
Chapter 171: The Power Of Demian

Now I have managed to take their attention off mom causing the five of them to concentrate on me. Now one of them raised her hand to strike me with a ball of fire which formed out of nowhere into her hand, but the lady who seemed to be their leader, the one who spoke English like a Spanish person who was still learning English stopped her, she stopped her saying.

"No! We need him alive, the queen did not mince words when she said that she need him alive."

Sos she said and the one making a ball of fire brought her hand down and they held their hands back together walking to my side, but I was dauntless at the moment, I saw mom squealing in fear, but I don't know what happened, she seemed to be magically strapped to the ground where she fell, I saw her struggle to release herself but she could, but somehow, I felt like she was strapped down there by the power in me.

Now as they walked to me, I stood without making a move, I was there till they came to me and made a circle, I still stood there unshaken even as they stretched their evil hands towards me as if to curse, but I only made a move when the first hand touched me, quickly without hesitation I grabbed the hand and I twisted it so fast and hard, I twisted it till I heard a pop sound before I let go of her, the four of them now came with force to subdue me, but I hit my leg on the ground and lifted myself up so that I can stand very tall with my chest thrusting up and my face upwards. Now, the act of mine brought about a strong force in the form of breeze which pushed them far away from me, they all fell to the ground, hitting themselves again walls and furniture.

As they fell to the furniture, they still stood up, now one raised her hand to strike me with the ball of fire which she just caused to grow out of her hand, but as I noticed what her plan was, I stretched my hand towards her and slowly but firmly I clutched my hist, now something happened, as I clasped my hist against the lady who was attempting yo strike me with the ball of fire, she started screaming in strong pain and agony, as she screamed she grew weaker as she slumps to the ground, when the rest saw them, including the one that I broke her shoulder, they scream out loud saying:

"Blood bending? No, no, no, only one Merman can do this and that is the great Poseidon."

So they all screamed, immediately they all ran together holding the one who was pretty on the ground twitching like one suffering from epilepsy.

"Now we have to go, we have to report this to the queen mother."

So did the one who was like their leader said. She was the one whom I had seen the other day trailing me with her curious stare. Now as she said this, they all held hands with the one having a seizure on the ground and they just magically vanished into thin air. Where could they have gone? That was the answer that I kept asking myself. But as soon as they led, mom became free and mom ran to me and gave me a hug, she kissed me in the head and dragged me to the door which happened to be opened now, mysteriously, the door which seemed to be locked before became and opened the door all of a sudden. As we stepped out of the door, mom held my hand and quickly ran out of the boulevard to Cynthia's place.

So, it was clear that the queen of the coast must be the one dad has spoken about, she had sent her thugs against me and mom, first, they came spying on us, then they came and disorganized our house, now they came and attacked mon and I, who know what their next plan will be, but there is one thing that I know, and that is the fact that I am equal to the task, I am a man now, I will surely protect mom, now I remembered what dad said to me in the dream, he said that I must take care of my family, I know that he was referring to the throne, but for now, my only family is with mom, and I will do anything to take care of her, thank God that Dad thought it wise to give me these powers, even me, I knew not that I had such abilities.

Even my mom was surprised to see me perform those magic, hahaha, that is what she calls it, she called it magic. She never believed her eyes, she wondered how I could have such powers in me without her knowledge, little did she know that even I did not know about it, I only know of my glowing eyes and strength that comes from nowhere, but the blood bending thing? It just happened.

These people must be from the Bermuda Triangle, that was the only explanation, they did not just run away, they disappeared. No wonder there was no break and entry in the house when they entered to disorganize the place. You know, just like the war in Heaven the serpents came for that which cannot be given, the dark mermaids from the Bermuda Triangle had come to abduct me to their dark region, but little did they know that my father King Goldrich the Aqua king had warned me ahead of time, and he had equipped me with h powers yo fight them all down, with my powers I will protect my mom who I know will never sit and watch evil befall me, Just as she had always protected me, so shall I protect her, I will protect her against all evil.