
Chapter 17: She is a Box of Trouble

                   ***She is a Box of Trouble***

Well, we just can't wait forever starting at each other like we were one dumb or something, I just had to do something which I did but was only rudely interrupted by her.

"I am..."


I tried introducing myself, but Cynthia the Mrs. Know all quickly interrupted by helping out. Could you imagine? She had been quiet all through, but at the moment I chose to break the silence, she also chose to interrupt.

"It's Damien."

 I also quickly corrected, I really dont feel comfortable when strangers call me Damie, in fact... Only mom had that right, at least for the moment. 

"And what is the difference? Damie Damian, it's the same." 

She also said, she kept giving me this undefined look that kept getting me confused. Yeah, she was quite mysterious, why will she look me deep in the eyes in such a  manner, it made me feel inferior. 

"Ok... How come you already know my name?" 

"I figured out."

 She responded almost too quickly, giving a careless look. 

 "You fig... How's that even possible? Who figures people's names just like that? Are you a witch?"

 I asked, this time, I wore this curious look, as I noticed that mom and I had not fixed out any bad-spirit alter yet. 

"Your looks... Is it not obvious?"

She responded slowly.

"Obvious? I don't see how my look or anything will scream out my name that loud."

I asked, looking even more confused. I must confess that the girl Cynthia gave me trouble to understand especially on our first encounter, though I liked her from the first time I say her, common, who won't like her, aside from my mom whom I am sure that no lady is as beautiful as, not even beneath the sea where there is a level of impossible beauty, Cynthia is the most beautiful.

"Ok, if that will make you feel better, my Mom told me. She told me about you this morning as we baked."

She said, she said it very freely.

"She somehow talks a lot. Yeah, she talks, your mom will soon get tired, hahaha, well I guess she is already used to her. And she thinks you a kinda handsome, now dont go feeling all fly"

 She bent to whisper as she bent to carry a dusting rag to dust the cushion. Hmm... I must confess that her comment boosted my ego and confidence, well, I know I'm a cute guy, I dont like to brag, I know because people say it a lot... Now, to be sincere, I like to brag about it. Yes! I'm super handsome and I know it.

 "I think you are also beautiful."

 I also said to her. But the unusual Cynthia, instead of blushing as every normal girl would, she rather gave me a response that is totally alien to what I was expecting.

"Hey! I never gave a room for flirting. Cynthia! yes, Cynthia is my name." 

She said, interrupting me yet, and again in a rude way.