
Chapter 178: Who Am I

I just stood there watching her lay there creating so fast with that cute innocent face of hers, then I went to her where she lie and I whispered to her ear saying:

"Go and wash up, I can perceive your sweet juice."

She laughed when I said this.

"Seriously I'm drenched, won't you like to lick it dry instead of going to the bathroom to waste the nice juice, so she said teasingly. Though she was not serious when she said this, I still gave it a thought, what if I just help her do the washing with my tongue, so I thought, but that will only cause more harm than good, she won't let me stop without the real deal, and there is no way I will stop, so I just had to be a man and join her to laugh about it like it was truly funny.

The both of us lay down there in bed saying nothing to each other, only running from body contacts. It was only after a while when she opened up and said something.

"It's not like I don't want to bath, but if I should go take a shower now, mom will suspect something, and you know your mom already saw us kiss, so she will just jump to a conclusion. And I can't bath here, you will see me naked."

She said and I burst into laughter at her last statement, she thinks that I will see her naked, I just love her sense of humor, on a very good day, Cynthia is a very funny person, just that her mood swings like a pendulum, and when it does, she becomes a totally different person.

"Come here you crazy head."

 I said to her as I pulled her to me, she now took her head and kept on my belly, we both lay on the bed but she now had her he'd on me making us to form a "T" shape.

So baby tell me, will you still love me if you find out some dark secret about me?"

So I jokingly asked her, I knew that her mom already knows everything about me and it is only normal that she will definitely find out soon, one day or the other, it really bothered me about how she will feel when she find out that I am not like her, that I am of the sea, that I am a true Aqua man, an Aqua prince from the Atlantic ocean, I feard that all her love for me will change into fear, so I thought how to make her get a clue so that when she finds out she won't h

Get all that shocked, but I was really not that courageous to say such.

"Hmm... If I find out any secret of yours from you... Hmm... No matter how bad it might be, I will come to understand, after all, you told me, it only takes great love and trust to let out dark secrets, but if I get to find out outside, especially if it is something which I feel that I was supposed to know, hmm... Damie, it will be hard for me to forgive you oo."

She responded. Hmm, she didn't even know how bad the secret was a and she was already making threats.

"Ok, what if you find out that I am not who you think I a?"

I asked again. 

"Hahaha... I already found out and I am not even mad at all, in fact, I love that about you."

So she said. When she said this, I felt this strange sweat of tension run down the rare corner of my left ear. Did she find out? How, did her mom tell her? And how come she had been cool about it, how is it possible that she will just love it like that. So I thought.

"What did you find out?"

I asked to be sure.

"I know who you truly are, or maybe I should say that I know the kind of person that you are, you are a good pretender, you try well to hide it, I started noticing right from the school, even before the Exams, you started dropping clues after the swimming competition, though you still tried hiding it, you know I have always been suspecting you, and how you managed to get all those areas of concentration, you think that I don't know? See Dammie, you tried hiding it but you just can't hide your true self from the girl who loves you, you might have successfully hidden it from your mom, but not from me. I got you here."

Who she said continuously, as she kept saying this I almost pissed oñ myself, how did she even know about it before I did, all these while I did not know what I was, how comes she did and she kept it cool?

"The truth is that I like bad boys like you, your sense of badness and adventurous lifestyle was what made me fall this madly in love with you. So I know that you are not this good boy that you claim to be in the face of your mom and others. So whenever you are around me, take off that good boy facade and be yourself, you baby love you the way you are, so I didn't even see that as a secret."

So she said feeling all fly like one super investigator who just unlocked a deep secret case.

"Wait a minute, is that all you know about me?"

I asked looking at her face very curiously in anticipation to hear something else.