Cynthia and her mom had earlier this morning prepared rice and Banga sauce, so when she got back to the kitchen she quickly switched on the gas cooker and place the sauce on the burner, and left it to steam, all the while, I was with her, as we were there waiting for the sauce to steam properly Cynthia looked at me and said sorry to me.

"Damie please, sorry oo, I was carried away by your chemistry, so sorry I never asked you about the attack in your house, I heard that you fought them down till they ran away. So you are that strong, only you fought five of them? You didn't tell me that you are this strong o, hmm... That was how you almost killed those boys who came to fight us the other day that we were coming back from school, you know you gave me a scare, the fear started from when the guy wanted to hit me, but I was confident that you won't let any of them touch me, but my main fear was when you almost killed that other one, I feared because if you kill him, we will be in trouble. You are a very strong man I know, but I never knew that you can fight rubbers, rubbers with weapons, we're you not scared?"

So she said.

"Hahahah, I was not strong dear, I am just a man, and one great man told me, that the duty of a man is to his family, he must protect his family, that was just what I did, my mom is my family, and I had to protect her at that moment."

"Awwn, so sweet. Does that me that you also see me as a family? Because you protected me that other day."

So she said in a very sweet way, she made her face look like one sweet toddler begging for candy with those cute irresistible eyes.

"Yeah baby, you are family. Common you are a family to me, you don't have to take me before you know that?" 

So I said.

"Awwn, I love you."

So she said and I quickly hushed her so that she won't say something that will attract a problem, her Dad is finally at home, so nothing of such should be pronounced. When I hushed her, she quickly held her lips and bled out a sweet low pitched laughter.

"But hope you those hoodlums didn't do anything to you." 

She asked again but aunty Paula came in and from nowhere she jumped into our discussion.

"They were no match for hi, my dear, your friend is a living superhero, if only you know him for real." 

So she said when she spoke see speaking in response to Cynthia

"What is there to know about this gold-headed boy? I know him all."

She said hilariously and we all burst into laughter, as aunty Paula said to her then she just doesn't know who I am.

"If only you know." 

She added.

"Aha, is the sauce not ok yet? Your dad will soon come out of the shower."

Aunty Paula added and quickly went for a special-looking plate which she used to dish rice for her husband.

"It's ok, it's ok please, off the gas, let me go and serve my husband."

Aunty Paula added, and Cynthia now turned off the gas and her mom dished the sauce on a different plate but of the same set as the one with the rice.